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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen?
A cataloging of the False Sponsors.

Utter nonsense.

They just keep a' comin'.

No takers -- at least none among those who know a False Sponsor and an agent provocateur when they see one.
Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Arni, I suspect that you secretly fancy to get the part for the next James Bond movie. Should Daniel Craig worry?
Perhaps 30 years ago with a bit of cosmetic surgery! I certainly would have fit the menacing Iceman profile. But I think I would do better as Smiley. Or perhaps as Karla. I do for the most part prefer the sublety of that author over Flemming although Flemming is good. But perhaps Flemming was more subtle than most of his readers suppose. He apparently had all of you fooled! You will find the arms of Number one at: You will see a coat of arms and (what is that? looks like crosses or is it perhaps (...)). He did appear a bit boarish when he appered in a tv interview because of the North sea oil platform fire. I can understand why Flemming would detest this person. I am sure he had more sympathy for Onassis ruthless though he may have been. Do I really need to provide more clues? Surely you can find the FBI file for yourselves on the internet. The "if there was a conspiracy" comment was just to remind you that my thought processes are similar to that of a mindless automaton. It makes it more difficult for emotional input to confuse the issues. You will remember that this is how Karla got to Smiley. Now is gchq going to be listening through my microphone from now on? Dont these people have more pressing engagements?

From happenstance, to coincidence, to enemy action.

"Your" Bond references (Oddjob's "pressing engagement," etc.) would be a tad more authoritative if "you" could spell the author's name correctly.

Whoever or whatever "you" are: The name-dropping is giving "your" game away. Really, methinks "you" are overpaid.

If "you" want to fuck with Fleming and Le Carre references, don't fuck with an expert. "You" are not clever. "You" are not subtle. "You" are exposed.

Take "your" clues elsewhere.

And don't expect to be promoted out of Disinformation 101.

"You" are not nash.

Say goodbye now.
False Sponsor and an agent provocateur

I'm familiar with the defiitions of these two phrases and I do understand how "false sponsor" might make an appropriate answer to what I asked. But, what does "agent provocateur" have to do with anything?
Allison Hunt Wrote:The "JFK as traitor" idea is one I've never heard before. Like many other plots, it is very compelling. I do also recall that flyers were posted around Dallas before Kennedy's arrival which also called him a traitor. Would this be for the same reasons? LBJ had means, motive and a murder ridden history. Any takers? Cubans were pissed about that pigs-in-the-bay thing and RFK specially trained Cuban assassination teams. Attractive? I admit, Cubans could not do it without help (and sympathy) from national security. It has been said that Israel was pissed about not getting their own nukes. Half-Jew, JBJ fixed that. It's common for Jews to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the group, just as Jack Ruby did. I believe Abraham Zapruder was also called to duty in a similar fashion. Mosad involvement? Hard to believe anyone would ice the pres for missing an oil depletion allowance but I could believe the 1963 billionaire, H Lamar Hunt, might have been nutty enough. You wouldn't think Hunt would have access to national security in order to pull it off (as it was pulled off) but I'm pretty sure he would have supported it. Maybe? What about JFK cutting out the Fed by printing non-Fed money? That would surely piss the Fed's primary owners, Rothschild and sons. In my humble opinion, there is no greater power than that. This category could easily be clumped together with Israel and LJB, It all sources back to Zionist supreme power. Once I think about it, "JFK as traitor" would be one in the same as this too. I could not imagine a presidential hit without a green-light from the uncrowned Rothschild brothers.

Alison, I'd tread carefully seeing as you are a relative newb who has seldom posted since your arrival in August of 2011.

If you are new to the forum and have genuinely come to learn more about some topics and discuss them for peer review that's fine.

However during your time here, you should have observed that if you are a newb and start asking questions, while insinuating your own theories like LBJ did it with the Rothschild brothers (which is essentially what you're putting out there). I envision your stay from here on in will be a very brief and painful one. Your lucky that big hitters here like CD, Greg, Jan, Keith, Al, Phil, Vas, PL are busy dealing with this Arni fool or doing other things. However, in saying that I am sure you actually have been monitored. Magda see's alllll. Here's the carrot then. Start looking at the research and opinions of the above people and either leave for the Ed Forum where your views will be embraced by the likes of Rob 'Boner' Morrow. Or you can take a break, school up and get with the program here and contribute something more than this thinly veiled anti semitic bullshit. Alison I forgot to ask is your husbands first name 'Urik' by any chance?
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
I'm here by invitation of Peter Dale Scott. I honestly had no idea this forum was a hangout for religious zealots. And apparently not just any ol' religious zealots... but a particular brand of religious zealots. I didn't know this would be a site that would require me to tip-toe around the "J" word. However, even without the benefit of last names, I do recognize the gratuitous name calling, which seems to be a common trait.

