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America's Mexican Border Wars
Thanks T. Wake me up when the 'Drug War' is over an I'll smoke a J to celebrate!........... Grow your own, is my motto. Seriously, very sinister things happening and glad you're still telling truth to power on this. Keep us posted.
Seems there are some heavy duty munitions and even rockets being used on 'both' sides of this faux war.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
For anyone who is really interest in how the drug cartels gets hold of US Military hardware, then the following report should be of some interest.

The Mexican Army has received over one billion US dollars in US Military hardware in less than one year. Over half of these high grade weapons received by Mexico have been lost, stolen, or cannot be accounted for.

During the last six months a American secret military Task Force team working with a specialized Mexican unit from Mexico City, has located over sixteen hundred high grade US military weapons and hardware in a Juarez warehouse controlled by the Zetas and the gulf Cartel. This is only one of many storage facilities scattered throughout Mexico that contain US Military hardware.

This documented story from inside Mexico has and will not be covered by the United States mainstream media because of political reasons on both sides of the border. This loss of weapons, once inside Mexico, is the United States government and the Homeland Security's active program in protecting us from this northward creeping drug war which is now a solid threat to out National Security.

The weapons which have been found by the Mexican government scattered throughout Mexico are not weapons which can be transported across border checkpoints in the back of pickup trucks or in autos. Its extremely hard to sneak an Anti-aircraft gun or a stinger missile across a border check point without raising an eyebrow or two. Nor can you readily buy them at Pawn Shops or Gun shows in the United States.

U.S. Arms Transfers: Government Data

American arms manufacturers have two major channels through which they can sell major weaponry to foreign countries: foreign military sales ("FMS"), in which a government-to-government agreement is negotiated by the Pentagon; and direct commercial sales ("DCS"), in which industry negotiates directly with the purchasing country and must apply for a license from the State Department.
The United States government also transfers arms to other countries by giving away weapons from U.S.military stocks for free or at greatly reduced prices, classified as excess defense articles (EDA) or emergency "drawdowns." The United States also provides military training to many foreign countries. These transfers are also managed by the Defense Department. For more information about types of U.S.arms transfers, read the "Ways and Means" chapter of The Arms Trade Revealed....".

Additional background information in process of being updated:

RETURN to the current State Department web site.

U.S. Department of State
Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs [Image: bnr_narcotics.gif]
The Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) implements the International Narcotics Control element of the U.S. foreign assistance program, which is intended to enhance the institutional capabilities of foreign governments to define and implement strategies and national programs that prevent the production, trafficking and abuse of illicit drugs. These international programs focus on law enforcement and interdiction capabilities, criminal justice system reform, eradication of drug crops, alternative development, and demand reduction. INL's Aviation Division supports host governments worldwide in their efforts to locate and eradicate drug crops, interdict drug production and trafficking activities, and develop their own institutional counter-narcotics aviation program.
Programs | Reports | Remarks | Press Statements | Fact Sheets
The Role of U.S. Government Agencies
Narcotics Rewards Program
Country Programs
International Narcotics Control Strategy Report
12/13/00: Ambassador Sheehan, Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime (Drug Trafficking)
11/20/00: Barry McCaffrey, Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy; Thomas R. Pickering, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; and Guillermo Fernandez de Soto, Foreign Minister of Colombia, Press Conference at Casa de Narino, Bogota, Colombia
10/12/00: Assistant Secretary Rand Beers statement before the Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Reform, Washington, DC (Plan Colombia)
09/21/00: Assistant Secretary Rand Beers Statement before the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee of the House International Relations Committee, Washington, DC (Plan Colombia)
09/15/00: Secretary Albright remarks at Stakeout Following 6 + 2 Meeting on Afghanistan, New York, NY
09/15/00: Secretary Albright statement on 6 + 2 Meeting on Afghanistan, New York, NY
07/25/00: Assistant Secretary Rand Beers remarks before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, Washington, DC (Drug Ecstasy)
06/09/00: Assistant Secretary Rand Beers remarks before the Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Subcommittee, House Committee on Government Reform, Washington, DC (Counternarcotics Cooperation With Panama)
04/26/00: Assistant Secretary Rand Beers remarks before the Hispanic Council on International Relations, Washington, DC (U.S. Efforts to Combat International Narcotics and Crime)
04/04/00: Assistant Secretary Rand Beers statement before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Washington, DC (Plan Colombia)
03/21/00: Rand Beers, Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, Washington, DC (A Review of the Annual Certification Process)
02/25/00: Rand Beers, Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, Narcotics and Terrorism Subcommittee, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, DC (Plan Colombia)
01/11/00: Rand Beers, Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Peter Romero, Acting Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs, and Arturo Valenzuela, Special Assistant to the President for Inter-American Affairs at a special briefing on U.S. aid to Colombia, Washington, DC ($1.6 Billion Aid Package to Colombia)
1999-1996 Remarks
Press Statements
01/19/01: Counternarcotics Cooperation With Colombia
12/19/00: Bolivia's Coca Reduction Efforts
11/29/00: Colombian Rebel Connection to Mexican Drug Cartel
11/16/00: Pakistani Counter-Narcotics Delegation Visits the United States for Consultations
11/01/00: White House Press Statement: Text of Annual Drug Majors List (see fact sheet)
10/19/00: White House Press Statement: Letter to Congress on Narcotics Traffickers in Colombia
05/12/00: Mexico: Rewards for Ramon Arellano-Felix and Benjamin Arellano-Felix
05/10/00: Pakistan: Sentencing of Sakhi Dost Notezai
05/04/00: Mexico: Arrest of Ismael Higuera-Guerrero
03/01/00: White House Press Statement: Annual Presidential Certifications for Major Drug Producing and Transit Countries
03/01/00: White House Press Statement: Presidential Determination on Major Illicit Drug Producing and Drug Transit Countries
02/25/00: Narcotics Certification Briefing
02/02/00: Mexico: Unprecedented Cooperation at Sea
01/19/00: Thai Authorities Seize 126 Kilograms of Heroin
01/12/00: Peru's Coca Reduction Efforts
01/11/00: Statement by Secretary Albright (U.S. Assistance to Colombia)
1999-1998 Press Statements
Fact Sheets
01/17/01: The Aerial Eradication of Illicit Crops: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
12/11/00: INL International Demand Reduction Initiatives
11/01/00: Majors List and The Certification Process
08/16/00: Counternarcotics Efforts in the Andean Region
08/04/00: Combating Drug Traffickers Through Forward Operating Locations
08/04/00: Presidential Decision Directive on the Colombia Initiative: Increased U.S. Assistance for Colombia (White House)
07/19/00: Plan Colombia
07/10/00: Demand Reduction
04/17/00: The United States Government Border Security Assistance Programs in Kyrgyzstan
02/00: Travel Warning on Drugs Abroad
01/11/00: Colombia Assistance Package
1999-1998 Fact Sheets
[end of document]

