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A Non-Verbal Symbol For Our Cause
A Non-Verbal Symbol For Our Cause

by Mark Prior

Hand in the in air. Thumb tucked in. Four fingers up. We believe that at least four shots were fired in Dallas on November 22, 1963. And if there was a fourth shot, then there must have been another gunman. And if there was another gunman, then by definition, that is a conspiracy.

A symbol can say a lot without uttering a word. Two fingers up, "peace." One finger up, "we're the best," or depending on which one finger, what you think about someone. Three fingers up...well, out side of the Boy Scouts, to my knowledge three fingers up just means "three."

There are sports connotations to four fingers up that can be applied to our cause. Typically in college football, fans & players will hold up four fingers at the beginning of the fourth quarter of a game. The symbol signifies several things: "This is when we're at our best," "We're not going to quit," and "We've only just begun to fight" among other things. These are themes that have resounded within the assassination research community.

"Four fingers up" can be ours. Whether you believe President Kennedy was assassinated by a conspiracy originating from the CIA, LBJ or the Mafia, we all believe that at least four shots were fired at the Presidential motorcade. When you find yourself at an impasse in a debate over who was responsible for the JFK's death,just say "hey, agree to disagree," and hold up four fingers. By empowering this symbol, from Dallas to Washington DC to New York to Los Angeles and around the world, we can stand as a group, say nothing, hold our hands high and still let the people know what we believe. A non-verbal and powerful symbol.

Imagine attending whatever the city of Dallas has planned in Dealey Plaza on11/22/2013. They have some speaker of regional importance recounting a Warren Commission version of the events of that day. Then, one by one, hands with four fingers each rise above the crowd. And very quickly Dealey Plaza becomes filled with four-fingered hands. A silent awkwardness befalls the speaker. Then in a concerted effort, we all use our other hands and point at the knoll. And we will have done it in front of the mainstream media. Without carrying a sign or saying anything...we will have said everything.

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Mark Prior Wrote:A Non-Verbal Symbol For Our Cause
Without carrying a sign or saying anything...we will have said everything.

And accomplished?
Unity...even if for only a moment.
And momentary unity is good for what, exactly?
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford

"I am a strong individualist by personal habit, inheritance, and conviction; but it is a mere matter of common sense to recognize that the State, the community, the citizens acting together, can do a number of things better than if they were left to individual action." -Theodore Roosevelt

"We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin

"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." - Winston Churchill
With respect, H. Ford was a fascist and the only American I know of given the Reich's highest civilian award; and most of us believe there were a hell of a lot more shots than four. If your idea is sincere, I think its meaning will be lost, at best. An Occupy Movement-type takeover and teach-ins of the ENTIRE Plaza Area - from knoll to knoll, and buildings to overpass [at a minimum] for as many days before and during the 50th as we can; the only way to bring attention and the world media, IMHO. Concurrent physical conference and other facilities to broadcast speeches from and retreat to when the Police get rough will be needed. Non-violent Civil Disobedience and our legal rights to assemble in a Public Place of such historic significance is the only way. Dallas authorities have already outlawed all but the official version clones and we must ignore them and their illegal laws. An attempt at a restraining order might be worth the effort, but in Dallas it might not work. Legal teams, legal observers, medics and lots of people are what we need. My more favored hand signal to the Police would be with one or two fingers....but don't propose that in any coordinated way...just as needed.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Concept by Charles Drago. Executed by Phil Dragoo.


In terms of numbers of shots.

Barry Krusch, Impossible: The Case Against Lee Harvey Oswald, deconstructs the alleged three 6.5 shells found (allegedly) by Day & Co. on the sixth floor (alleged "sniper's nest"--although snipers have "hides") and allegedly sent to DPD, but actually sent to FBI--

--although as the shells may have been two--not three--and were not marked outright (though Day testified that he did so mark) and though the shells were sworn to having been sent, then revised to having been spent, but not sent. . . .

. . .and as the Warren Commission and its handmaidens from Hoover to Bugliosi, from Posner to the Church Lady, tasked one magical shell (CE 399) to causing seven wounds impossible for all Commission test samples. . .

. . .and as Lee's cheek being as clean of GSR as a baby's butt per DPD and AEC's Oak Ridge Lab. . .

. . .and Blakey's CIA love-fest having begrudgingly allowed four of the six or seven spikes on the analyzed Dictabelt. . .

. . .we are hardly satisfied that four is the number or that the number per se is a hill worth dying on. . .

. . .rather, that the frame-up is a lie, the patsy must be innocent--would have been acquitted at trial--

--hence having no statute of limitations the case remains open, reclassified as likely conspiracy, crossfire, coverup, coup.

There are four words beginning with C.

I place my thumb on my nose as the fifth C for Confusatory, waving the other four.


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The non-verbal wall of silence is deafening from the various institutions tasked with investigating the still open and unsolved crimes of the JFK and Tippet murders.

I think a very verbal and raucous squeaky wheel might have a better chance of getting the attention.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Mark Prior Wrote:"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." - Henry Ford

"I am a strong individualist by personal habit, inheritance, and conviction; but it is a mere matter of common sense to recognize that the State, the community, the citizens acting together, can do a number of things better than if they were left to individual action." -Theodore Roosevelt

"We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin

"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you." - Winston Churchill

It is not the value of unity that I find suspect in this instance.

Rather, it is the value of the unified's strategies and tactics.
The gesture does NOT restrict anyone to a belief of ONLY four shots, but demonstrates that we all believe AT LEAST four shots occurred. I myself consider the notion that at least 6 shots were fired.

And far as conducting ourselves during any event in Dealey Plaza, I don't object to a "very verbal or raucous" demonstration... as long as it doesn't play into the hands of those who would have us dismissed as "conspiracy nuts" or "loons."

That said, I have respect for all of you. And I can see that you all truly give a damn. I think we can definitely achieve great things by the 50th anniversary.


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