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The Splintering Frame
Rob Caprio Wrote:I find it very interesting the way you folks seem reluctant to consider this.


Have you read any of the numerous DPF threads on Freemasonry?

Clearly not.

In this very thread, I've even identified a particular group which deserves examination, but it passed right over your head and the extent of your knowledge.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Charles Drago Wrote:I owe you an apology, Mr. Caprio.

All along you've been much closer to the truth that I would have suspected.

But you made one terrible mistake.

It wasn't the Masons.

It was The Carpenters.

Your sarcasm aside, I see you either don't follow me or you are assigning your words to me. Where did I say the Masons did it?

It is clear you don't follow my train of thought and have no interest in it. Y ou simply want to make sure they are not linked to this case. Why not?
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Rob Caprio Wrote:I find it very interesting the way you folks seem reluctant to consider this.


Have you read any of the numerous DPF threads on Freemasonry?

Clearly not.

In this very thread, I've even identified a particular group which deserves examination, but it passed right over your head and the extent of your knowledge.

I have not had time to search the archives because I am working a lot. My limited access to this forum has been by phone and if you have done that before you would know it is not easy to get in-depth on the phone. Perhaps I did miss your comment, but I would avoid making judgments about my knowledge based on this. Besides, this is just your opinion anyway.
By way of a bump for this important and enlightening thread...

Firstly, Graham Hancock talking about his novel War God on Red Ice Radio. The whole interview is interesting but the most pertinent part begins at the 22:13 mark:

Some interesting insights from Jon Rappoport - "The Manufactured Reality of the Priest Class":


And one of many compelling and suggestive excerpts from Lars Schall's interview with Guido Giacomo Preparata:

L.S.: You are writing in your book that Hitler's party was a front organization for a religious cult that was embodied by the Thule society. What was the core belief of that secret society and where did it came from?

G.P.: All is religion. All history is a reflection of the battle that spiritual forces wage against one another on other planes. It is not economics and least of all the survival instinct (whatever that is) that drives history, but the quest for power, and power in its elaborate institutional manifestations is a form of (psychical) space that utterly transcends the relationship of production and distribution, let alone the basic dynamics of the wolf pack, or the more elaborate political economy of the beehive.

Power is a purely human suggestion. Suggested by whom? That is the question. The NSDAP thus appeared to have been a front for some kind of nebula of Austro-German magi, dark initiates, and troubling literati (Dietrich Eckhart comes to mind), with very plausible extra-Teutonic ramifications of which we know next to nothing. Hitler came to be inducted in a lodge of this network, endowed as he seemed with a supernatural gift of inflaming oratory.

This is a theme that I am still studying, but from what I gathered, the adepts of the Thule Gesellschaft communed around the belief of being the blood heirs of a breed that seeks redemption / salvation / metempsychosis in some kind of eighth realm away from this earth, which is the shoddy creation of a lesser God the archangel of the Hebrews, Jehovah. It all sounds positively insane to post-modern ears, but it should be taken very seriously, I think.

L.S.: The corporate logo of the Nazi party was the ancient swastika which is basically a vector diagram of rotation, spin and stress. Why was it chosen?

G.P.: I briefly mention in the book an 1) axis through Hyperborea the mythical land of ancestors whose spinning is symbolized by the cross; and 2) the dextrogyration as symbol of an active principle of altering a given course of cosmic development (whatever that truly signifies; I am no initiate, alas).
R.K. Locke Wrote:And one of many compelling and suggestive excerpts from Lars Schall's interview with Guido Giacomo Preparata:

L.S.: You are writing in your book that Hitler's party was a front organization for a religious cult that was embodied by the Thule society. What was the core belief of that secret society and where did it came from?

G.P.: All is religion. All history is a reflection of the battle that spiritual forces wage against one another on other planes. It is not economics and least of all the survival instinct (whatever that is) that drives history, but the quest for power, and power in its elaborate institutional manifestations is a form of (psychical) space that utterly transcends the relationship of production and distribution, let alone the basic dynamics of the wolf pack, or the more elaborate political economy of the beehive.

Power is a purely human suggestion. Suggested by whom? That is the question. The NSDAP thus appeared to have been a front for some kind of nebula of Austro-German magi, dark initiates, and troubling literati (Dietrich Eckhart comes to mind), with very plausible extra-Teutonic ramifications of which we know next to nothing. Hitler came to be inducted in a lodge of this network, endowed as he seemed with a supernatural gift of inflaming oratory.

This is a theme that I am still studying, but from what I gathered, the adepts of the Thule Gesellschaft communed around the belief of being the blood heirs of a breed that seeks redemption / salvation / metempsychosis in some kind of eighth realm away from this earth, which is the shoddy creation of a lesser God the archangel of the Hebrews, Jehovah. It all sounds positively insane to post-modern ears, but it should be taken very seriously, I think.

L.S.: The corporate logo of the Nazi party was the ancient swastika which is basically a vector diagram of rotation, spin and stress. Why was it chosen?

G.P.: I briefly mention in the book an 1) axis through Hyperborea the mythical land of ancestors whose spinning is symbolized by the cross; and 2) the dextrogyration as symbol of an active principle of altering a given course of cosmic development (whatever that truly signifies; I am no initiate, alas).

Guido Giacomo Preparata is an important commentator.

Power and Control is the heart of it.

The blood heirs of a breed that seeks redemption / salvation / metempsychosis

The Elect and the Preterite.

