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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver
Guns And Butter show on the questions and unanswered discrepancies re: Sandy Hook Massacre HERE.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:Keith: you can get the man out of the Marines, but you can't get Marines out of the man.

Yes,I think that statement rings very true Lauren.Well,not the Marine part though,I was Army.But as much as I am an anti-war person now,right after 9/11 and the US was attacked,all of that military mindset came back.I even considered joining one of the Oregon militias that had a resurgence of activity then.

I think what it all comes down to is that we took an oath of honor to defend the country and the constitution.I can't speak for all veterans but my honor is of the upmost importance.This does not mean that I don't falter at times but,I will always try to keep my honor.It might,in fact even be the only thing that keeps me from just crumbling........

Keith, I sense that you did not take offense at my comment. And none was meant. What I do take offense at, not from you, is how the oaths to defend the country and the constitution are manipulated to devious ends. The smart ones figure it out, and then have to live with the consequences, sometimes terrible consequences, of what they have been a part of. But then that is true of me, and I was not in the military. I feel lied to and taken advantage of and only in the last 15 years am I coming to figure it out.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Scott Creighton extensively discusses Judge William Sylvester's decision on James Holmes' preliminary hearing. He notes the peculiar nature of the hearing with highly charged emotional testimony from police officers that he claims would normally not be a part of such a hearing. To him, it reads like the only thing that we will see even closely resembling a trial--a trial at which his own attorney did not contest anything. Key paragraph:

Quote:What does this mean? It means that in the biggest case in the history of the Colorado judicial system, they have absolutely no evidence that their suspect, James Holmes, committed this horrendous crime. None that would stand up in court that is.

He has stated elsewhere that Holmes' case will disappear with a plea bargain meant to spare all the emotional difficulty of a trial. Then Holmes will vanish into never never land.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
I think that partial post, above, deserves being posted in full......

Aurora Masscre: Review of Judge Sylvester's Ruling An Insult to Justice and Those Who Seek It
Posted on January 12, 2013 by willyloman

by Scott Creighton (H/T Polaris)

My review of Judge William Sylvester's final decision in the preliminary hearing of James Holmes.

The preliminary hearing that took place last week in the James Holmes case was nothing more than a show trial. As I have stated, the evidence presented against Holmes was prejudicial, circumstantial and possibly even fabricated. Having read Judge Sylvester's final ruling on the preliminary hearing and his decision to proceed with the trial of James Holmes in the matter of the Aurora Massacre, I am move convinced of this than ever.

"The prosecution is accorded considerable latitude in presenting it's evidence at the preliminary hearing. When determining the sufficiency of the evidence, the trial court should view the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution… "it is not for the trial judge at the preliminary hearing to accept the defendant's versions of the facts over the legitimate inferences which can be drawn from the people's evidence… evidence which would be incompetent at the time of trial, may well be the bulk of the evidence at the preliminary hearing" Chief Judge William Blair Sylvester, page 5

The fact that a certain amount of leniency is afforded to the prosecution during preliminary hearings is not remarkable in this case. But when you consider it in light of the larger picture, the fact that this case will never go to trial and the extreme level of secrecy which has been imposed on the case and the evidence itself, what you come to realize is the fact that this case has just been tried in the court of public opinion in an official forum, based on evidence that the court itself admits would never hold up in a real trial.

That is a "show trial' by definition.

What follows is my review of the judge's insulting 62 page ruling in this hearing.

One thing I noticed while looking through the judge's ruling is the fact that he doesn't stand by the evidence presented himself. What he claims over and over again is that various witnesses make claims ABOUT various pieces of evidence, like the 6 security camera videos, and the judge then states he finds the witnesses "credible"

He doesn't say the evidence is credible. He says the witnesses are. That's a big difference.

I also noticed something very odd and if James Holmes had a legitimate defense team (the public defender's office should be sued by the people of Aurora) they would have jumped all over it:

The fact is, James Holmes is supposed to have had two Iphones, one recovered in his car and one recovered from his home. The one recovered from the scene is the one with all the incriminating evidence on it and may very well be the one which James Holmes is supposed to have ordered his weapons and ammo with. But that phone has an interesting history with regard to July 5th.

It seems on that one day, July 5th, James Holmes used that cell phone to:
set up an Adult Friend Finders page with incriminating statements written into his message
take pictures of someone wearing black contacts (to hide the fact that their eyes are the wrong color?) who is supposedly James Holmes with the murder weapons in a fashion much like the now infamous "backyard rifle pictures" that surfaced of Lee Harvey Oswald (those pictures are widely understood to have been fabricated in order to frame Oswald)
take photos of the back of Theater 9 at Century 16

Any fool, and I mean ANY FOOL can plainly see that the only person who would have done all of these things in a single day would only have done so in an effort to connect James Holmes with this massacre.

And they were all done on the exact same day with James Holmes' SECOND Iphone.

On page 11 of the judge's ruling, he also states that Sgt. Fyles testified that Corbin Dates told him (hearsay evidence that would NEVER be allowed into a courtroom) he saw "a male with red hair sticking out of a black beanie walk toward an emergency exit door…"

This statement flies in the face of what Corbin Dates told Chris Mathews on Hardball which was he didn't think the man he saw getting up and moving toward the exit door was Holmes. Dates never said in public that the guy he saw had red hair sticking out from under a black beanie. This is a completely fabricated aspect of Sgt. Fyles testimony.

But more important that even that, the importance of Corbin Dates' statement is the fact that he thought that the man he saw getting up and going to the door was actually talking to someone and looking around for the person outside the door as if he were trying to give him directions.

This of course implies another accomplice in this crime, something that omitted evidence surely points to.

It is the same Sgt. Fyles who offered the testimony about the incriminating "back yard photos" found on James Holmes' second Iphone.

In a court of law, a real court of law, Sgt. Fyles' credibility would be shot and anything he offered as evidence would probably be dismissed for having perjured himself previously.

The court found Sgt. Fyles' testimony to be "credible"

James Holmes' defense team never challenged Fyles.

Also of interest, the shotgun which was originally said to have been found inside the car is now listed as having been found inside the theater itself.

In conclusion, what is probably most glaring in this case is what you don't see and I mean aside from the fact that the minimal circumstantial evidence that they admit wouldn't stand up in court is kept secret from you.

What you don't see is any forensic evidence like gun power residue on Holmes or his fingerprints on the shell casings.

There is not one single mention of evidence of that nature in the judge's ruling. Not one.

What does this mean? It means that in the biggest case in the history of the Colorado judicial system, they have absolutely no evidence that their suspect, James Holmes, committed this horrendous crime. None that would stand up in court that is.

Having a police official sit on the stand and tell people in the court room that security camera images are in fact James Holmes when no one in the room can make out the face of the person in the video is NOT proof of guilt of the accused.

Having a police official sit on the stand after he has already perjured himself by putting words in the mouth of a witness/victim of this crime, and tell us that James Holmes spent the entire day of July 5th 2012 setting up the prosecution's evidence against him, is NOT proof of guilt of the accused.

In fact, it might even be proof of his innocence if a forensic study of that second Iphone is conducted.

Having one officer after the other testify that victims were killed and injured and suffering horribly in the aftermath of the shooting is NOT proof of guilt of the accused.

The question to be answered is not that people were injured and murdered by a vicious and ruthless assailant, the question to be answered is whether or not the evidence suggests that James Holmes is indeed that assailant.

Presenting this testimony IN LIEU of actual hard evidence linking Holmes to the massacre, is prejudicial at best.

In short, what has transpired in Colorado in the wake of the Aurora Massacre is an affront to the justice system, the memory of those lost, the suffering of those left behind and the intelligence of the American people who are at this very moment being forced to hand over one of their few remaining items on the Bill of Rights in response to this mass casualty event.

Having reviewed this judge's insult of a ruling, I am left even more convinced that this event is a staged mass casualty event in the ongoing destabilization campaign being run against the people of this nation, the American Gladio campaign.

The people of this country, the people of Aurora and Colorado must reject this conclusion for the sake of justice for those lost and suffering and those who will in the future.

