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The Head Wounds Revisited
Daniel Gallup Wrote:
Gordon Gray Wrote:It seems to me that the main reason the Dallas doctors didn't see a larger wound was because they didn't reflect the scalp. It seems reasonable to accept Dr. Aguilar's explanation that Jackie cradling the President's head pressed the hair and scalp in place so that only the blow out in the rear was apparent to the Dallas doctors. If we take the Newman's literally then the shots that came directly behind them would have come from the pergola to the left of Zapruder's pedestal. They would have struck at a right angle and most likely exited from the left side of the head. Why would it have been necessary to conceal the fact that there were multiple shooters? As long as Oswald was shown to be one of them and he was connected to Castro, wouldn't it have been supposed that the others were too? This would seem to me only to increase the suspicion of a team of Castro agents being responsible. The LN scenario wasn't the initial aim of the plan, the false flag Castro operation was.

Gordon, correct me if I am wrong, but I see three flaws in Dr. Aguilar's explanation. First Humes reports that the area "chiefly parietal but extending somewhat into the occipital" was devoid of scalp and bone. The Dallas doctors missed this wound completely. Second, let us suppose that a great quantity if skull and brain matter was lost to this area, but the scalp remained somewhat intact and Jackie did her part of keep that part of the head as close to natural as possible. That a man of Kemp Clark's credentials would then not be able to discern the loss of bone and brain in that area of the skull (I assume we are talking about the area Boswell marked "missing') is utterly incomprehensible to me. Third, it is precisely this area where Humes uttered before the FBI and everyone else in attendance that surgery had been done to the top of the skull. With all due respect to Dr. Augilar, I believe he is grasping at straws, and missing the far clearer picture of fraud in the evidence.
I think Humes' description is somewhat ambiguous, and it's at odds with the autopsy photos we have seen, which do not show substantial scalp or bone missing from the parietal or occipital region. Is there any doubt he has been loess than truthful in both his report and testimony? As some one who has witnessed scalp reflected at an autopsy I am not surprised that bone could be missing once it was reflected, but not obvious to an observer viewing before it had been reflected. Unless Dr. Clark made a careful examination of the head palpitating it with his hands, I doubt he would have detected this, given the presidents thick head of hair. Is there any report he made such an examination? As to the surgery to the top of the head remark, had it been done by Humes himself it makes little sense that he would announce this to everyone present. What other witnesses reported seeing this?
Gordon Gray Wrote:
Daniel Gallup Wrote:
Gordon Gray Wrote:It seems to me that the main reason the Dallas doctors didn't see a larger wound was because they didn't reflect the scalp. It seems reasonable to accept Dr. Aguilar's explanation that Jackie cradling the President's head pressed the hair and scalp in place so that only the blow out in the rear was apparent to the Dallas doctors. If we take the Newman's literally then the shots that came directly behind them would have come from the pergola to the left of Zapruder's pedestal. They would have struck at a right angle and most likely exited from the left side of the head. Why would it have been necessary to conceal the fact that there were multiple shooters? As long as Oswald was shown to be one of them and he was connected to Castro, wouldn't it have been supposed that the others were too? This would seem to me only to increase the suspicion of a team of Castro agents being responsible. The LN scenario wasn't the initial aim of the plan, the false flag Castro operation was.

Gordon, correct me if I am wrong, but I see three flaws in Dr. Aguilar's explanation. First Humes reports that the area "chiefly parietal but extending somewhat into the occipital" was devoid of scalp and bone. The Dallas doctors missed this wound completely. Second, let us suppose that a great quantity if skull and brain matter was lost to this area, but the scalp remained somewhat intact and Jackie did her part of keep that part of the head as close to natural as possible. That a man of Kemp Clark's credentials would then not be able to discern the loss of bone and brain in that area of the skull (I assume we are talking about the area Boswell marked "missing') is utterly incomprehensible to me. Third, it is precisely this area where Humes uttered before the FBI and everyone else in attendance that surgery had been done to the top of the skull. With all due respect to Dr. Augilar, I believe he is grasping at straws, and missing the far clearer picture of fraud in the evidence.

