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Hello all.
I see that Charles Drago posted on this matter back in 2008 :
A few questions re what is known about the Dodd Committee :
1)Are the names of any/all of those who assisted the Committee's work by purchasing weapons , still secret ?
One would imagine privacy protection would apply in perpetuity,but I do not know if that is so.
2)Are any details of the Committee's work still withheld ?
3)Would such details be available via an FOI request ?
Re:extract from the article in the link to to the thread :
Did the late Mr.Evica leave us with any clue as to the identity of these sources ??
Beyond speculation, however, I have learned that according to two unimpeachable sources, Senator Thomas Dodd indeed caused at least one Mannlicher Carcano to be ordered in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald (or in the name of "Alek Hidell") sometime in 1963. (emphasis added by Drago)
Thank you
Marcus AH
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Thank you for the inquiry, sir.
George Michael shared with me the identity of one of his sources, but I am not at liberty to reveal that information. To the best of my ability to do so, I can support my friend's characterization of said source as "unimpeachable."
Another key paragraph from Evica's work herein cited:
"Whether that rifle was ordered before November 22nd, 1963, as part of the scenario discussed above: a left-wing former Marine defector buying mail -order weapons to support concretely Senator Dodd's gun control position, or ordered immediately after the JFK assassination to make the same point (but even more chillingly), the same post-assassination effect was apparently achieved."
As an aside, I note with sadness and frustration that contemporary analyses of LHO's alleged purchase of the MC are, in the vast majority of instances, uninformed by George Michael's definitive research on this matter as originally presented in his first book-length study of the assassination, And We are All Mortal.
George Michael Evica lived and undertook his JFK assassination scholarship in Hartford, Connecticut.
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Mr. Hanson,
On the alt.assassination.jfk site, you describe Lee Harvey Oswald as a "murderer."
(!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/marcus$20hanson/alt.assassination.jfk/2Wcl2POFL98/o-SJdGi4UG0J )
Further, and on the same page, you write the following:
I ... have slowly moved over the past 24 years from dedicated CT-er to almost-convinced LN-er.
That's right - ALMOST convinced.
If Oswald had gone to trial and I had been a juror,a good defence attorney MIGHT have caused "reasonable doubt". If he did,I would be obliged to say "Not Guilty".
Does that mean I believe that Oswald was innocent?
No : it means only that I respect the high standard of proof required by the law.
If the standard of proof at law was less exacting,as in a civil matter ,"on the balance of probabilities", I'd surely vote "Guilty".
Anyone with reasonable access to the legitimate evidence in this case who does not conclude that JFK was killed by conspirators -- and that Lee Harvey Oswald did not murder JFK or J.D. Tippit -- is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.
Permit me to save you a bit of time: The Lone Nut lie will not be debated or otherwise entertained on Deep Politics Forum.
Anything else before you scurry back to your safe haven and "debate" Ralph Cinque?
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Charles Drago Wrote:Mr. Hanson,
On the alt.assassination.jfk site, you describe Lee Harvey Oswald as a "murderer."
(!searchin/alt.assassination.jfk/marcus$20hanson/alt.assassination.jfk/2Wcl2POFL98/o-SJdGi4UG0J )
Further, and on the same page, you write the following:
I ... have slowly moved over the past 24 years from dedicated CT-er to almost-convinced LN-er.
That's right - ALMOST convinced.
If Oswald had gone to trial and I had been a juror,a good defence attorney MIGHT have caused "reasonable doubt". If he did,I would be obliged to say "Not Guilty".
Does that mean I believe that Oswald was innocent?
No : it means only that I respect the high standard of proof required by the law.
If the standard of proof at law was less exacting,as in a civil matter ,"on the balance of probabilities", I'd surely vote "Guilty".
Anyone with reasonable access to the legitimate evidence in this case who does not conclude that JFK was killed by conspirators -- and that Lee Harvey Oswald did not murder JFK or J.D. Tippit -- is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.
Permit me to save you a bit of time: The Lone Nut lie will not be debated or otherwise entertained on Deep Politics Forum.
Anything else before you scurry back to your safe haven and "debate" Ralph Cinque?
Hello Mr.Drago.
First , thank you for your reply about Mr.Evica's work.
Second - well , where do I begin ?
1)I know ,from reading other threads here , that you profile new members.
Had I wanted to hide my identity , I would have registered under another name.
No , I did not learn that from any intel handler : it's just common sense.
Do I have an entrenched opposition to conspiracies ?
No,of course not - that would be ridiculous.
You will note from my profile that I include Watergate as an area of interest - clearly a conspiracy which Nixon tried his best to hide.
2)As you correctly copied and pasted , I am an "almost convinced" LNer.
One area of doubt, is whether Lee Oswald worked for - or was led to believe he worked for - Senator Dodd.
Hence the questions in my thread.
Is there a problem with anyone having doubts?
I bet you would agree that the CIA have been less than forthcoming and should release all they know ?
You know who , among others , would agree with you ? The CT bete noire , Gerald Posner.
Posner also said that Mark Lane would likely have secured a "Not Guilty".
