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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen?
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Keith Millea Wrote:Arni,

You should have a meet-up with an ex-member here,named John Bevilaqua.He solved the JFK assassination by reading into Condon's "The Manchurian Candidate".I'm sure you guys could spend hours talking about your mind blowing discoveries.:lol:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: While JB was a bit like a record player needle stuck in a groove, he did have some interesting things to say and did believe that JFK was murdered by a massive conspiracy; on the other hand, this nom de Island moniker seems to be tacking hard astern toward Coincidence Theory , JFK 'had it coming' BS, and La-La Land. IMHO.
NEXT! :wirlitzer: [Arni, or whoever you really are, maybe you could sell that 'Abflexor' Theory of JFK to the McAdams Forum...not here!]


This guy is so "out there" even McAdam's would boot him!


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:You should really have asked: Could it be someone who managed to get part of his family crest (coat of arms) into the national emblem of East Germany. I would of course have answered: "You might say that Matty, but I couldnt possibly comment! " To quote the response to a reporter questioning the sly british prime minister in a tv mini series that was hopefully fictional. I am hoping that the FBI file has not been removed from the net. Its inclusion there could only have been an oversight by people that did not realize its possible significance. Why should a file on a suspended sentence violation be of significance, especially to some nameless beaurocrat that has no idea who the man with the white cat is or what he represents. I have not read his biography by the way. None of them. Now again I remind you of Thomas G. Buchanans conclusion on the Kennedy murders that the reason they were perpetrated in Dallas was that there the reach of a criminal organization extended to the Police authorities. And that the interests of the oil industry were at least influential in the decision to implement the assassination. And lets say that it is true that as some have alleged that Onassis financed the operation, is it not clear that he would have needed the OK of other members of (inspiration for spectre) bankers, the leaders of other corporations and of course the leaders with the most important intelligence connections. And this sort of assasination needs professional mechanics to carry them out and they need to be discreet, not certifiable rats like you find in the national mafia. Even those who run while others walk, might think tvice before going against these people. And the cleanup afterwards needs to be thorough, which possibly explains a lot of the subsequent deaths. Of course I am not certain that the muse for the man with the white cat was as deadly as portrayed in "You only live tvice", but perhaps Flemming felt that that was the case. This whole JFK matter reeks of an intelligence operation. The mob is usually too clumsy to carry out such an operation, and everybody ends up ratting on everyone involved. Also interesting is this story about Oswalds body being replaced by a double due to efforts of the KGB or the Cubans. It is rather similar to certain sequences of events in "never say never again". (or perhaps that inspired this story about Oswalds body) Flemming must have been interested in the JFK murder after having met the man personally. And of course he must have kept tabs on the bloefeld inspiration if he was investigating the oil industry, aerospace etc. for MI6, especially if (bloefeld) was involved with Onassis. Of course I am speculating that Howard Hughes provided some inspiration for "diamonds are forever" but that of course does not mean that Flemming was hired in relation to the aerospace industry or Howard Hughes but his stories do suggest at least an interest in aerospace.

Arni - forget Fleming. This seems like an adaptation of the notorious Gemstone Files.

Here's an outline of Gemstonian flights of fantasy:

Quote:The Gemstone File proposes that Aristotle Onassis, Joseph P. Kennedy, and other prominent figures were involved in various schemes to forward a vast global conspiracy, involving the Mafia and corrupt politicians, brutal oil and drug cartels, rogue military operations, and more. It also posits that early in 1957, Aristotle Onassis had Howard Hughes kidnapped from his Beverly Hills Hotel bungalow; that Hughes suffered a massive brain injury during the forcible kidnapping, and that Hughes was subsequently a virtual prisoner of Onassis on Skorpios and injected regularly with morphine, while Onassis took over the operation of Hughes's considerable financial affairs, including airlines and U.S. defense contracting. (At the time, Onassis had a permanent suite rented at the same hotel, along with his many other residences around the globe. Thus he was a "neighbor" of Howard Hughes, and in a position to conceive of, plan, and have the kidnap executed more readily.)

In order to cover up Howard Hughes's sudden disappearance from public view, including his career as a ladies' man among Hollywood's leading ladies, a phony "marriage" to actress Jean Peters in Tonopah, Nevada was arranged, with the help of Paul Laxalt. Laxalt later rode this assistance to a career as Governor of Nevada, and later, a U.S. Senate seat. A series of doubles played "Hughes" whenever necessary.

"Hughes" (i.e., Onassis acting as "Hughes") suddenly became a major purchaser of Las Vegas casinos, in line with Onassis's previous gambling operations in pre-Castro Cuba and in Monaco. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute was created to serve as a major money-laundering money funnel (tax-free, private, not subject to any monitoring by anyone.) Its true purpose was covered up by generous donations to medical research and also to cultural institutions, but only a small percentage of the amount of money drained from the U.S. economy.

