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James Kenneth Galbraith/Bill Moyers on PBS
James Kenneth Galbraith/Bill Moyers on PBS


How Conservatives Abandoned The Free Market
and Why Liberals Should Too

By James K. Galbraith

I got this link from my "alter ego."

[COLOR="Navy"]"I got this link from Glenn Messaros. It is an interview with economist James K. Galbraith.

It appears that the spectre of FDR is being raised in certain circles inside the US and even Russia under Vladimir Putin.

Bill Moyers starts this piece by situating former Fed Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan as a disciple of the radical monetarist Ayn Rand. Moyers takes a couple of shots at Ayn Rand, calling her a hedonist.

Galbraith then talks about the New Deal and he tells Moyer and the audience that the "institutions of government" (battered as they are) still exist that can pull the US out of this financial collapse.

LaRouche has said this for years, the United States still has the constitution and institutions of Government that make it a threat to the international financiers in London. *[Yes, I've been reading about this since 1994. My emphasis, T. Mauro]

Galbraith then correctly points out that Europe has no such institutions to save it from collapse. Meaning the United States must take the lead in solving the "Big Crash."

I also think this FDR impulse is behind the assassination of John Kennedy. The oligarchs just were not going to stand still for another Franklin Roosevelt,. Kennedy had set the course for the 1960's with his space program and his American system "investment tax credit" policy. De Gaulle would have joined him, Germany, Japan, and even the Soviet Union would have eventually joined Kennedy in world wide development program to replace the Cold War. So the British "garchs" had him murdered and replaced his pro development policies with the "sex, rock, drug" counter culture.

On a side note Galbraith says he first started studying these types of events with the crash of NYC back in 1975. This was Felix Rohatyn (Felix the Fixer), and the Big Mac caper of 1975. New York City's bankruptcy was used by Rohatyn and the bankers to dismantle NYC as an industrial base, replacing industry with Wall Street and drugs. This change is what brought clowns like Donald Trump to prominence in the 1980's.

But this is a good video. It is interesting to watch an economist talk about going back to policies typified by FDR and JFK."[/COLOR]

Moyers interviewed Galbraith on national tv pbs tonight, and they skewered Greenspan and Ayn Rand, and a host of other predators, including especially Alan Greenspan. See transcript on Galbraith called for criminal prosecution of financial predators, and reinstitution of new deal policies.

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