I remain utterly convinced , however , that Oswald DID kill Officer Tippit.
If that is correct , however , it does NOT conclusively prove that he killed President Kennedy.
3)You imply - nay , you STATE - that I am "cognitively impaired".
Now , this is your forum , so you can do as you choose , of course.
Still , to call a poster "cognitively impaired" is clearly in breach of your own rules , viz :
"This forum champions free speech"
"Firstly, all members, including DPF moderators and founders, should receive identical treatment from the DPF moderators, and abide by the agreed rules of engagement."
"Secondly, our fundamental objective is for DPF to be an arena where research can be seriously discussed, and thoroughly refuted if appropriate, without name-calling or member abuse"
You state : "The Lone Nut lie will not be debated or otherwise entertained on Deep Politics Forum".
That is hardly consistent with the "free speech" clause in the Rules of Engagement , is it ?
But it does not really matter , for I did not raise any LN arguments in THIS forum.
Nor was that my intention. Mostly , I joined to ask about Sen.Dodd's committee and to read , with accessible links , what the various researchers opine on all facets of the case , that's all.
Whilst respecting the work of all responsible researchers , CT or LN , I am nobody's "disciple" nor am I part of any JFK "clique". Never have been , never will be.
Maybe you have no wish to proselytize ? Well ok , fair enough - but if you do in fact want folks to be open to "converting" , you are not going about it the right way.
Ad hominems do nothing to change a person's point of view.
And I think you realise that , because you have pointed out that invectives in this forum are counter-productive. On that point , at least , we agree one hundred percent.
Best regards ,
Marcus Hanson
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Take your bullshit and leave. You fit the pattern. You just might be convinced if someone were just open to reasoned debate. But sadly, no one here will be reasonable.
You are like someone who walks into a convention of evolutionary biologists and want to debate creationism, which you are almost ready to accept but not quite yet. You just need a little help to be persuaded not to accept it.
"You" just keep showing up.
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This isn't about George Michael Evica, nor Charles Drago, nor Senator Dodd.
"Almost convinced"--dissembling; the author of these remarks is most assuredly convinced.
I remain utterly convinced , however , that Oswald DID kill Officer Tippit.
The witness Markham spoke with the dead officer and was deemed not credible.
The exculpatory witness Clemons was threatened into silence.
The ballistic evidence is overwhelming.
The poster is a provocateur.
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This forum is not a venue for supporters of the Lone Nut theory and was specifically set up on that basis to help clear the muddy waters for further research. We're way past that. There are plenty of other venues around if you wish to persue that line.
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Lauren Johnson Wrote:MH,
Take your bullshit and leave. You fit the pattern. You just might be convinced if someone were just open to reasoned debate. But sadly, no one here will be reasonable.
You are like someone who walks into a convention of evolutionary biologists and want to debate creationism, which you are almost ready to accept but not quite yet. You just need a little help to be persuaded not to accept it.
"You" just keep showing up.
Agreed. Actually Charles was nice to you, all things considered. There are plenty of LN forums out there. This is not one of them.
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Marcus Hanson Wrote:1)I know ,from reading other threads here , that you profile new members.
Had I wanted to hide my identity , I would have registered under another name.
The deception would have had a short shelf life: Your embrace of the LN lie would have seeped out of you like pus from an infected wound.
Marcus Hanson Wrote:You imply - nay , you STATE - that I am "cognitively impaired".
Not true. I left open the possibilities that you do not enjoy reasonable access to the legitimate evidence in the JFK case and/or that you are complicit in the crime.
I am now prepared to stipulate that, to the best of my ability to judge, you do indeed enjoy access to legitimate evidence in the JFK case.
Marcus Hanson Wrote:[/COLOR]You state : "The Lone Nut lie will not be debated or otherwise entertained on Deep Politics Forum".
That is hardly consistent with the "free speech" clause in the Rules of Engagement , is it ?
It is damnably consistent with DPF's policy of not engaging proponents of the LN lie. Rather, our missions are to expose and ridicule them for what they are. Your LN position is not worthy of serious consideration. It is a long-exposed deception, and you will not be allowed to imply, let alone directly state, that it is anything but a lie.
There is no place for you here, Mr. Hanson. You have failed in your mission.
Go away, please.
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It seems as though a 24 year old ex Marine, who had lived awhile in the Soviet Union, came home with a Russian wife, purchased a mail order surplus Italian rifle, worked in a building on the edge of downtown Dallas, waited for the motorcade to pass by during the lunch hour, shot and killed the U S President, shot and wounded the Texas Governor, left work without an automobile, took a taxicab, went home, changed clothes without speaking to his landlady, wandered around the neighborhood, shot and killed a DPD Officer, went to a movie, was captured by a multitude of law officers, was paraded around the Police Station, placed in a cell, questioned periodically over two days, and was shot and killed after two days in custody while approaching a vehicle to be transferred from the City Jail to the County Jail. But what seems truly
amazing, it seems as though before sunset CST on 11/22/'63, the world knew that Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, shot and killed John F Kennedy, shot and killed JD Tippit, and shot and wounded John B Connally.:what: