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The JFK assassination Grand Chess Board
Eastern Establishment and the Military Industrial complex
[TD]Eastern Establishment and its Allies
David Rockefeller
Nelson Rockefeller
Wall Street
[TD]Eastern Establishment and the Military Industrial Complex Alliance[/TD]
[TD]Military Industrial Complex
Texas and Western region
Aeorospace Industry
Munitions Industry
Big Oil
American Security Council[/TD]
[TD]Allen Dulles
CIA, Cuban operations, Warren Commission member[/TD]
[TD]Nelson Rockefeller
as founding member of the American Security Council[/TD]
Dick Cheney

Afganistan-Iraq wars[/TD]
[TD]Edward Lansdale
CIA, Vietnam, Cuban operations, Counterinsurgency Doctrine[/TD]
[TD]Edward Lansdale
as founding member of the American Security Council[/TD]
[TD]Donald Rumsfeld
Afganistan-Iraq wars[/TD]
[TD]John J. McCloy
Banker, Disarmaments advisor, Warren Commission member, chairman of the eastern establishment[/TD]
[TD]Eugene Rostow
as founding member of the American Security Council[/TD]
[TD]Ronald Reagan
Sponsored by Bechtel[/TD]
[TD]Roswell Gilpatric
Defense, Cuban operations, Counterinsurgency Doctrine[/TD]
[TD]Henry and Clare Luce
as founding member of the American Security Council[/TD]
[TD]Kaspar Winberger
[TD]Eugene Rostow
Defense, Cuban operations, creator of Warren Commission, along with Joe ASlop and Dean Achenson[/TD]
[TD]Averell Harriman
as founding member of the American Security Council[/TD]
[TD]George Schultz
[TD]Walter Rostow
National Security Council, Cuban operations, Counterinsurgency Doctrine[/TD]
[TD]James Jesus Angleton
CIA, manipulation of Oswald file, mole hunter, anti-communist, Ivy League and Yale, founding member of the American Security Council[/TD]
[TD]Richard Nixon
Eisenhower's policy
West coast interests[/TD]
[TD]McGeorge Bundy
National Security Council, Cubanoperations, Counterinsurgency Doctrine[/TD]
[TD]RockefellerFamily Investment in Defence and Armament Industry[/TD]
Ultra right winger from Texas, big oil[/TD]
[TD]Adolf Berle
Latin America affairs[/TD]
[TD]George H.W. Bush
Rockefeller ally and their choice for president
instead of Reagan[/TD]
[TD]Clint Murchison
Texas big oil[/TD]
[TD]Z. Brzezinski
Trilateral, Eurasia politics, grand chess board[/TD]
[TD]George Bush Jnr.
Iraq Afwanistan war[/TD]
[TD]Henry Kissinger
Trilateral, Salt, Vietnam War[/TD]
[TD]Averell Harriman
founding member of the American Security Council[/TD]
[TD]J. Howard Pew
Ultra right winger from Philadelphia, Mamantov Marina's interpreter worked for SUNOCO oil[/TD]
[TD]George H.W. Bush
Rockefeller ally and their choice for president instead of Reagan[/TD]
[TD] Z. Brzezinski
Trilateral, Eurasia politics grand chess board[/TD]
[TD]Averell Harriman
eastern establishment[/TD]
[TD] Henry and Clare Luce
as founding member of the American Security Council[/TD]
[TD]Dean Acheson
Proposed the cration of the warren Commision along with Aslop and Rostow[/TD]
[TD]Clint Murchison
Great Southwest Corporation
a joined venture with the Rockefellers and the Wynnes, that owned the hotel marina Oswald was secured after the assassination[/TD]
[TD] DuPont
Armaments industry[/TD]
[TD]Dean Acheson
Creator of the Marshall plan and main designer of NATO[/TD]