The notion of criminal justice is not a notion of retribution. It is designed to serve as a warning to others who may intend to commit similar crimes.

As Obama has shown us, if you do not hold criminals accountable like the previous administration and the financial elites who devastated the country we live in, their crimes do not simply go away, they are repeated as needed.

This has always been the basis for the alternative investigative journalists in terms of the unofficial investigation of the Aurora Massacre. We have engaged in countless hours of research and investigation in the hopes that justice may be served, real justice, and future mass casualty events could therefore be avoided.

In that effort we have thus far failed. There have been several more of these staged events since July 20th 2012, all with no motive, all conducted with the same armaments, all carried out by "lone gunmen nuts", and all being currently used to change the political structure of our nation: namely, the removal of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

If we do not stand as a people and reject this kind of white-wash hack-job of a show trial, there will be more of these events in time. More innocent people will die as the destabilization campaign being run in the United States continues.

My heart goes out to all of those who sought justice in this hearing and instead were presented with an insulting dog and pony show on par with the worst WWE performances of the past. Hopefully, like the Jersey Girls before them, they should take a moment to reflect on what they actually saw take place before them, the Kabuki Theater style melodrama that was presented, and they should be infuriated. They should raise important questions and demand real answers. They should demand the release of this so-called evidence including but not limited to the initial police report filed by Holmes' arresting officer. They should demand this case be opened to the public for scrutiny before those posing as the defense attorneys can trade Holmes' future for their own personal and profession gain. They should demand these things in every public forum, in front of every camera that will record them and take their demands to the streets if necessary.

If and when they do this, I am sure they will find tens of thousands of us who will gladly join them in their pursuit for real justice for their loss and suffering.

The person's responsible for their suffering are not being held in custody at this time, they are free and roaming the streets of America, feeling empowered to repeat their heinous crimes again in the future.

Let's not wait 50 years for RFK Jr. to finally speak out about yet another "conspiracy theory" that has proven to be just a conspiracy. They do exist. They are being run to this very day. And it's time we starting taking a stand against them as a people, as a nation.

This legal proceeding was a farce and unless we act and refute it as such, we can expect more of the same in the future. For the memory of those lost and the protection of those we will lose, reject Judge Sylvester's ruling and demand the evidence be brought before the people.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Quote:Keith, I sense that you did not take offense at my comment. And none was meant. What I do take offense at, not from you, is how the oaths to defend the country and the constitution are manipulated to devious ends. The smart ones figure it out, and then have to live with the consequences, sometimes terrible consequences, of what they have been a part of. But then that is true of me, and I was not in the military. I feel lied to and taken advantage of and only in the last 15 years am I coming to figure it out.


Your response about feeling lied to and taken advantage of begs for further inquiry,but I think I'll just let it be.And no,I did not take any offence from your comments,even though I came back with a "Dark,evil,double black,bloodsucking vampire"response.:rofl:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:
Quote:Keith, I sense that you did not take offense at my comment. And none was meant. What I do take offense at, not from you, is how the oaths to defend the country and the constitution are manipulated to devious ends. The smart ones figure it out, and then have to live with the consequences, sometimes terrible consequences, of what they have been a part of. But then that is true of me, and I was not in the military. I feel lied to and taken advantage of and only in the last 15 years am I coming to figure it out.


Your response about feeling lied to and taken advantage of begs for further inquiry,but I think I'll just let it be.And no,I did not take any offence from your comments,even though I came back with a "Dark,evil,double black,bloodsucking vampire"response.:rofl:

My response is simple: young men (and women) who mostly have the best of intentions are fed a line of crap in their transformation into warriors--bringing freedom and democracy and fighting against immoral enemies--same line of crap they are fed.

I can only imagine what would have happened to my mind and soul if I had been subjected to that kind of brainwashing. I guess I would have gone and followed orders. I never thought of any soldier as evil, etc. I had an ex-brother in law who was a medic and had his body picked over by North Viet Nam regulars after their unit was overrun. He wasn't doing very well. It's the masters of war who I have issues with.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Taft Union High School Drill Becomes "Real Life"

Was the tragic January 10 shooting at Taft Union High School part of a drill that "went live"? This is the impression one gets when analyzing media reports of the incident, such as those from CNN correspondent Khung Lah.

