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Rumor Claims Sandusky “Pimped Out” Boys to Rich Donors
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Freeh blocks regulators' request in MF Global case

By Laurie Bennett

January 6, 2012 at 10:34am
Former FBI Director Louis Freeh, bankruptcy trustee for Jon Corzine's failed company, MF Global,
is reportedly hindering regulators' access to documents.

[Muckety map embedded]

The Wall Street Journal writes that Freeh has declined to turn over information sought
by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which oversees commodity futures and option markets.
Freeh has asserted attorney-client privilege in turning down commission requests. He represents the parent company,
and is helping it wind down its affairs. Another trustee, James Giddens, is responsible for returning funds to customers.

Freeh also is working with Penn State in its investigation into how university officials responded
to allegations of child sex abuse by former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Magda Hassan Wrote:In 1998, Gricar decided not to pursue charges after the mother of a young man reported to Penn State Police that her son had been inappropriately touched by Jerry Sandusky as they showered together in the Penn State locker room.

Sandusky is a pedophile and should be in jail. I work in a private school for troubled youths. Many of the kids have issues with hygiene due to inadequate training, moving into puberty, the effects of sexual abuse, poor motivation, etc. We never had a staff member showered with the kids to teach them the proper way to care for themselves.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Sandusky Principle and the Hive Mentality

The Penn State basketball coach said, "The passion, the love that he gave almost gave you a sense that you wanted to give it back to him," Let's see if we can extrapolate that into other quotes. The president said, "The way these men willingly go and die in foreign lands 'almost' makes you want to do it too", or something like this, "The way a strategic collection of men can turn their eyes away from the sexual abuse of children almost makes you think they were involved too".

I hate to mention Kali Yuga so much, along with 'times of darkness' and 'for the purpose of demonstration' but that's definitely where we are and what we are. Our physical extensions are dramatizations of what is going on in our being, in reaction to the world around us. It's either pulled out of us without our consent, or with it. Resistance also occurs by degrees but we are shaped more forcefully by the relentless chatter that surrounds us. By chatter, I mean every kind of influence, whether recognized or sub rosa.

I don't know that Joe and so many of the others were engaged in a ring of consciousness, whose focus is the signature dish of this age, but there's no getting around the fact that the despoliation of innocence is one of the chief thrills of kiddie jumping. The other thing is that we get jaded and then bored with the things we've already done. We've become desensitized to the behavior of others and the events that go on in the world, especially those that are far off from us and these conditions and a couple of similar kinds, all contribute to potential and possibility. I don't want to say where there's smoke there's fire, especially since this is Smoking Mirrors, but my mind does linger with certain considerations.

Let us transfer that template to a particular group I call King Bolan's Buddies; transfer it to those engaged in governmental policies in any powerful country. They operate out of a hive mentality and that also 'almost' rhymes with something else. The selection of those filling the roles in any profession is something achieved by an intentional agency, for the purpose of the control of any given majority. This is why the police are exhibiting a certain uniform and unpleasant types of action against the public. This is why many corporations are headed by the people who head them and why they behave as they do. The orders come from those who control the money, because you can't get the money otherwise. So anything you hear about, whether you like it or not, is being done because someone is paying someone to do it. The payment doesn't always have to be money. It can be power, celebrity, sex or whatever people consider desirable but can't manage on their own

You could say the Sandusky Principle is about some form of currency translated into action. At first glance you might say, "No, it's just a despicable weakness that manifests in morally bankrupt individuals". Superficially that is true. However, at a deeper level, this sort of thing is being initiated and managed for specific reasons. These reasons have to do with impacting the general consciousness, with altering the consciousness of those so engaged and as a part of a larger agenda to affect society on many levels for increased power and profit.

It is improbable that one could go to any larger media outlet and not run across at least one story about gay concerns. There must be a day when it doesn't happen but it wouldn't be very often. You are dealing with a very small minority, where a tremendous series of changes are affecting the entire assemblage. My mention of this is not a criticism of that lifestyle, not that that makes any difference because ANY MENTION that is not wholly positive and supportive is undesirable to the greater intention of certain vested interests. I bring it up as a matter of observation to point it out as an associative part of a wider intent.

Everything has some relationship to sex; politics, art, religion, commerce, whatever; it has a sexual connotation so, controlling the means, mediums, performance, perception and whatever (grin) is a serious, heavyweight necessity for those seeking the general control of everyone.

War and all forms of aggression are a type of sex. Bullets and swords penetrate and rape is an attendant and similar thing. Torture and bondage are on the same train. These things are also now acceptable for consenting adults, although I don't know where adult figures into it. Monty Python had a film called, "Eric the Red". I think that is what it is called. In this film, the gods were portrayed as children. It explained a great deal. I'm not saying that's how the gods actually are or whether they are. I'm saying that it's not too difficult to see it that way given what you see down here.

