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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen?
All this neomythology of Femming, Bond, Spectre and Onassis might make an interesting fiction novel, but unfortunately the JFK assassination is not a Bond novel, but a real flesh and bones crime.
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:All this neomythology of Femming, Bond, Spectre and Onassis might make an interesting fiction novel, but unfortunately the JFK assassination is not a Bond novel, but a real flesh and bones crime.

Vasilios, no disagreement here.

It is interesting though that the American corporate elite were welcome into the Soviet Union after the Kennedy assassination (and long before, really), via "The Red Carpet."

From Charles earlier in this thread (and worth repeating):


Those individuals and institutions for whom the fatal disease known as tribalism and its horrific symptoms national identity, patriotism, and organized religions are thought of and utilized as tools to control vast populations by, among other methods, fostering armed conflicts in the names of flags and/or deities.

Money. Power. Control.

"Poor man wanna be rich. Rich man wanna be king. And, a king ain't satisfied 'til he rules everything."
Please identify clearly and unequivocally the entity or entities you reference as "the Blofeld muse."

Otherwise: When you cite "Buchanan's conclusion" that the choice of Dallas for the hit was made because the city's "police authorities" were corrupt, you imply that Dallas was unique in this respect. You are, of course, dead wrong.

And do tell, why would the "oil industry" Sponsor of the hit choose to make it in the American city that more than any other was and is identified with said industry?

As for Fleming's "stories" showing an "interest in aerospace," I'm afraid that, with the exception of Moonraker -- and even that is a stretch -- the Bond novels reflect virtually no thematic or subtextual concern for that subject. You are conflating Hollywood butcherings of Fleming's plots -- malformations that were inflicted long after Fleming's death -- with the original literary story lines.

Another example: The Howard Hughes-inspired character ("Willard Whyte," as portrayed by country singer/sausage magnate Jimmy Dean) in the film Diamonds are Forever -- one that did not appear in the original Fleming novel.

That Ian Fleming was up to his impressive ears in intel ops and secrets cannot and must not be denied. But I'm afraid your thesis as currently offered is fatally weakened by sloppy research and reasoning. And all your cute "inside" references -- to the lyrics of the Thunderball theme song ("those who run while others walk"), Ian Richardson's character in House of Cards, etc. -- cannot save you.

Had you written about, say, Fleming's late 1950s presentation of the notion of serial killers being employed as assassins by intelligence agencies, then we might have engaged in an interesting dialogue.

But alas, you did not.

Take it easy, Mr. Thoroddsen.
Charles Drago Wrote:Please identify clearly and unequivocally the entity or entities you reference as "the Blofeld muse." Otherwise: When you cite "Buchanan's conclusion" that the choice of Dallas for the hit was made because the city's "police authorities" were corrupt, you imply that Dallas was unique in this respect. You are, of course, dead wrong. And do tell, why would the "oil industry" Sponsor of the hit choose to make it in the American city that more than any other was and is identified with said industry? ..... Take it easy, Mr. Thoroddsen.
It might be financially disadvantageous to identify the alleged muse. But his FBI file if I remember correctly links him with smugling or selling counterfeit Fabergé eggs as well as a past link with pharmaceuticals in eastern europe. That along with the "Red carpet" book reference might be helpful in locating his name on the internet. There is a picture of him with Jackie on the net. And his family crest can be found in a picture on the net. But of course that does not prove he was the inspiration for bloefeld not even in part. Nor that he was as insidious as bloefeld. Onassis was reputed to have started in shipping by smuggling cigarettes and you usually need to be tough to make it in that business. As to Dallas I am just relating what Thomas G. Buchanan in his book on the Kennedy murder concluded and possibly he has a point. I seem to remember that he claimed it was unique in the control the oil industry had there. You will rember that they held a meeting there previously, indicating they felt safe there. Perhaps this Dallas visit by JFK was seen as an opportunity by the planners. You are right with the cute reference of course. It proves nothing. And of course I admit nothing is proved. But we should examine what Flemming is telling us if he was investigating Onassis in the oil shipping monopoly attempt. We know he had contact with Onassis. Only the FBI file suggests he was interested in the man with the white cat. I must also confess that the Kennedy assasination never interested me much until I started trying to locate the spectre network. Had I been the head of spectre I would have had Kennedy assassinated long before he was, just on account of the thought of a speed-junkie having his finger on the nuclear button. So I dont blame them at all. I would not have ratted on them. But I am of course not a very nice person. But the conspirators are probably all dead by now (if there was a conspiracy). The death of our muse must have been quite unpleasent though due to natural causes. I would not have inflicted such a death on anyone. But perhaps its time to start shopping for a bullet-proof vest on the internet now.-)

You should have a meet-up with an ex-member here,named John Bevilaqua.He solved the JFK assassination by reading into Condon's "The Manchurian Candidate".I'm sure you guys could spend hours talking about your mind blowing discoveries.:lol:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:
Charles Drago Wrote:Please identify clearly and unequivocally the entity or entities you reference as "the Blofeld muse." Otherwise: When you cite "Buchanan's conclusion" that the choice of Dallas for the hit was made because the city's "police authorities" were corrupt, you imply that Dallas was unique in this respect. You are, of course, dead wrong. And do tell, why would the "oil industry" Sponsor of the hit choose to make it in the American city that more than any other was and is identified with said industry? ..... Take it easy, Mr. Thoroddsen.

Had I been the head of spectre I would have had Kennedy assassinated long before he was, just on account of the thought of a speed-junkie having his finger on the nuclear button. So I dont blame them at all. I would not have ratted on them. But I am of course not a very nice person. But the conspirators are probably all dead by now (if there was a conspiracy). The death of our muse must have been quite unpleasent though due to natural causes. I would not have inflicted such a death on anyone. But perhaps its time to start shopping for a bullet-proof vest on the internet now.-)

"... a speed junkie"???

"... if there was a conspiracy"???

The combined DNA of "Morrow" and "Colby"???

The stench rises ...
i adore these agent provocateurs but they will have to do better with their disinformation stories.
They are too predictable, too boring, they lack imagination and ideas. yawn, yawn, yawn....
Hey Arni,

Go fuck yourself.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Greg Burnham Wrote:Hey Arni,

Go fuck yourself.

James Bond to Auric Goldfinger, BTW.
Keith Millea Wrote:Arni,

You should have a meet-up with an ex-member here,named John Bevilaqua.He solved the JFK assassination by reading into Condon's "The Manchurian Candidate".I'm sure you guys could spend hours talking about your mind blowing discoveries.:lol:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: While JB was a bit like a record player needle stuck in a groove, he did have some interesting things to say and did believe that JFK was murdered by a massive conspiracy; on the other hand, this nom de Island moniker seems to be tacking hard astern toward Coincidence Theory , JFK 'had it coming' BS, and La-La Land. IMHO.
NEXT! :wirlitzer: [Arni, or whoever you really are, maybe you could sell that 'Abflexor' Theory of JFK to the McAdams Forum...not here!]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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