But even if I did accidentally join "JustForUsJews dot com", I still don't understand all the aggression. I never presented my questions as known facts. These are simply theories of the assassination that do have some merit. None of you seem to be able to get past your hurt feelings (which could not possibly be intentional because, as I said, I didn't know this was a hangout) to answer my questions. What critcisms do you have of those theories (besides obviously that I wrote "Jew" a few times)?

And let's be honest. How can you possibly talk about the power structure (the topic of the forum) and make "Jew" a taboo subject? Are we all to play make believe?
Allison Hunt Wrote:The "JFK as traitor" idea is one I've never heard before. Like many other plots, it is very compelling. I do also recall that flyers were posted around Dallas before Kennedy's arrival which also called him a traitor. Would this be for the same reasons?
Yes. It was well known that Kennedy was seen as a 'traitor' by many, Cubans, war hawks, anti-communists. A long list. I'm surprised you haven't heard it before.

Allison Hunt Wrote:LBJ had means, motive and a murder ridden history. Any takers?
Plenty of takers but not from any one here and not from any one who gives it any thought. LBJ just a willing beneficiary of others action and plans. Not a player just a pawn.

Allison Hunt Wrote:Cubans were pissed about that pigs-in-the-bay thing and RFK specially trained Cuban assassination teams. Attractive? I admit, Cubans could not do it without help (and sympathy) from national security.
Yes. Small time. Same with the mob.

Allison Hunt Wrote:It has been said that Israel was pissed about not getting their own nukes. Half-Jew, JBJ fixed that. It's common for Jews to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of the group, just as Jack Ruby did. I believe Abraham Zapruder was also called to duty in a similar fashion. Mosad involvement?
That's a pretty racist and sweeping and unsubstantiated comment there Alison. I've seen the references to LBJ's Jewishness too. But there is no evidence for it. Nor is it accepted by Jews. He is not claimed as one of theirs. Johnson comes from Scottish, Irish, English ancestry with his maternal grandfather being some pioneer Baptist preacher. Why does some one have to be 'Jewish' to support Israel in any way? Plenty of Jews don't. And plenty of non Jews do. Assuming from your name that your ethnicity is English could you be prevailed upon to fulfil a duty for the British crown? Thought not. Ridiculous isn't it?
Israel certainly benefited from LBJ being office. So did many of other interests.

Allison Hunt Wrote:Hard to believe anyone would ice the pres for missing an oil depletion allowance but I could believe the 1963 billionaire, H Lamar Hunt, might have been nutty enough. You wouldn't think Hunt would have access to national security in order to pull it off (as it was pulled off) but I'm pretty sure he would have supported it. Maybe?
Of course he would have supported it. Plenty did. Could he organise such a thing? No.

Allison Hunt Wrote:What about JFK cutting out the Fed by printing non-Fed money? That would surely piss the Fed's primary owners, Rothschild and sons. In my humble opinion, there is no greater power than that. This category could easily be clumped together with Israel and LJB, It all sources back to Zionist supreme power. Once I think about it, "JFK as traitor" would be one in the same as this too. I could not imagine a presidential hit without a green-light from the uncrowned Rothschild brothers.
More primitive racist clap trap and self serving thinking.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Arni Thoroddsen Wrote:
Vasilios Vazakas Wrote:Arni, I suspect that you secretly fancy to get the part for the next James Bond movie. Should Daniel Craig worry?
Perhaps 30 years ago with a bit of cosmetic surgery! I certainly would have fit the menacing Iceman profile. But I think I would do better as Smiley. Or perhaps as Karla. I do for the most part prefer the sublety of that author over Flemming although Flemming is good. But perhaps Flemming was more subtle than most of his readers suppose. He apparently had all of you fooled! You will find the arms of Number one at: You will see a coat of arms and (what is that? looks like crosses or is it perhaps (...)). He did appear a bit boarish when he appered in a tv interview because of the North sea oil platform fire. I can understand why Flemming would detest this person. I am sure he had more sympathy for Onassis ruthless though he may have been. Do I really need to provide more clues? Surely you can find the FBI file for yourselves on the internet. The "if there was a conspiracy" comment was just to remind you that my thought processes are similar to that of a mindless automaton. It makes it more difficult for emotional input to confuse the issues. You will remember that this is how Karla got to Smiley. Now is gchq going to be listening through my microphone from now on? Dont these people have more pressing engagements?