I think Humes' description is somewhat ambiguous, and it's at odds with the autopsy photos we have seen, which do not show substantial scalp or bone missing from the parietal or occipital region. Is there any doubt he has been loess than truthful in both his report and testimony? As some one who has witnessed scalp reflected at an autopsy I am not surprised that bone could be missing once it was reflected, but not obvious to an observer viewing before it had been reflected. Unless Dr. Clark made a careful examination of the head palpitating it with his hands, I doubt he would have detected this, given the presidents thick head of hair. Is there any report he made such an examination? As to the surgery to the top of the head remark, had it been done by Humes himself it makes little sense that he would announce this to everyone present. What other witnesses reported seeing this?

In reply, for Humes to be at odds with the autopsy photos is not necessarily any criticism of Humes. The autopsy photos themselves are suspect, esp. the back of the head photo, which conceals, rather than reveals, the Parkland wound. I have read, and I wish I could remember where, that Clark did do a bit of manual examination of the parietal area and lifted slightly a bone plate. If anyone remembers reading of this, I would like to have my memory refreshed on the source. My point is that the bone was not missing from that area, which I believe was the parietal area. As to Humes' statement that there was surgery done to the head area, namely, at the top of the skull, this was his utterance recorded by the FBI and provided strong evidence for David Lifton's thesis of body alteration. Horne thinks this "surgery" was done by Humes himself but I have strong doubts about that. By the time Humes gets the body, I believe the head had already been brutally broken up and probably the brain removed. This is why Paul O'Connor recalled on the opening of the cheap shipping casket that Kennedy had no brains left when he was pulled from the body bag. A lot of this depends on the veracity of O'Connor, but I trust his word over that of the autopsy doctors, even though his testimony is not without its problems. Meanwhile, I shall look for the citation regarding Clark and whatever manipulations he did do of the skull. Addition: I found the citation I was looking for. It's from Dr. Grossman's ARRB testimony, which contradicts the other Parkland witnesses to the rear head wound but accords precisely with the autopsy description. Grossman said Clark detected a 6 cm bony plate in the parietal region that could be lifted slightly, and testified Clark actually did lift the plate slightly. Yet Grossman clearly defers to Clark in all matters pertaining to the head wound, a curious concession. It's as if Grossman wants to affirm the Rydberg drawing but at the same time disown it.

Enjoy reading your posts... and I am proposing in a reply that both Horne and Lifton might be correct.... but first a question..

Rereading Custer/Reed's description of xrays I seem to remember them saying the angle of the head in the "lateral" xray was not horizontal..

Since we do not see a jaw or any frontal bones (nose, cheeks, etc) or the fact that not a single doctor uses the term "FRONTAL BONE"... they say the Temporal, Parietal & Occipital are smashed/gone... but in reality it's the frontal bone that is gone in the xray.

Can you help us orient the xray to the skull to provide the image we see? Is there any chance we are looking at the BACK of the head, straight on as I illustrate below?

Autopsy report
1. There is a large irregular defect of the
scalp and skull on the right involving chiefly the parietal bone but extending somewhat into the
temporal and occipital regions.


And I'd like to ask one more question - the orientation of this xray SAYS "Right side down Head Xray"
Now obviously whatever is resting on that plate/table/whatever is NOT the right side of his head... agree?

Is there any possibility we are looking at a posterior view of JFK here? (This was done quickly for orientation purpose not for exact fit.... but you get my point... with the entrire right side of his head gone and not a soul using the term FRONTAL BONE when it is obvious from the xray if oriented above, that it's the FRONTAL BONE that is missing.. not the parietal.

So this is just a shot in the dark... at this orientation the fragments still run from the right temple to the right rear and some of these fragments might be stuck in the scalp... could Mantik and others be fooled by the orientation?



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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Daniel... imo you have a very good grasp ofwhat occurred that night from the "it's gotta work in the REAL world"mentality.

I think there may have been too much either/or with regards to Horne andLifton...

- the body was removed from the casket during the swearing in ceremony (to aman/women they say they were TOLD to come up for the swearing in.. everyone)
- it was moved at this time to the forward galley under the front of the planeand worked on, there would be ample time to perform ALL the work that seems somewhatimpossible on the timeline at Bethesda.
- it was removed via the front right door and flown by helicopter to Bethesda(or Walter Reed)... those that worked on him in the plane MAY have left himlooking as he did when Connor, Humes, Boswell and Ebersole see him at 6:45
- Humes is correct that he first saw the body at 6:45 NOT 7:35 as he claimedearlier... what was going on until the 8pm "final" arrival of JFK'scasket? (with regards to O'Connor, I canonly find the HSCA write-up, not the actual testimony…. I don't think the 8pm time is what heactually says)

The "surgery to the top of thehead" comment ... when do you suppose this occurs?

We KNOW that this occurs AFTER Jackie/Bobbyare upstairs, the ambulance is out front with the casket and is driven aroundto the back where Sibert/O'Neill/Greer/Kellerman - using a dolly - move thiscasket into the anteroom.. the FBI covers it's butt by saying they were alwayswith the body... they did NOT see the open casket at 7:20, they did NOT go intothe Morgue until after 8pm.

Yet at the same time we KNOW Humes does notsay this prior to 7:20.. the way the FBI report is written, they try to make itappear this happens right after the sheets are removed for the first time… at8pm… yet our FBI boys are careful not tobe too specific on THAT time.

In 1964, no one knew about the FBI/SS casket entry except the four men and themorgue participants at the time and they either were not called or did not talk… Kellerman comes out of the morgue door tomeet them! But again, we don't know this at this time.

Mr.KELLERMAN. I can eclipse an awful lot here and get into the morgue here in Bethesda, because that iswhere I looked him over.
Mr. SPECTER. I will come back and pick up some of the other detail.
Mr. SPECTER. But for the sequence at the moment, as it relates to yourconclusions on the shots which you have already testified about--
Mr. SPECTER. I would like to develop your understanding and your observationsof the four wounds on President Kennedy.
Mr. KELLERMAN. OK. This all transpiredin the morgue of the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, sir. He had a large woundthis size.
Mr. SPECTER. Indicating a circle with your finger of the diameter of 5 inches;would that be approximately correct?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes, circular; yes, on this part of the head.
Mr. SPECTER. Indicating the rear portionof the head.

Mr.KELLERMAN. Let's come back to the period of our arrival at Andrews Air ForceBase, which was 5:58 p.m. at night. By the time it took us to take the bodyfrom the plane into the ambulance, and a couple of carloads of staff people whofollowed us, we may have spent 15 minutes there. And in driving from Andrews tothe U.S. Naval Hospital, I would judge, a good 45 minutes. So there is 7 o'clock. We went immediately over, without too much delayon the outside of the hospital, into the morgue. The Navy people had theirstaff in readiness right then. There wasn't anybody to call. They were allthere. So at the latest, 7:30, they began to work on the autopsy. And, as Isaid, we left the hospital at 3:56 in the morning. Let's give the undertakerpeople 2 hours. So they were through at 2 o'clock in the morning. I would judgeoffhand that they worked on theautopsy angle 4 1/2, 5 hours (interesting choice of words)

Sibert's corrected affidavit:
When the motorcade from the airport arrived at the Naval Hospital,
BobbyKennedy and Jackie Kennedy were let off at the Administration Building.
O'Neill and I helped carry the damaged casket into the autopsy room with[/FONT]
some Secret Service agents.(this is corroborated by all four men)

….eitherO'Neill or I was present in the autopsy room with the exception of whenphotographs and X-Rays were taken, at which time everyone other thanradiologists and photographers were asked to leave the room.
[FONT=Times New Roman]

Now, at whatpoint in time did everyone leave the morgue for xrays and photographs?

FBI Report:
All personnel with the exception of medical officersneeded in the taking of photographs and X-Rays were requested to leave theautopsy room and remain in an adjacent room.
Upon completion of X-Rays andphotographs, the first incision was made at 8:15 p.m

16 xrays and in 15 minutes? (thecasket arrived "officially" at 8pm…)
Of course not… Reed/Custer/Ebersole were in the morgue with the body since 6:45… takingxrays. Reed/Custer are asked to leavefor 15-30 minutes… and they STILL have timeto take half dozen xrays and develop them.
So back to the question at hand… IF some of the alteration is done crudely inthe belly of AF1 as Lifton suggests… Humes was presented with a body that evenHE realized was a "contradiction"… hemust have been given the "helping National Security" carrot with thecourt-martial stick not far behind. I amsaying that Kellerman goes to see Humes/Boswell/Ebersole in the Morgue whilethey are looking over the body… andexplains what will happen, "xrays to find bullets"…. "Dr. Humes, three shots/two hits to JFK fromthe back is what happened… one bullet hit JC"… "now do a two-shots-from-the-rearautopsy".

Commander HUMES - Thephotographs, to go back a moment the photographs and the X-rays were exposed in the morgue, of the Naval Medical Center onthis night, and they were not developed, neither the X-rays or the photographs.They were submitted to the, and here, if I make a mistake I am not certain, toeither the Federal Bureau of Investigation or to the Secret Service, I am notsure of those


Reed sees a saw.. Finck tells us no saw was used so once again, thismust occur prior to 8:30, prior to 8pm, and prior to the xrays… so 7-7:15?

Reed tells us that he and Custer are asked to leave right after thebody is placed on the table… they return15-30 minutes later and begin taking xrays…. Could Humes et al have done anything to the wounds in 15-30minutes? I don't think it's out of therealm of possibility…. Given the onlyway he is even looking at JFK is via a clandestine trip from Andrews to theMorgue….

Either way as a Dr., Daniel What are his choices? Humes sees what happened and says his famousline… and is summarily ignored byeveryone. The 3 inch, small orange sized hole in theoccipital is now most the entire head… yet if you are right, he never sees the 3 inch hole but the busted uphead…

(side note: CE399 which smashes a rib and a wrist whiletraveling thru 2 people comes out pristine… the SAME BULLET from the SAME RIFLEsupposedly created a round, beveled entrance that Finck identifies and summarilydisintegrates leaving clouds of particles 4-5 inches above the entry hole… nice trick)

Add now Saundra Spencer and the B&W autopsy photos she saw… she claims that not a single photo shedeveloped is in the Archives autopsy collection AND that the photos that are inthe archives is NOT THE SAME PAPER as was used at the Naval Photographic Centerin 1963. (Sandra had prints she did 10days prior to the assassination images and says the NPC bought an entire run ofKodak print paper which was cut to size and use for ALL PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING WORKduring that period)

Also.. she does not see the postMortician body as the 3 inch hole is shown in the back of his head… themorticians inserted rubber and sealed it all up and said that laying on thecasket pillow, NONE OF THE DAMAGE WOULD BE SEEN.

There is simply no way the wounds are anywhere near the same between Parkland and Dallas.... the xray discussed in my last post proves this... There is no FRONTAL BONE there unless the xray is oriented incorrectly.

Humes, Boswell and Ebersole do have 15-30 minutes with which to do SOMETHING with the wounds if need be.
"No Gross Skeletal abnormalities" - are all the images and xrays of JFK?


Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

As stunning as anything in recent memory--do get with Dr. David Mantik.

And what is the horizontal backwards question mark in the circular void at the right occipitoparietal?


David Josephs Wrote:Daniel... imo you have a very good grasp ofwhat occurred that night from the "it's gotta work in the REAL world"mentality.

I think there may have been too much either/or with regards to Horne andLifton...