Taft School District Superintendent Bill McDermott stated that on the morning of January 10 at 7:30AM PST Taft Union High School staff participated in "lockdown training." The public school, located roughly two hours northwest of Los Angeles, encompasses grades nine through 12 with about 935 students and 64 faculty members.[1]

According to CNN, just one hour after a routine school lockdown drill, a student armed with a 12-gauge shotgun opened fire, seriously injuring another student who was taken to hospital in critical condition.

In a January 10 exchange between CNN's Anderson Cooper and correspondent Kyung Lah, the latter reveals how the incident arose from a drill that went live minutes later.

Kyung Lah: Another thing that they're also crediting are drills. The school, Anderson, just this morning, had a drill as to what to do if a shooter was in the school, a drill that became real life just an hour later.

Lah's observation of the peculiar coincidence was left undeveloped by program host Anderson Cooper, who immediately steered the reporter in a direction more supportive of the overt storyline.

Cooper: Do we know what the teachers, the administrators said to the student to get him to disarm? And also, do we know what the motive of targeting these like why there was, you know, allegedly this hit list or why he might have targeted these particular students?

Are there historical precedents to such events? Meticulous researchers and political analysts place beyond question that major terrorist incidents including 9/11 and the London 7/7/05 bombings arose from one or more terror training drills that had the potential to suddenly "go live." In such instances the only ingredient is the insertion of real bullets or incendiary devices.

In his landmark study, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA Webster Tarpley explains how public terror events can arise from such government drill exercises proceeding alongside and/or in direct association with the unfolding event. For example, when the September 11 terror attacks took place no fewer than 15 governmental and military drill exercises were occurring simultaneously.

"The principle directly at stake here," Tarpley observes,

is that state terrorists wishing to conduct an illegal terror operation often find it highly advantageous to conduit or bootleg that illegal operation through the government military/security bureaucracy with the help of an exercise or drill that closely resembles or mimics the illegal operation. Once the entire apparatus is set up, it is only necessary to make apparently small changes to have the exercise go live, and turn into a real hecatomb … A drill simulating a terror attack provides the greatest possible camouflage of the criminal intent of the perpetrators and allows the terror attack to occur through minor departures from the scenario script. All these drills try to be as realistic as possible. But the greatest realism is the actual terror attack.[3]

Kero County Sheriff Donny Youngblood explained shortly after the January 10 shooting how the Federal Bureau of Investigation was present throughout the event.

They're here really to seeto make sure this really isn't a federal incident. And they're here to really observe andandI mean this iswe knew this was going to get national attention and, uh, our local FBI stepped in and I asked them to stick around because wethey can learn if we have another event down the road of any kind where we use the FBI. We work hand-in-hand. This county has the best interaction with law enforcement agencies probably anywhere in the country, and we want to keep it that way and that's part of the reason you saw them here.[4]

During many "live shooter drills" professionally trained actors often work in association with federal and state authorities to make the drill look as life-like as possible. For example, according to the Crisis Actors website, in such a mall shooting drill

actors can play the part of the shooters, mall employees, shoppers in the mall, shoppers who continue to arrive at the mall, media reporters and others rushing to the mall, and persons in motor vehicles around the mall … Crisis Actors can also play the role of citizens calling 911 or mall management, or posting comments on social media websites. During the exercise, the producers use two-way radio to co-direct the Crisis Actors team from the mall dispatch center and at actors' locations.

In other words, throughout such events actors are strategically deployed and manipulated to control the entire situation. In the event that a drill potentially "goes live," these actors are poised to play decisive roles in determining how such an incident will be presented to news media and the broader public.

The December 14 Newtown Connecticut school shooting included features similar to an "active shooter drill." For example, "actors" may have been observed fleeing the scene and being apprehended by police outside the school. The identities of these individuals cannot be confirmed as they were not heard from again, the media largely failed to follow up on the suspects, and their identities remain undisclosed by law enforcement.[5]

Along these lines, in the event's aftermath separate media interviews reveal the contradictory accounts of parents and residents, such as those of the Licatas and Gene Rosen, who simply cannot seem to get their stories straight.