As you can see the Rockefellers were not at odds with the military industrial complex but cooperating together. The liberal Rockefellers had financial investments in the Defense sector companies and Nelson was one of the founders of the American Security Council, the primary lobby for the military industrial complex that campaigned for both Cuba and Vietnam invasions. And it was Nelson and their representative Kissinger who campaigned for the invasion and bombardment of Vietnam and Cambodia.
The battle between Nelson and the ultra conservatives occurred when the right wingers like Pew and the Texans rejected the liberal divorcee from New York and who later united their forces with Reagan. And It was George Bush their choice to be the next president after Carter's demise, but they had to settle for the vice-presidency again since the ultra conservatives had their way again. And they battled again over the SALT agreements, Kissinger's and therefore Rockefellers plan. It was people like the Pews who have cooperated with him in their conquest of Latin America that have turned against him and backed Goldwater.
If Nelson had become Ford's vice president would there bee a need to create Carter, his brother's David choice, the first Trilateral President?
There were assassination attempts against Ford and a threat against Carter. Who organized these attempts? Did some powerful interests tried to favour the Rockefellers or the conservatives who opposed the Rockefellers?
Later the Bushes, oddly enough - Rockefeller men - would place in power Nelson's enemies Rumsfeld and Cheney to invade Afganistan and Iraq.
I believe the Rockefellers (or the institutions and power structure that they have created) are running the show, but they needed and wanted assistance and cooperation from the Conservatives as means to the end. Actually the Rockefellers represent the money trust and the Global Power Corporation in the States.
They have different ideological and political views but their goal remains the same: Power and dominion, a full spectrum dominance. David Rockefeller plays both the liberal and the conservative hand depending on what is serving his interests. It also helps me to hide behind the scenes and let the others take the blame. And if the people are upset with the democrats he offers them the republicans and vice versa. But he controls both sides of the coin. The Pews via Mamantov's manipulation of Marina Oswald and his previous contacts with Oswald indicate that Pew of Philadelphia, home of the Quackers and of Ruth Paine might have helped in the creation of Oswald the Patsy. But he was competing with the Rockefellers in the oil business although they have worked together in supporting the Wycliffe bible and its Latin America mission in the conquest of Amazon. Could it be possible that Pew helped remove an obstacle like Kennedy or they killed Kennedy in a struggle against the eastern establishment? Kennedy was the first and last president who did not ask Nelson's assistance in the government.
And only recently two members of the trilateral commission became Prime Minister's without the people's vote both in Italy and Greece, Monti and Papademos.

Henry Luce labeled the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] century as the "American Century".
This new American Century was to be build on two pillars:
1. The dollar, wall Street
2. Military strength
Combining both forces you get a full spectrum dominance.

There are still unanswered questions, and the table probably needs modifications but I hope that we'll eventually resolve them. It is a complex spider's web.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Eastern Establishment and the Military Industrial complex

Interesting stuff Vas. Nelson Rockefeller and GB senior actually disliked each other a lot.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
The presence of Zbigniew Brzezinski in the fascinating chart (which prints to four landscape pages) prompts another mention of his coauthorship with Robert M. Gates of the 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper "Iran: Time for a New Approach."

Seamus mentions Nelson not liking Pluperfect very much. Brzezinski was Carter's national security advisor while Gates was GHWB's DCI and GWB and BHO's SecDefwhat? Oil and water? Or oil and oil, or bubble, bubble, toil and trouble, these witches in the same cabal?

Iran is on, and it caps the run-up which was the Betty Crocker cook-off of the secular regimes to install Sharia from Middle East Story.

Dean Acheson. Mentioned in history of origins of that Korean unpleasantness as having caused it by omitting Korea from the stated defense perimeter, that part of the tablecloth the USGOV would hold stainless. I don't insist upon that interpretation, and Russian and Korean and Chinese propaganda scoffs. But there it is.

In parallel to the gaffe by April Glasby in conversation with one of the Saddam Husseins, that "we" would consider Kuwait "a regional matter." Was that a green light, or another convenient scapegoat or plausible denial.

Acheson alluded to as the nongovernment originator of the Warren Commission in Donald Gibson's The Assassinations article citing a William Bundy bio. William Bundy married Acheson's daughter Mary.

William and McGeorge "served" JFK, the latter (per Prouty et al) sealing the doom of the Brigade by cancelling the final raid on Castro's lethal jets, and (per Prouty and Greg Burnham) authoring the draft NSAM 273 the so-called bridge document.

The Bundys' sister Harriet married the Don Belin who as counsel for Treasury was the acting secretary on various occasions including November 22, 1963.

Surface disputes, animosities, spats, snubs to the contrary notwithstanding there remains a game to be played by the very few above the many for some but not necessarily all or most of the board.

Iraq was so resisted by Barry, but it had to be done, for Saddam was an inconvenience. To the Saudi king to whom Barry bowed and to whose soft hand Bush had so carefully clung. To Tehran's loveable little Rat Boy shooting Neda with impunity while the Mubaraks and Qadafis and Assads face the fracking of the CIA-NATO Arab Spring.

We are next to the poppy fields row on row
While drones paint the landscape in Day-Glo
And Massive Ordnance Penetrators sit on go
And Kim and Vlad accouter Hugo

The very rich are not like you and I

They have people for that. Some say it's important to determine if someone like the Dulles brothers were the people who have people or the had people.

