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Michael Hastings Dies in Suspicious Car 'Crash'.....
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Resonant echoes of Danny Casolaro....

Isn't it just.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Thanks Lauren..... I just got introduced to the Willy Loman and the Sacha Fal site (I think the Loman site is pretty good but cant say what I think about the Fal one.. .looks rather creepy).... I think its because both the Dorner and Hastings incidents happened in my "neck of the woods" I feel more directly impacted by them. I remember driving my LO to daycare on the way to campus when I see every single on ramp with cop cars.. Im like "WTF??" We don't have cable and I guess I missed it when the Christopher Dorner incident began.. Then I got to class and all my students were going on about it. (He apparently was living a couple of blocks from my MIL's).... I find it interesting that there were call for drone strikes to get Dorner. And some conspiracy sites were arguing that Hastings was hit with a drone. Whether or not that is a fact, I think we are slowly being conditioned to accept that the government can assassinate people on American soil with drones. I also think that the Dorner case was about introducing urban guerrilla warfare to American streets (the two women in the truck being shot up by police ...)
Kara Dellacioppa Wrote:Thanks Lauren..... I just got introduced to the Willy Loman and the Sacha Fal site (I think the Loman site is pretty good but cant say what I think about the Fal one.. .looks rather creepy).... I think its because both the Dorner and Hastings incidents happened in my "neck of the woods" I feel more directly impacted by them. I remember driving my LO to daycare on the way to campus when I see every single on ramp with cop cars.. Im like "WTF??" We don't have cable and I guess I missed it when the Christopher Dorner incident began.. Then I got to class and all my students were going on about it. (He apparently was living a couple of blocks from my MIL's).... I find it interesting that there were call for drone strikes to get Dorner. And some conspiracy sites were arguing that Hastings was hit with a drone. Whether or not that is a fact, I think we are slowly being conditioned to accept that the government can assassinate people on American soil with drones. I also think that the Dorner case was about introducing urban guerrilla warfare to American streets (the two women in the truck being shot up by police ...)

Sorcha Fal gets low reviews here at DPF. He is seen as a "disinfo" with some agenda or another. In this case, running out the idea that Hastings was killed by a drone, and that done almost immediately, leads me to think that SF is helping to condition Americans to drone killing within US borders.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Do you think Mercedes will chime-in on the cause of the intense fire?

Mind you if this was a hit it is perfectly legal within the new Nazi American laws.

Princess Diana with flames...
Kara Dellacioppa Wrote:
Mmmm.... very interesting. The disappearnace of Michael Hastings from what ever cause is certainly desirable for some. Looking more and more likely there may be something not at all wrong with his driving. I'd be interested in Mercedes take on all this when it is available as they don't want their car brand tarnished with bad and unsafe design. I'd be interested to know from friends and family what sort of a driver he was generally.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Lee Bowers died in a weird one car crash. Lee had seen everything Hoffman did, only from a much better perspective.
This is looking more and more like a murder. Certainly to have a chilling effect on the few investigative reporters out there.

Friend: Michael Hastings Was Working on "Biggest Story Yet" About CIA

Sgt. Joe Biggs says journalist would never have driven at high speed
Paul Joseph Watson
June 25, 2013
A friend of Michael Hastings told Fox News today that the Rolling Stone journalist was working on the "the biggest story yet" about the CIA before his suspicious death and that Hastings drove "like a grandma," making it extremely out of character for him to be speeding in the early hours of the morning.