The reality of ones state of being at any time has to do with whether one is in control of oneself or not. If not, then something else is and this goes all the way to the top of the familiar pyramid of human powers and positions. Into this equation we have to factor relative degrees of control and also states of being that can alter the degree of control. There are many things we do and do not do that can compromise and elevate our degree of control. Any man can appreciate a beautiful woman. Some will be motivated to approach her. Far fewer will act aggressively toward her and fewer still will plot to abduct and violate her or achieve that through other dark avenues. In times of darkness the general propensity for anything dark is greater. That's a mathematical certainty.

This same principle applies across the board to everything. Many might appreciate the beauty of a different culture and some large number may dislike it but fewer will plot to destroy it and among those are those who are engaged in all the other controls that make it possible to deceive the public into supporting such actions. I should point out that it doesn't matter if you are personally handling the weapons that kill these people. If you support the policies that legitimize the effort. If you buy into the package, you share in the rewards of its contents. This is the same thing as being in the gang that engages in an armed robbery where someone is killed in the process. Legally it isn't going to matter whether you pulled the trigger. The punishment is the same as if you did.

This is the year of the dragon and it is a water dragon. Revolutions, aggressions, anger and the like are indicated on the negative side. In tandem there is also this consideration; "The presence of the Star of External Flower of Romance indicates the occurrence of infidelity, extramarital affairs and relationship distress in the year 2012. Steady long term love relationships and marriages are not spared so do not take it for granted. Hearts will be broken, feelings deeply hurt and heartaches abound if you're hit by it. Make sure you sleep facing your relationship direction based on your Kua and have Feng Shui protection in your bedroom".

"The Tiger, Dragon and Phoenix (a Rooster that symbolizes Phoenix) appear in the year's pattern of influences" and "The 2012 Eight Character chart has every element EXCEPT Fire. This missing element rules creativity and intelligence which are vital ingredients for success in this competitive world today". This is probably more than you want to know but some will seek to reason out or intuit what these things mean, because life is cyclical and cycles bring reoccurrence; keep it in mind. The indications are that 2012 is going to be better than 2011, at least for those so engaged in making it better, for themselves and for others. For myself, although indications were otherwise and indicative of conditions presented in the quotes, I have experienced an inexplicable, complete and positive turnaround in respect of this. It can be very difficult sometimes to make sense of how things come about but only a fool does not take advantage of serendipitous opportunity.

Some changes are in our hands and and some are not but even the ones that are not can be made more fortuitous by a willing submission to that transiting force, with an open eyed and accommodating mindset, seeking understanding and responding to the implications and results that come out of it; done in a positive fashion.

People who serve and support temporarily existing power structures are like people who rely on the constancy of the wind. That is not a characteristic of the wind. It does have consistency of recurring states of expression but even these are subject to change without notification and phrases like 'winds of change' are accepted aphorisms of general parlance. The same as having the wind at your back implies that this is not always the case. Some number of change resistant and deluded tin horn emperors are going to be finding that out, along with whole groups of people who have just perfunctorily assumed they have the controlling authority for, "My way or the highway". Mr Apocalypse has put on his dancing shoes and you're going to see a great many protective covers, ripped off of a lot of concealed furniture, sundry items and corpses. The main event is about to begin and the beguine is sure to follow.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Quote:Make sure you sleep facing your relationship direction based on your Kua and have Feng Shui protection in your bedroom".
Hell yes,those Feng Shui condoms work great!Oh,just stay away from those made in China.You just can't trust their quality control..........:what:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

Is the world being run by morally compromised, Satanic pedophiles?

I know how shocking and "paranoid" that headline sounds, but I didresolve to spread the truth this year, and this is yet another item that, like the UFO I saw and my interest in reincarnation, I've kind of been suppressing to try to make my blog more "political" and less "woo-woo" ... if you know what I mean. Smile

But like the UFO and reincarnation, I have personal experience with this topic. I'd rather not talk about it because by its nature the subject matter is extremely complex, delicate, and explosive. It'd be opening a huge can of worms for me, and of course that's why no one else talks about it either. But think about it. One way to control people is to hold something over them. Sexual blackmail has been going on a long time. There's a reason the D.C. Madam kept a list of her clients. There's a hell of a lot of power in those lists. There's a reason the governor of New Jersey hired an Israeli (rumored to have been working for the Mossad) to head up that state's homeland security. There's a reason for the endless parade of republican gay sex scandals. There's a reason the politically powerful Yale fraternity "Skull and Bones" reportedly includes sexually compromising practices in its initiation rites. It's a form of control.