I am affraid you are away with the fairies.....
Traitor. It was the word more than any other on the lips of the Brigade, the intelligence and military, in the immediate aftermath of the Bay of Pigs operation's crushing defeat. It was the implication of the author of Give Us This Day (1973), a career intelligence officer who in his deathbed deflection blamed the pitiful creature who caved like a little girl March, 1968, and died of a heart attack. In 1973.

LBJ. A terra cotta warrior incapable of anything but carrying out an assignment.

A stew of Jews, LBJ, Ruby, Zapruder, Mossad.

The Hunt for Red November.

The Fed fed up after EO 11110.

It probably wasn't that John Kennedy ran contrary to the way the world's business was being conducted, the Cold War, the exploitation of resources, the tasking of intelligence with the preparation of the economic landscape.

Ahmed Wali Karzai accused of being a CIA tool and a drug lord, defended by Gerald Posner, assassinated, and we remain in Afghanistan.
Allison Hunt Wrote:I'm here by invitation of Peter Dale Scott. I honestly had no idea this forum was a hangout for religious zealots. And apparently not just any ol' religious zealots... but a particular brand of religious zealots. I didn't know this would be a site that would require me to tip-toe around the "J" word. However, even without the benefit of last names, I do recognize the gratuitous name calling, which seems to be a common trait.

But even if I did accidentally join "JustForUsJews dot com", I still don't understand all the aggression. I never presented my questions as known facts. These are simply theories of the assassination that do have some merit. None of you seem to be able to get past your hurt feelings (which could not possibly be intentional because, as I said, I didn't know this was a hangout) to answer my questions. What critcisms do you have of those theories (besides obviously that I wrote "Jew" a few times)?

And let's be honest. How can you possibly talk about the power structure (the topic of the forum) and make "Jew" a taboo subject? Are we all to play make believe?

Though I am in contention with Mr Dale-Scott on certain issues. I think it extremely poor form to bring his name into this. I believe that Mr Dale-Scott would seriously question you're claims and judgement. You have been on this forum for long enough to see how things run here. You should have seen the debates we have had on these and numerous topics. Or better yet you should have searched through the threads. I imagine Jan or CD will likely contact PDS and I imagine their questions would be "Pete what was she asking you about?" I imagine if you really were in contact with PDS, he may have seen your lunacy from afar and fobbed you off here to get your deserts.

Further, members of this forum have had recurring and time wasting debates with religious zealots like yourself time and time again (to think you called us that is mind boggling). So forgive me for not being a kind Samaritan and digging up old threads for you to mull over. People of your misguided/disinfo ilk miss Hunt never read them for what it's worth.

As I said. I really do hope you enjoy your brief and painful stay on here. I hope you and Arni find your new home on the Ed Forum more to your liking.
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992
Allison Hunt Wrote:I'm here by invitation of Peter Dale Scott. I honestly had no idea this forum was a hangout for religious zealots. And apparently not just any ol' religious zealots... but a particular brand of religious zealots. I didn't know this would be a site that would require me to tip-toe around the "J" word. However, even without the benefit of last names, I do recognize the gratuitous name calling, which seems to be a common trait.

But even if I did accidentally join "JustForUsJews dot com", I still don't understand all the aggression. I never presented my questions as known facts. These are simply theories of the assassination that do have some merit. None of you seem to be able to get past your hurt feelings (which could not possibly be intentional because, as I said, I didn't know this was a hangout) to answer my questions. What critcisms do you have of those theories (besides obviously that I wrote "Jew" a few times)?

And let's be honest. How can you possibly talk about the power structure (the topic of the forum) and make "Jew" a taboo subject? Are we all to play make believe?

Religious zealots? Here? You have got to be joking? You're the zealot who brought it up....DPF is entirely secular.

PDS probably sent you here to get some learning. You surely need it. Or perhaps just to get you out of his hair. Can't imagine him accepting any of your crap. for one second.

Jews, what ever the fuck they are, are not a taboo subject. Neither is zionism. Neither are clueless little girls. We have plenty of hate mail from the Hasbara Brigade and they're treated that same way as we treat you. As you will see from various forum posts and threads there is no taboo. But gross stupidity and ignorance is not welcome here. You better know what the fuck you are talking about and you clearly have no idea. Grow up, do some reading get a clue and get real. Come back with some thing worthy of discussing or go elsewhere like Stormfront or Above Top Secret or the EF where your 'theories' will be welcomed and embraced by some.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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