- the body was removed from the casket during the swearing in ceremony (to aman/women they say they were TOLD to come up for the swearing in.. everyone)
- it was moved at this time to the forward galley under the front of the planeand worked on, there would be ample time to perform ALL the work that seems somewhatimpossible on the timeline at Bethesda.
- it was removed via the front right door and flown by helicopter to Bethesda(or Walter Reed)... those that worked on him in the plane MAY have left himlooking as he did when Connor, Humes, Boswell and Ebersole see him at 6:45
- Humes is correct that he first saw the body at 6:45 NOT 7:35 as he claimedearlier... what was going on until the 8pm "final" arrival of JFK'scasket? (with regards to O'Connor, I canonly find the HSCA write-up, not the actual testimony…. I don't think the 8pm time is what heactually says)

The "surgery to the top of thehead" comment ... when do you suppose this occurs?

We KNOW that this occurs AFTER Jackie/Bobbyare upstairs, the ambulance is out front with the casket and is driven aroundto the back where Sibert/O'Neill/Greer/Kellerman - using a dolly - move thiscasket into the anteroom.. the FBI covers it's butt by saying they were alwayswith the body... they did NOT see the open casket at 7:20, they did NOT go intothe Morgue until after 8pm.

Yet at the same time we KNOW Humes does notsay this prior to 7:20.. the way the FBI report is written, they try to make itappear this happens right after the sheets are removed for the first time… at8pm… yet our FBI boys are careful not tobe too specific on THAT time.

In 1964, no one knew about the FBI/SS casket entry except the four men and themorgue participants at the time and they either were not called or did not talk… Kellerman comes out of the morgue door tomeet them! But again, we don't know this at this time.

Mr.KELLERMAN. I can eclipse an awful lot here and get into the morgue here in Bethesda, because that iswhere I looked him over.
Mr. SPECTER. I will come back and pick up some of the other detail.
Mr. SPECTER. But for the sequence at the moment, as it relates to yourconclusions on the shots which you have already testified about--
Mr. SPECTER. I would like to develop your understanding and your observationsof the four wounds on President Kennedy.
Mr. KELLERMAN. OK. This all transpiredin the morgue of the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, sir. He had a large woundthis size.
Mr. SPECTER. Indicating a circle with your finger of the diameter of 5 inches;would that be approximately correct?
Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes, circular; yes, on this part of the head.
Mr. SPECTER. Indicating the rear portionof the head.

Mr.KELLERMAN. Let's come back to the period of our arrival at Andrews Air ForceBase, which was 5:58 p.m. at night. By the time it took us to take the bodyfrom the plane into the ambulance, and a couple of carloads of staff people whofollowed us, we may have spent 15 minutes there. And in driving from Andrews tothe U.S. Naval Hospital, I would judge, a good 45 minutes. So there is 7 o'clock. We went immediately over, without too much delayon the outside of the hospital, into the morgue. The Navy people had theirstaff in readiness right then. There wasn't anybody to call. They were allthere. So at the latest, 7:30, they began to work on the autopsy. And, as Isaid, we left the hospital at 3:56 in the morning. Let's give the undertakerpeople 2 hours. So they were through at 2 o'clock in the morning. I would judgeoffhand that they worked on theautopsy angle 4 1/2, 5 hours(interesting choice of words)

Sibert's corrected affidavit:
When the motorcade from the airport arrived at the Naval Hospital,
BobbyKennedy and Jackie Kennedy were let off at the Administration Building.
O'Neill and I helped carry the damaged casket into the autopsy room with
some Secret Service agents.(this is corroborated by all four men)

….eitherO'Neill or I was present in the autopsy room with the exception of whenphotographs and X-Rays were taken, at which time everyone other thanradiologists and photographers were asked to leave the room.

Now, at whatpoint in time did everyone leave the morgue for xrays and photographs?