Clearly we've been had by all of the people on this marvelous chart of V's

Some of that mystique ought to be acknowledged. These two-hundred-year-old shape-shifting reptilians worked very hard on their various pretexts.

Are we leaving Iraq for Iran as reward, or bait.

Are we in Afghanistan for prevention or provocation.

Bundy and Belin and Dulles Oh My

All watched over by jabbas of infinite greed.


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Where does the Goldberg/AIG world fit in this model if at al?

scroll down at that website and watch the 33:47 show entitled THE FAMILY EXPOSED ...!
noting that at the very end the fellow offers up evidence for analysis by others....

Here's the YouTube channel:
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Hi Ed

I don't know who Goldberg is or if he had any relation to the JFK case.
If you want you can explain further your thoughts.
Vasilios (and other good kind people), all of the videos in question have been removed from YouTube, theoretically to re-appear, but who knows? Now, with them gone, one has to ask what one thought one saw (especially having gone down almost immediately with yet another febrile episode), so we'll have to let it pass.

I don't have any thoughts other than the simple fact that there a lot of dots in close proximity to one another when you start to look at the CIA, the national security state as a whole from the days of its OSS genesis, the role that AIG played in years since Dealey Plaza, the role that AIG played in the great American Federal Reserve bailout, the role that AIG played before/during/after 9/11/01, etc etc ad nauseum. I do not state that Goldberg was personally involved in any way shape or form in any events in and around Nov. 1963; however, it is virtually undeniable [if he is the person I thought he was] that the interests with which he has been involved since 1963 have been integrally involved in state crimes, tyrans-national economic and perhaps criminal events, etc. The nexus of people and organizations [e.g., Hauer, Bremer, Convar, Marsh & McLennan et al] around what Goldberg personifies is deeply embedded in the Iron Triangle, the military-industrial complex, numerous intel agencies, indubitably the funding of a black op or two, and God knows what else.

I have also stated that in many ways I am looking at the JFK assassination through the other end of the kaleidoscope; maybe others should change the space/distance between their own lenses. The well-discussed and well-regarded Evica-Drago model may have one flaw if its users insist on using it like a Brownie box camera, trying to affix Polaroid-wannabe snapshots of personas and personalities when, if seen over time or better yet with the distance of time, they have the ability to be stop-action frame-specific videos that can better see hidden movement. [The functional analogy was the way in which the fictional military intelligence unit in Red Storm Rising sped up -- 100X -- videotapes of satellite traffic surveillance to detect the patterns that enabled them to identify the changing locations of petrol depots.]

If the debate is about sponsorship, it must look not at players in the immediate vicinity of the event but on methods, movements and mechanics of similar efforts over time.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
I just went to and saw a bunch more people who I don't think are the same person. Just sayin'.
Lauren Johnson Wrote:I just went to and saw a bunch more people who I don't think are the same person. Just sayin'.

Haven't been there today, myself, but I'm not going to take a stance that "the ears have it", or that this fellow has a functional theory about identity that can be widely used and applied; I'll leave that to the forensic specialists.

What concerns me greatly
, and what I believe I saw evidence of (now pending re-posting of the videos), was the presence of a "repertory company" of people who show up to play roles in key news (legislation impetus) events, and especially in re: 9/11, given its use for the PATRIOT legislation and as a casus belli.

If there is a grouping of people who are organized and coordinated to participate in ways that are intended to change the perceptions of the common man of a mediated event such as a SCAD, an attempted assassination, and if these are funded, led, and coordinated by people with close affiliations or alignments to governmental agencies, covert operators, or fiscal/economic manipulators, then we have a significant threat to democracy and world peace and the potential for continued manipulation of domestic and foreign affairs within the arguably-most-powerful military empire in the world.

I did not see any indication or evidence that "the ears" either proved or denied the presence of such activity.

What I did see was significant evidence in terms of the pre-knowledge and collusion of state authorities with media to alter perception of an event.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Not sure who he was quoting, and I'll probably paraphrase JFK when he repeated the quote, but I would love to know his thoughts as he said the words...

Quote:What I did see was significant evidence in terms of the pre-knowledge and collusion of state authorities with media to alter perception of an event.

Fair enough. If and when the videos go back up, I would be interested to see what you find so convincing. Maybe I am missing something.

But remember, he is arguing a much higher level of collusion between state authorities with media. He is arguing that a group of families that run the world are using select members to fake identities to manipulate said perceptions.

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