It seems pretty clear that the US government is involved in this at some level. Names. Dates. Offices. Deparments. Is any one going to be named and made accountable for this arms traffic?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Yes Magda. I assure you things are in the works. The new administration is very much interested in going for the sources of most of the past deeds or misconduct in relation to the abuse of power in the drug war and other matters.
It is a very complicated matter and the President and most of his administrative staff are in process of tracking down some of the persons and agencies responsible for these past miss deeds.

I can't speak for the President, but I do know, from other sources, which have confirmed to me, that directives have been assimilated to various agencies stating that, "... the old ways of doing business will no longer be tolerated. ..". I think this can be seen most recently in the responds of the Latin American people in reference to the Presidents trip to these countries this week; Venezuela and Cuba are good example of this. Regardless of ones political views right or wrong, there are now good people tracking some of these individuals and their past miss deeds and atrocities with the hope of bringing them to Justice..., public or secretly.

By its very nature, to discuss the "whens" and "whys" and the "right" or "wrongs", as well as the "WHO" brings the augrement into the political arena and pulls the problems away from their real objectives-- in my view.., something I try to stay away from. I tend to agree with some that its time to work for positive change in our policies and let 'Carma" and "others" of the "darkside" deal with the past misfits and "evil doers" which have isolated our country from carring the real banner of Justice for all, to all..

I do not support the policy of, "...kill um all.., and let God sort um' out', respond to our problems. I 'm a field operative and thats all I know and too, "its not my YOB Man...". I believe in what goes around will come around.., and those who play with the lives of others and used the sword will be in time brought to justice, although perhaps in ways we do not quite understand as yet.
Tosh Plumlee Wrote:[Its extremely hard to sneak an Anti-aircraft gun or a stinger missile across a border check point without raising an eyebrow or two. Nor can you readily buy them at Pawn Shops or Gun shows in the United States.

A real flair for the understatement!.......:bandit:

Well the MSM might not be reporting this, but your posts here must be raising a an eyebrow or two somewhere.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter In my view there are not enough people on this forum to make a difference... the Forum is not promoted enough or known about in the areas that could make a difference. It seems to me that we have become a chat forum and a forum to entetain and be heard only between a select few.