To date there has been absolutely no video footage or photographic evidence released that would have in all probability been captured on the Sandy Hook School's new security surveillance system confirming exactly how the incident transpired. Also, the press has been forbidden entry to the grounds despite the fact that law enforcement authorities have repeatedly confirmed Adam Lanza as the sole perpetrator of the mass shooting.

In the event that government authorities may be involved in coordinating "active shooter drills" that have the potential to unexpectedly "go live" one thing is certain: no public spaces remain safe for children or the broader citizenry.


[1] RNN Staff. "Victim Expected to Recover After Suspect Opens Fire in CA Classroom,", January 10, 2013.

[2] CNN, Anderson Cooper 360 Transcripts, January 10, 2013.

[3] Webster Griffin Tarpley, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, 4th Edition, Joshua Tree CA: Progressive Press, 2007, xi.

[4] ABC23, Student, "Teacher Shot at Taft High School, [accompanying press conference on video]" January 10, 2013.

[5] Connecticut State Police Lieutenant J. Paul Vance now asserts that a man police chased into and apprehended in the wooded area by the school's gymnasium was merely there "chopping wood." If this was the case, how did the suspect know enough to declare to parents and bystanders, "I didn't do it," as police escorted him to the cruiser? Tim Brown, "Clearing Up a Few Loose Ends in the Sandy Hook Shooting," Freedom Outpost, January 10.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
By M. Alex Johnson, staff writer, NBC News

The man charged with killing 12 people in a crowded Colorado movie theater last year must waive all medical confidentiality and agree to be drugged for a psychiatric exam if he wants to plead guilty by reason of insanity, a judge ruled Monday.

Circuit Judge William Sylvester confirmed in the order that Holmes, 25, had asked to enter an insanity plea to 166 felony counts of murder, attempted murder and other felonies in the shootings July 20 at a theater in Aurora showing the premiere of "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises."

Holmes' lawyers had raised several objections to the state's law governing insanity pleas. Among them were complaints that fully waiving their client's medical confidentiality and that administering drugs to assist in any court-ordered examination violated his constitutional rights.
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Sylvester rejected those claims on Friday.

Holmes is scheduled to be arraigned in 18th Circuit Court in Arapahoe County on Tuesday.

If Holmes goes through with an insanity defense, Sylvester said, he will immediately have to turn over the names, addresses and medical reports of any doctor or psychologist who has ever treated him for a psychiatric condition.

He will also immediately be committed for a state examination, during which doctors will be allowed to administer "such drugs as are medically appropriate" to ensure his lucidity, Sylvester ordered.

More: Read the full order (.pdf)

Defense documents made public Friday revealed for the first time that Holmes was hospitalized in a psychiatric ward in November for "several days, frequently in restraints."

In the the documents, Holmes' lawyers asked Sylvester to order Denver Health Medical Center, where Holmes was taken from the Arapahoe County jail by ambulance Nov. 15, to preserve video it made of his treatment and observation.

Sylvester didn't rule on that motion Monday.

Prosecutors still haven't said whether they intend to seek the death penalty for Holmes. They have two months following next week's arraignment to declare their intentions.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Is Jolly West in charge of the narcotic probing?

Oops - the elephant killer is dead.

We shall see who replaced him.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Is Jolly West in charge of the narcotic probing?

Oops - the elephant killer is dead.

We shall see who replaced him.

I have no proof - and fear none will EVER be provided in Court or elsewhere; but strongly suspect what is left of Holmes' free will of thought is about to be 'erased' for good.......with a chemical 'degaussing gun', hypnosis and who knows what else is 'new'. It will be interesting to learn [if indeed we ever do] WHO is 'chosen' to drug and then 'question' and 'test' Holmes. Bye Bye Mr. Holmes.....your brains/memory/thought patterns/personality are all going to the 'cleaners'.:mexican: Clockwork MK-ULTRA Orange anyone? :nurse::cleanears:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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