FBI Report:
All personnel with the exception of medical officersneeded in the taking of photographs and X-Rays were requested to leave theautopsy room and remain in an adjacent room.
Upon completion of X-Rays andphotographs, the first incision was made at 8:15 p.m

16 xrays and in 15 minutes? (thecasket arrived "officially" at 8pm…)
Of course not… Reed/Custer/Ebersole were in the morgue with the body since 6:45… takingxrays. Reed/Custer are asked to leavefor 15-30 minutes… and they STILL have timeto take half dozen xrays and develop them.
So back to the question at hand… IF some of the alteration is done crudely inthe belly of AF1 as Lifton suggests… Humes was presented with a body that evenHE realized was a "contradiction"… hemust have been given the "helping National Security" carrot with thecourt-martial stick not far behind. I amsaying that Kellerman goes to see Humes/Boswell/Ebersole in the Morgue whilethey are looking over the body… andexplains what will happen, "xrays to find bullets"…. "Dr. Humes, three shots/two hits to JFK fromthe back is what happened… one bullet hit JC"… "now do a two-shots-from-the-rearautopsy".

Commander HUMES - Thephotographs, to go back a moment the photographs and the X-rays were exposed in the morgue, of the Naval Medical Center onthis night, and they were not developed, neither the X-rays or the photographs.They were submitted to the, and here, if I make a mistake I am not certain, toeither the Federal Bureau of Investigation or to the Secret Service, I am notsure of those


Reed sees a saw.. Finck tells us no saw was used so once again, thismust occur prior to 8:30, prior to 8pm, and prior to the xrays… so 7-7:15?

Reed tells us that he and Custer are asked to leave right after thebody is placed on the table… they return15-30 minutes later and begin taking xrays…. Could Humes et al have done anything to the wounds in 15-30minutes? I don't think it's out of therealm of possibility…. Given the onlyway he is even looking at JFK is via a clandestine trip from Andrews to theMorgue….

Either way as a Dr., Daniel What are his choices? Humes sees what happened and says his famousline… and is summarily ignored byeveryone. The 3 inch, small orange sized hole in theoccipital is now most the entire head… yet if you are right, he never sees the 3 inch hole but the busted uphead…

(side note: CE399 which smashes a rib and a wrist whiletraveling thru 2 people comes out pristine… the SAME BULLET from the SAME RIFLEsupposedly created a round, beveled entrance that Finck identifies and summarilydisintegrates leaving clouds of particles 4-5 inches above the entry hole… nice trick)

Add now Saundra Spencer and the B&W autopsy photos she saw… she claims that not a single photo shedeveloped is in the Archives autopsy collection AND that the photos that are inthe archives is NOT THE SAME PAPER as was used at the Naval Photographic Centerin 1963. (Sandra had prints she did 10days prior to the assassination images and says the NPC bought an entire run ofKodak print paper which was cut to size and use for ALL PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTING WORKduring that period)

Also.. she does not see the postMortician body as the 3 inch hole is shown in the back of his head… themorticians inserted rubber and sealed it all up and said that laying on thecasket pillow, NONE OF THE DAMAGE WOULD BE SEEN.

There is simply no way the wounds are anywhere near the same between Parkland and Dallas.... the xray discussed in my last post proves this... There is no FRONTAL BONE there unless the xray is oriented incorrectly.

Humes, Boswell and Ebersole do have 15-30 minutes with which to do SOMETHING with the wounds if need be.
"No Gross Skeletal abnormalities" - are all the images and xrays of JFK?


David, an interesting comment byCuster to the ARRB

"This was the first series of films. The only reason why this clicked is, because I remember I was told by the duty officer that the corpse was taken to Walter Reed Hospital first - compound=Walter Reed compound first, and then brought to Bethesda…….

Q: Did anyone besides the duty officer make any references to Walter Reed?

Custer: Yes, that one gentleman who was in the picture with Reed and myself, that was at the end there.

Q: On the far - the one on the far left?

Custer:Far left: right. He was the duty officer. No not there. The other picture.