When the James Guckert/Jeff Gannon fake White House reporterscandal came out, I really dove into it. And it turned out that this guy was in the middle of everything! There were rumors (which I believe) that Guckert was actually kidnapped paperboy Johnny Gosch, who isstrongly linked to the Franklin Cover-up pedophile scandal. Gannon was strongly linked with the Valerie Plame scandal (remember the "yellow-cake uranium lie" that got us into the Gulf War? The Plame scandal had to do with Karl Rove, Scooter Libby and Dick Cheney getting back at Plame's husband that outed that particular lie ... so Scooter Libby outed a CIA operative and her whole operation, which is an act of treason ...). Gannon was given special access inside the White House that wasn't always recorded properly ... to do what? He was a working male prostitute at the time! His boss at Talon News, Bobby Eberle, just happened to be one of the witnesses that saw a plane hit the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. Gannon was even connected to a group of people who worked at Abu Ghraib, including Nick Berg (remember the guy who got his head cut off by terrorists? A lot of people, including myself, think that video was faked). The thing about Guckert/Gannon is that it was an extremely titillating story with a great deal of import, but at a certain point it was suddenly dropped from the mainstream press like a hot potato. It was just too hot to handle. What does that tell you? Just how powerful are the people who were behind Guckert/Gannon?

Anyway, hat tip to John Friend's website and a commenter's list of links to check out about this fascinating, but extremely disconcerting, subject:




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Anonymous said...I think it's the only rational conclusion that can be drawn. Needs to be repeated and widely discussed.
FEBRUARY 9, 2012 10:32 AM

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
"... After 21 hours of deliberation at the Centre CountyCourthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., a jury of seven women and five men on Friday night convicted the former Penn State coach of 45 charges related to the sexual assault of 10 boys over a 15-year period. Sandusky, 68, is expected to spend the rest of his life in prison...."

"... The Second Mile, the charity Sandusky founded for disadvantaged children, was a haven for a sexual predator, Kelly said. It served as a hub where he could have his pick of victims - young boys from broken homes, or those with foster parents, or those from single-parent families, or those grappling with behavioral and emotional problems.

"All of them, in their time of need, turned to the charity known as the Second Mile, where we now know that Jerry Sandusky trolled for victims," Kelly said in a televised news conference after the verdict.

She said the fact that the state eventually listened to the stories of the victims was a testament to the justice system.

"One of the recurring themes of the victims' testimony was, Who would believe a kid?' " Kelly said. "And the answer is, We here in Bellefonte, Pa., will believe a kid.' A jury of 12 people in Bellefonte, Pa., most definitely would and did believe a kid."....
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Well, that is some thing I suppose. I hope it gives some measure of satisfaction to his victims and their family for the great courage it took them to come forward. It would be good to see his other managers that knew what was going on and did nothing held accountable too.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
This post may fit better under "Seminal Moments of Justice" but....

Former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was convicted Friday of 45 counts of sexually abusing 10 boys. He was immediately sent to Centre County Correctional Facility, where he received a welcome fit for a prisoner of his kind. Andrew Strickler of The Daily reports that according to a fellow inmate at the time, as soon as the lights went out on the first night in jail, his fellow prisoners serenaded Jerry.
Other prisoners were barred from communicating directly with Sandusky, but they could see him. And when the lights went out, inmates serenaded the disgraced coach with a famous line from Pink Floyd's "The Wall."
"At night, we were singing Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone,' " Josh said, adding that everyone knew who Sandusky was because inmates had access to television and newspapers
We have a feeling that this is the least of Jerry's worries.

via The Daily

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
NCAA to punish Penn State; Paterno statue removed

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) Shortly after Penn State tore down its famed statue of coach Joe Paterno, the NCAA announced Sunday it would impose ``corrective and punitive'' sanctions against the university in the wake of a devastating report that asserted top university officials buried child sex abuse allegations against a retired assistant coach more than a decade ago.

The NCAA, acting with rare speed, said it will spell out the penalties on Monday. The governing body did not disclose further details.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Disgraced Former Penn State University President Now Working for U.S. Government in National Security Role

July 29th, 2012Echos of the Franklin imbroglio.
Via: Washington Post:
Graham Spanier might have been ousted from his post at the helm of Penn State over the sex-abuse scandal that engulfed the university, but it seems he's found a backup employer: the American taxpayer.
Only a disgraced public figure would consider joining the much-maligned ranks of the federal workforce as a step up, reputation-wise. We can assume there were no openings for a used-car salesman.
Spanier was faulted in an internal Penn State report after the conviction on child-molestation charges of former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. The report said he, head coach Joe Paterno and others helped cover up Sandusky's abuse.
His lawyer confirms to the Loop that Spanier is working on a part-time consulting basis for a "top-secret" agency on national security issues.But the gig is so hush-hush, he couldn't even tell his attorneys the name of the agency. In April months after his ouster as president but before the release of the internal report he told the Patriot-News of central Pennsylvania that he was working on a "special project for the U.S. government relating [to] national security."
But who's he working for? The CIA? Homeland Security? Or maybe just a dull consulting firm with a government contract?
"I have no idea,"says his lawyer, Peter Vaira. "We know the work is in security and he's prohibited from disclosing which agency or agencies he's working for."
Posted in Atrocities, Covert Operations, Elite
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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