If we really wanted our views heard then we should forward the information posted on this forum to the four conors of the earth... to our elected officials..., the media..., and to anyone else who might be in a position to get the truth of the matter out into the mainstream.
Well, I forwarded it to the media organisation I mentioned to you Tosh and I was told by some one who knows some one working there 'the shit hit the fan' but I am unable to clarify what that means. They have all of your post as of a week or so ago. I'm still trying.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Yes Magda You are one of the few who really puts forth the effort. We need more on this forum and in other places to take the time and get valid information to the media and we need to do it by sheer numbers armed with factual information which perhaps force them to cover the truth of these matters and not cater to the political whims of their upper management and senior editors looking for political handouts or favors.

You have forwarded some of the material which I have posted on this forum and in your words you were told…, “…all kinds of shit hit the fan”, or to something to that effect. Have you wondered why that was said instead of “… that’s all bullshit…” They know and the good journalist who really want to do their job in a professional manner are blocked by the powers that be, which are imbedded within their organizations and the most senior levels. If these dedicated people push too hard then they are pushed out the door or character assassinated and their careers destroyed

You asked me, after reading one of my post: “…who warned you Tosh?

I too was warned the other day by mail after I sent some of my findings on the border war down here in New Mexico to a Washington DC paper and a NY paper; Although the reply was not from either of these papers someone evidently read some of the material and took it upon their self to sent the letter from San Diego.

“… Mr. Plumlee, I think it would be best if you did not make references to “classified’ information in your material. This could cause you to have some concerns for legal matters and perhaps your safety or perhaps even the well being to your family…

Now I know how this game is played. If there was bodily harm meant for me by those powers that be, then I would never know it. It would just happen. It was the hope that I would run with it in a paranoid state and make myself look like a fool. I have made that mistake in the past.

That was the reason I put that little disclaimer on the bottom of the post to this forum. I too, can send messages and I know what is being monitored on these forums… in that respect I am perhaps using this forum for my own ends.

None the less, it is the information that I am trying to get into the mainstream…. Like;

“… You can’t get Anti- Aircraft weapons, or Stinger missiles, or grenade launchers across the Mexican border going south in the back of a pickup truck or the backseat of a Honda, without raising a few eyebrows at the border crossing.

If you remember I posted a report with pictures from the Mexican AP news media about an Anti-Aircraft machine gun with thousands of rounds of ammo, being found mounted on a pickup truck in Mexico. That was not all that was found at that location, but that was blocked by ATF and that other agency that we know so well. Some the material at that location was traced back to the United States military and was ship into Mexico legally some years ago by the Direct Commercial Sales (DCS) program.(Blue Lantern Report) And some of the weapons recently found were traced back to the Panama Contra days of 1986-89, some of those weapons were lost or damaged beyond repair and taken off the GAO books. These lost or missed place weapons eventually ended up in one of the Colombian Cartels hands and were passed along to the Mexican counterparts in time. However, we (we being the American people) were told they all came from a Pawn Shop here in the United States. The United States mainstream media has accepted this report and have moved on to other matters of lesser importance.

I also documented a weapons storage warehouse in Juarez with hundreds of boxes of new weapons, night vision goggles, electronic surveillance equipment, and hundreds of rounds of ammo as well as explosives. Narco News reported these findings along with background information or the source. The various locations of buried bodies which both the Mexican authorities as well as the American authorities know and knew about were also documented and pictures taken while riding with the Mexican Army. These are not allegations, but facts.., Facts that the American mainstream media does not want to know. And I claim it’s for political reasons… gun control? Perhaps… NFTA negotiations? Perhaps, to cover these stories would create bad relations with Mexico? Perhaps. But regardless how you cut the cake we are being lied to and kept in the dark as to what is really going on down Mexico way and its borders with the United States.

Now I know and you know they do not want to really know this stuff; because to know is to report… if its BS then report it as such… if not… then shit will hit the fan, again… and some heads will roll… in Mexico as well as in the United States…. pardon the Pun.

Tosh Plumlee

Tosh, while I appreciate and agree it is good to send to media outlets and congress, et al., there is a way a story can spread and 'get out' via the internet and both should be done. For example, posting this on many related websites [not Forums] will strart the ball rolling. I'd suggest a few, there are SO many others. You simply submit it to them. Wikileaks, Prisonplanet, Democracynow, The Expert Witness Show, Truth Alliance Network, Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting, and there are 100 others others here can suggest or send it to. What would be good would be to make up a 'packet' of all the best articles [yours or others] on this matter with a short paragraph stating what its all about and send to such sites and media outlets, or post as attachment here and we can do so. Ten tell 100; 100 tell 1000; 1000 tell anyone who will listen.....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Hi Tosh. I've been away for a few weeks (and am still away in fact but just droppping by) and so am not up to speed on things - but I will spend time reading when I return tomorrow evening or Tuesday. Take care.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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