Q :Yeah. In addition to the duty officer, was there anyone else?

Custer: The chief on duty that night. There was two.

Q: Okay

Custer :There was a duty officer and a duty chief.

Q: Okay. And they both said that the body had been to Walter Reed?

Custer: Right; Walter Reed compound. They didn't say "hospital". They said "compound"………..
David, that's a provocative superposition. I wonder, though, why the edge of what would be the contour of the occipital in the traditional interpretation of the X-ray cuts through the hair/neck on the photo.

Here is a pre-mortem lateral of JFK (from Fetzer, ed., Assassination Science, p. 159), presented as part of Mantik's original study of optical density. The contours look very similar to the autopsy X-ray.

Sorry for the rotten reproduction ... my scanner is crappy.

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Nice find Ray...

Read and re-read his ARRB testimony just yesterday.... he was floored by Ebersole not understanding what was on the xrays...
and you might also read Reed's ARRB testimony for comparison and corroboration. Custer read Ebersole's Med Panel report... you could almost hear him gagging.

Let me add this: Paul O'Connor (we have an interview recap by Purdy) - no actual transcripts
and an article in the Dealey Plaza Echo Vol 8 No 3, Nov 2004

He says helicopters were heard landing PRIOR to the ambulance and motorcade arriving from Andrews. Seems to be a reoccurring theme.
and it would be the ONLY WAY to get from Andrews to Bethesda 30 minutes before the motorcade.

Could the copters have gone to the "compound"... found that was NOT where they needed to go and fly to Bethesda?
(they landed at 6pm... it's about 20 miles as the crow flies to Bethesda... how long by helicopter? and why land at Reed other than a mistake?

Do we have anyone at REED that night who can corroborate the landing there?
and btw - Finck worked at Walter Reed... It is possible that "people" heard he was coming over from Walter Reed and assumed they meant JFK?
(trying to find a plausible alternative)

Based on the timing of things... and the extent of the damage (unless Humes just took a hammer and smashed the skull as 1-2 people mention)
It appears more likely that something HAD to be going on in the plane... Since the swearing in ceremony did NOT need to happen at that moment...
there really is only one reason to do so... get everyone to that part of the plane so JFK could be moved.

I am checking into the news coverage at Andrews... Many deplaned fron the front left immediately....

Announcer: "A helicopter is standing by just near the jet to take the coffin away..." "
It is our understanding that the body will be flown by helicopter from here"

"the ambulance will take the coffin to the other side of Andrews where it will be helicoptered to Bethesda..."

So it was not necessary for a helicopter to have taken off near AF1... the metal shipping casket could have been loaded into a vehicle on the dark side of the plane and wisked away...
and may explain the time delay in getting to Bethesda....

Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Albert Rossi Wrote:David, that's a provocative superposition. I wonder, though, why the edge of what would be the contour of the occipital in the traditional interpretation of the X-ray cuts through the hair/neck on the photo.

Here is a pre-mortem lateral of JFK (from Fetzer, ed., Assassination Science, p. 159), presented as part of Mantik's original study of optical density. The contours look very similar to the autopsy X-ray.

Sorry for the rotten reproduction ... my scanner is crappy.

No problem and thanks for the reply...

I think you may be taking the composite too literally. I simplywanted to show that it MAY be possible that the "lateral" xray was not all that "lateral"...

If you can place the xray in it's proper orientation to the TOP graphic I posted, the lateral view, please do so.
I can't seem to make that "cut-thru" work from any angle...

Based on Mantik, couldn't this be a copy of an original with that portion of the xray simply removed...
What would be causing that "cut-thru" in either orientation?

I did this gif a while back just to see if they indeed matched.... they obviously do... yet where are the facial bones in the older xray... the jaw?


Here is a quick overlay I just did... Is the orientation correct? How come we do not see the rest of the facial bones?



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Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
Not a single thing is "authentic" to the crime....Trying to jigsaw Big Ben with 1000 matching pieces of sunset
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

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