In NSSM 200, aka the Kissinger Doctrine, Henry effectively defined billions of the Preterite as "useless eaters".
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Kissinger this March chided some proponent of Iranian democracy for endangering prospects of Iran becoming an ally.

Hussein may-his-vacations-continue did not lift a delicate finger to help the Iranian people in 2009.

A look at NSSM 200:

shows Kissinger pushing the Malthusian crap cited by Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency as a characteristic of the president's opponents

The thrust of Rachel Carson was to kill an additional million children a year; Sanger was on the same page as Mengele--who escaped with the aid of the paperclip enablers, the Dulleses and McCloys

Besides, as in Thy Will, populations stand in the way of resource exploitation and are to be pacified in that Orwellian term

Preparata tracks the rise of Hitler and Wagnerism like a flower potted and watered by Montagu Norman director of Bank of England 1922-1944

Now in Grey Wolf by Dunstan and Williams, and Ratline by Peter Levenda, we see the so-evil Hitler slips the vise of allied armies

Clinton wrung his hands over the Rwandan slaughter but Richard Clarke opposed stopping it, opposed nailing this so-evil Osama bin Laden

These demonic figures take time to create and must be capitalized before they can be liquidated

In 1984 is celebrated the surrender of the protagonist to the all-powerful dictator, sacrificing sanity and love, throwing all humanity on the bonfire

As O'Brien tells Winston Smith, with us, it's about the power, not the ideology of the earlier totalitarian systems

Sibel Edmonds advises eschew the too-easy partisan analysis in favor of a deeper delving into a darker truth
Phil Dragoo Wrote:A look at NSSM 200:

shows Kissinger pushing the Malthusian crap cited by Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency as a characteristic of the president's opponents

The thrust of Rachel Carson was to kill an additional million children a year; Sanger was on the same page as Mengele--who escaped with the aid of the paperclip enablers, the Dulleses and McCloys

Besides, as in Thy Will, populations stand in the way of resource exploitation and are to be pacified in that Orwellian term

The Rockefellers cloaked their Trojan Horse in the name of liberation from social norms and freedom from biology...

Quote:The Population Council

Established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III, with important funding from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Council is governed by an international board of trustees. The 2006 board includes leaders in biomedicine, business, economic development, government, health, international finance, the media, philanthropy, and social science.


The Council has its roots in the discredited eugenics movement. The first president of the Council was a eugenicist appointed by Rockefeller; Frederick Osborn, author of Preface to Eugenics (New York, 1940), leader of the American Eugenics Society, and one of the founding members of the Pioneer Fund. Osborn was vice president or president of the Population Council until 1959. In 1968 he wrote, "Eugenic goals are most likely to be achieved under another name than eugenics."[3]
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
R.K. Locke Wrote:Some interesting insights from Jon Rappoport - "The Manufactured Reality of the Priest Class":


This is a more than interesting interview with Rappaport, who has many very interesting things to say.

At 25:53 onwards, Rappaport discusses the vital importance of visualisation as practised by Tibetan priests and occultists. He goes on to say that these were co-opted by Hitler and the nazis and provides a most interesting story of a story told by an American stage magician who became a friend of Hitler and who dined with him at the Eagle's Nest in Bavaria prior to the outbreak of war.

He quotes from a small 40 odd page book written by the American - who he claims was actually an intelligence operative - about Hitler's use of occult visualisation techniques as a means of manifesting reality.

I'll repeat that - the "use of occult visualisation techniques as a means of manifesting reality"

I've managed to find some descriptions from the book in question which follow shortly.

Edit = unfortunately, it looks like the document concerned has a lock on it that doesn't allow me to copy and paste.

So, for those who wish to read the extract from the above book click HERE, scroll to page 83 and read from "UPDATE 23 MAY 2013".
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
UPDATE 23 MAY 2013

Another curious Nazi Occult artefact featuring Hitler is the 40-page stapled pamphlet, I Saw Hitler Make Black Magic (The Prosperos & Inner Space Center 1973). It was written by Thane, a pseudonym of the American, Kenneth Walker (circa 1900-1989), mentalist, actor, world adventurer, and pupil of the mystic Gurdjieff. He co-founded and, as the "Dean", led a spiritual society named The Prosperos, chartered in Florida in 1956, named after the magician in Shakespeare's The Tempest, and based on Gurdjieff's "Fourth Way School" concept. First published as a newspaper article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer

in 1946, I Saw Hitler tells the story of Thane's bold activities in the anti-Nazi underground during 1937-1938. After his impressive demonstration of thought transmission in Nuremberg, Thane was invited to perform for Hitler, who was always on the look out for effective persuasive mental techniques. Thane and Hitler became friends, and lunched together at der Fuhrer's Eagle's Nest retreat in the Bavarian Alps. Thane relates how the property was a magical laboratory, with rooms set aside for astrology and other occult experiments, especially visualisation, all designed to assure the Third Reich's success. The latter technique involved detailed photomontages projected on the wall, showing what was desired to occur, such as the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, complete with Nazi flags and symbols and Hitler parading through the main streets of Prague. Another showed Hitler in a superior body posture stance, his dominant arm outstretched above British Prime Minister Chamberlain. Teams of highly-trained visualisationist and projectionist magicians sat for long periods concentrating on these image spells of sympathetic magic, regarding the dream as fact, to make it fact.

Thane was eventually imprisoned by the Nazis, had a powerful evolutionary epiphany in custody, and was released soon after.

I Saw Hitler is scarce and expensive secondhand, but it may be reprinted later by The Prosperos, that is still active:
Thanks for posting that Phil. Clearly you're not suffering the same restrictions I am.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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