Sgt. Joe Biggs told Fox News' Megyn Kelly that "something didn't feel right" after Hastings sent a panicked email saying the authorities were on his tail, adding that the story of him driving at high speed in the early hours of the morning was completely out of character.
"His friends and family that know him, everyone says he drives like a grandma, so that right there doesn't seem like something he'd be doing, there's no way that he'd be acting erratic like that and driving out of control," said Biggs, adding that "things don't add up, there's a lot of questions that need to be answered."
Biggs said he had contacted Mercedes asking them if it was normal for their cars to "blow up to that extent" and for the engine to fly out 100 feet from the site of the crash.
Biggs also confirmed that Hastings was working on a story about the CIA and that it was "going to be the biggest story yet."
As we reported yesterday, questions surrounding the death of Hastings are not only the domain of conspiracy theorists. Former counter-terror czar under two different presidents Richard Clarke told the Huffington Post that the fatal crash of Hastings' Mercedes C250 Coupe was "consistent with a car cyber attack."
"So if there were a cyber attack on the car and I'm not saying there was," he said, adding "I think whoever did it would probably get away with it," and that "intelligence agencies for major powers" have such capabilities.
Clarke's speculation that Hastings' vehicle could have been remotely hijacked is echoed by's Andrew Leonard, who cites two studies by researchers at the University of Washington and the University of California, San Diego, "Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Vehicle," and "Comprehensive Experimental Analyses of Automotive Attack Surfaces."
The studies detail how "it is a relatively trivial exercise to access the computer systems of a modern car and take control away from the driver."
Questions about the circumstances behind Hastings' death have persisted because he made a number of enemies in positions of power.
After Wikileaks reported that Hastings had contacted them in the hours before his death complaining about being under investigation by the FBI, the federal agency denied the claim.
According to Hastings' colleague Cenk Uygur, the writer was, "incredibly tense and very worried, and was concerned that the government was looking in on his material," and also a "nervous wreck" in response to the surveillance of journalists revealed by the AP phone tapping scandal and the NSA PRISM scandal.
BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith added that Hastings had told friends and family "he was concerned that he was under investigation."
Another close friend who wishes to remain anonymous said that Hastings was "very paranoid that he was being watched by the FBI."
It subsequently emerged that Hastings had written a panicked email shortly before his death telling his friends and colleagues that he was going into hiding to escape the attention of the authorities.
"Hey the feds are interviewing my "close friends and associates," the message said. "Also: I'm onto a big story, and need to go off the [radar] for a bit."
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Well, while not new, they seem to be cleaning up ALL significant investigators, researchers, activists, whistleblowers, and other 'problems' - using any means at their disposal - without regard to law or morality. Lesson: If you fall in the above categories do NOT drive a newer car with computer systems that can be compromised - drive a very old clunker - and even there, look under it before you start the engine!...keep it well protected and look for signs of covert tampering with the brake system, ignition system or other strange 'changes'. Encrypt your important emails, your important files and use VPN or Tor; and never directly mention on your phone, emails who you're meeting/where/when - if it would be something you'd not want monitored. Change your SIM card often and always have another phone you've never used for that final moment of flight [numbers will have to be on a piece of paper - do NOT put your old SIM card in the new phone]. When having delicate conversations or going to delicate meetings take out the battery of the phone/tablet/laptop. Assume everything you do/say/write/go to/go with/buy/interact with is being tracked and recorded. Tell friends where you are going and when you expect to be back and when to 'panic' if you are not. Keep your will updated. They mean business - very dirty business. This is not a complete list of precautions - which can be found on certain websites.

I think Hastings was murdered by causing his car's computer to make the accelerator race, the steering not respond and the brakes not work. That all but guarantees you'll be killed in a 'crash'. They've used this method well before highly electronic cars - by putting drugs that put you to sleep on the steering wheel that soak into the blood via your skin - or pushing you off a cliff or into a wall etc. with another car behind or sideswiping you. Tampering with the brake hydraulics is another favorite and we all know of car bombs being used. Drones are now a possibility and at night the small rocket wouldn't be seen....but I doubt they are being used in urban areas much - yet.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
This supposed quote was reported by someone close to both of Michael Hastings and his wife:
Quote:Friend of journalist reveals colleagues were "too scared" to release panicked email
Paul Joseph Watson
June 26, 2013

The wife of Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings, who was killed in what many people believe was a suspicious car crash last week, has vowed to "take down whoever did this," according to the man who released an email in which Hastings told friends he was being harassed by the government.

Staff Sergeant Joseph Biggs, who yesterday told Fox News that Hastings was working on "the biggest story yet" about the CIA before his untimely death, was responsible for releasing an email Hastings wrote 15 hours before his car crash in which the journalist stated he was "onto a big story" and needed "to go off the rada[r] for a bit."

Biggs tweeted that the reason he released the email was because Hastings' other friends and colleagues who received it were "too scared" to do so.

After the email was released, Hastings' wife Elise Jordan thanked Biggs and vowed to "take down whoever did this," according to Biggs.

Biggs, who met Hastings when he was an embedded journalist in Afghanistan in 2008, added, "I won't let a man die in vein [sic] because I'm too scared of what will happen to me. If I sent that email to Mike he wouldn't rest, he would fight."

In his interview with Fox News yesterday, Biggs also said that Hastings "drove like a grandma" and that it was totally out of character for him to be speeding in the early hours of the morning.

Earlier this week, former counter-terror czar under two different presidents Richard Clarke told the Huffington Post that the fatal crash of Hastings' Mercedes C250 Coupe was "consistent with a car cyber attack."

Hastings had made numerous powerful enemies as a result of his exposure of Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal in 2010, receiving several death threats in the process.

According to Hastings' colleague Cenk Uygur, the writer was, "incredibly tense and very worried, and was concerned that the government was looking in on his material," and also a "nervous wreck" in response to the surveillance of journalists revealed by the AP phone tapping scandal and the NSA PRISM scandal.

BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith added that Hastings had told friends and family "he was concerned that he was under investigation."

Another close friend who wishes to remain anonymous said that Hastings was "very paranoid that he was being watched by the FBI."
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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