One controversial aspect of the Gemstone File is its portrayal of Onassis as the main force behind the election of John F. Kennedy as President, and subsequently, Kennedy's assassination in 1963. According to Bruce Roberts' Gemstone papers, Lee Harvey Oswald was a participant in the JFK assassination plan. He was linked to the Central Intelligence Agency, and to Mafia connections in New Orleans. However, the role he was destined to play in the assassination was as the patsy. The Gemstone File names Jimmy Fratianno, Johnny Roselli, and Eugene Brading as the real shooters.

When Robert F. Kennedy decided to run for the Presidency, Aristotle Onassis ordered that he be assassinated. A hypnotized Sirhan Sirhan was allegedly set up to be the ostensible shooter. His wild shots peppered the room, but none of them hit Kennedy. According to the documents, the real shooter was Thane Cesar, a security guard at General Motors, which was secretly owned by Onassis, who was "lent" for the occasion to act as Robert Kennedy's bodyguard. Cesar was walking right behind Kennedy as they entered the Pantry area. While Sirhan Sirhan's shots flew around the room, Cesar lifted a small palm gun and shot Kennedy behind the ear. "The Second Gun," a documentary by Ted Chirach, covers this scenario.

Roberts' Gemstone papers also detail the involvement of Joseph P. Kennedy with the Mafia, and with Onassis. John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy attempted to break away from Onassis and the Mafia, and the CIA, and that is the basic reason they were shot.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Charles Drago Wrote:
Greg Burnham Wrote:Hey Arni,

Go fuck yourself.

James Bond to Auric Goldfinger, BTW.

Mr. Hobson to businessman in Mr. Bach's reception room: "I wouldn't know. I'm just a servant. On the other hand, go screw yourself."



"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Could someone please direct me to the "delete thread" button?

Thank you.
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:Could someone please direct me to the "delete thread" button?

Thank you.
Hi Stan you can use the edit button under your post. Or I can delete it for you if you give me the post number.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

I apologize for drifting off topic. I do appreciate this thread a lot more than my somewhat flippant posts indicate. I have found this entire (90%+) discussion very worthwhile. Please accept my apology.


"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
Magda, thanks. But, no need for that.

I was just being a bit contrary.

"Most of the cast (cats) you meet on streets speak of true love..."


Stan Wilbourne Wrote:Greg,




"It is difficult to abolish prejudice in those bereft of ideas. The more hatred is superficial, the more it runs deep."

James Hepburn -- Farewell America (1968)
I can see that this seems to be an emotional issue for some of you, but as I stated the assassination did not really interest me initially. If you have all composed yourselves. Is it really mind blowing to suggest that the thought of a president in the white house who is shooting up on benzedreene because of his illness and has his finger on the nuclear button should cause people to be slightly nervous during the height of the Cold War. People who run the oil industry are usually not chosen for their sentimentality, and if they are not able to get rid of obstacles in their path without being hindered by scruples, they are better off moving to another proffession (as are many of those in the intelligence service). It is hardly mind blowing to suggest that Flemming who worked for naval intelligence in the war and was trusted by the service (have you read the new book on "Ian Flemmings Commando Squad" recently published?) was used to investigate Onassis, when the vital interests of the british fleet were involved, and intelligence agencies are hardly known for not making use of any retired assets. His connections to Onassis are an established fact and hardly mind blowing. Flemming kept in touch with the Kennedy family according to at least one biography, and Robert Kennedy I believe communicated to Flemming that he wished more people would read "You only live tvice". Flemming had an emotional attachment to the Kennedys, which is hardly surprising as the brothers were highly intelligent and charming and well read (more than you could expect from most american politicians). Now "You Only Live Tvice" is about Number One attempting to kill Bond, and killing everyone who gets remotely close to the spectre organization. Perhaps Robert Kennedy should have read this book more attentively and not investigated people who were as dangerous as those described in the book with tentacles extending to all the darkest corners of the intelligence community supranationally. Perhaps he would be alive to this day if he had. But then of course perhaps I would never have found the FBI file on Number One that his investigation possibly resulted in. Now I hardly think that any of my statements are mind blowing. And I assure you the file exists and I have read it on the internet. And it was easy to find.But whether they have buried it again, I have not checked, since I really am not concerned if perps remain undiscovered. I find it unlikely though since I dont believe that anyone is alive today that had a direct connection to this matter. And like I say if someone today found this file and checked why it should remain a secret I am sure he would not appreciate what it represents. Unless he had also read these posts which is unlikely (and even then he would have to do a bit of deep thinking before he made the connections). Now if you have not composed yourselves yet, you must be running low on valium.

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