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The Splintering Frame
Phil Dragoo Wrote:Stan observes

The framework of Germany was absorbed in the American corporate structure after the war, and the battle is on to control being.

And in fact I heard Jerome Corsi say something very close to this last night with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM

Like David I read Grey Wolf and am following up Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams' route from the bunker doppleganger gambit through tunnels and trimotors and U-boat to Patagonia with Peter Levenda whose Ratline leads to Indonesia

David suggests occult themes have a public layer to entrance, and a hidden meaning to communicate among initiates.

The recurring theme is of chainlinks intact or broken, the link of experience opened

Wherein we see the question is more attractive than the theorem

Keith and Ken and Neil doing a trilateral juggling act with sledgehammers

While Jung and Freud run up the double helix staircase in the watchtower

And scatter the pyncheons from the roof with reverberating bootsteppin

In New York first time 1964 a knot of buzzing bystanders surrounds two large opponents

The large white man shouts, "I exist!"

to which, each time, the just-as-large black man challenges, "How do you know! HOW DO YOU KNOW!"

In JFK and 9/11 we have a simple story for mass consumption veiling the business-not-personal Coolidgism

And it's only crass to be fascist in Nazi drag for certainly the conservative McCloy had no problem as an accessory to Barbie's South American Tour

One hand clapping would be Lifton slapping Dulles

with Neil's three-pound Estwing

Read not to contradict and confute;
nor to believe and take for granted;
nor to find talk and discourse;
but to weigh and consider.
Phil Dragoo Wrote:David

Peter Levenda presents Hitler dying in Indonesia January 16, 1970, while Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams place his death February 13, 1962 in Argentina.

I haven't finished with Levenda, but his travels to South America in the early 'eighties put him in jeopardy from unreconstructed Nazi zealots.

Ian Punnett on Coast to Coast AM last year had Peter Levenda on his guest for this hour:

Additional information and links are provided at the program's show page:

Taking into consideration the corporate and Muslim support for Hitler, the current so-called New World Order is evolution rather than revolution.

Ironic that the Muslim country providing the retirement home for one world leader was the Moses' reed basket for another.

Thanks Phil, that clarifies things. A little. Obviously Herr Hitler can't have died in two places simultaneously, or three if we believe the official account. Grey Wolf seemed to be pretty convincing when viewed from the perspective of all the witness statements, plus it was where Bormann went along with all the Nazi loot and he controlled it from there, so Argentina makes sense to me. I also recall that John Judge though Hitler had survived and went to Argentina and that he got this from his mother who worked, as I remember it anyway, in the Pentagon.

But I'm also a big fan of Levenda, so I'll also view the youtube movie you kindly provided.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David, first, I am far from clear on this. If I understood it properly, if I had clarity, my consciousness would be in far different place. My consciousness is muddled, to be sure. But, from an early age, I always felt all of this is wrong. My mind pushes to understand this, but it is met with an ongoing struggle.

When you ask such a great question, I want to give an answer that comes from me. Not something I regurgitate from what I've read or learned from another.

Everything in thought is linked, attached to something else. Thought can never be new. It just can't. It can express the new, but in itself it is the past. Never a living thing. Always the shadow.

Yet this is where we live our lives. This is the place where suffering is born. This is our place of being. This cage is seldom even questioned. There is no way out using only the tool of thought. Thought keeps us spinning inside the circumference of the frame. Thought is the frame. The frame is thought.

That is the loop that is without end. The river of time. Our place of being. Total mind will never be touched with this tool because thought is dead and total mind is alive.

Along comes something truly revolutionary that states: "All of this is a dead end. All of it, wrong. True being, total being is completely different than where you live. There is a different life if you awaken. Total. Whole. Undivided."

That message is dropped/suggested to mind, and it begins to move in consciousness - which is what I believe to be currently taking place.

The opening in consciousness is no-thing. Not the concept of no-thing. But, the reality of it. We want to carry our personal psychology to other shore. It is impossible. The gateway to it is the destruction of self. The door is no-thing. That's a journey not many are willing to make. We may be very close to the point where our survival as a species depends on it. (Perhaps why the opening was created in the first place?)

The owners of the earth (dramatic license) are very much aware of this opening in consciousness and what it would be mean to mankind. Chaos is purposely created (the assassination of President Kennedy an example), thought pushed, manipulated and divided, layers of suffering created to anchor the frame and ensure its survival.

What happens to being without the frame? To put everything aside and ask that question may be most meaningful. I believe it to be a question the owners do not want asked. The answer could change all of this.

David Guyatt Wrote:
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:What is thought but the modified use of the past to confront the approaching now. It is limited in what it can do. And, it is forever linked to what has been. Loops. Finite loops without end. We are traveling in circles.

No matter how sharp thought is, no matter how expansive, it is anchored to what has been. Suffering anchors the frame into reality.

It is possible, I think, that Blavatsky came upon an opening in this loop and touched the total mind of man. Nazi Germany became aware of this discovery and moved to use it for their purposes. The framework of Germany was absorbed in the American corporate structure after the war, and the battle is on to control being.

Stan, I'd be interested if you could further explain what you mean when you say that Blavatsky and the Nazis also found an "opening in this loop", because I'm not sure what you mean when you say this? Are you referencing what has been called the Vril-ya force - also once called the aether by alchemists - by any chance? Or is it more simple than that, say the gateway into the collective unconscious?
Auckland New Zealand 1934

In the year after the mother of all stolen elections, the false-flag/martial law/coup of coups, the death of the dove, the spirit, the soul

Totalitarian is but one flavor of the elite from the truncheon and tax to the publish or perish and kiss my global-warming ring

Those who would enslave (Hitler and his production company, now doing business as NWO, LLC) keep the limitless mind compartmentalized

Meditating with Ginsberg

per chants to dream the stream with a woman from the art fair in a peyote boat

Looking out the schoolroom window imagining the breeze as a carpet of escape

Yes the loops are made in the Ministry of Truth

We all live in the Matrix Marching Band

Matrix Marching Band

The Matrix Marching Band

--but wait: what if someone put a stake in Dulles' heart

What if Winston Smith knocked out O'Brien with one punch

and stuffed him in the Memory Hole

I am shocked that there is thinking in this establishment


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Stan Wilbourne Wrote:David, first, I am far from clear on this. If I understood it properly, if I had clarity, my consciousness would be in far different place. My consciousness is muddled, to be sure. But, from an early age, I always felt all of this is wrong. My mind pushes to understand this, but it is met with an ongoing struggle.

When you ask such a great question, I want to give an answer that comes from me. Not something I regurgitate from what I've read or learned from another.

Everything in thought is linked, attached to something else. Thought can never be new. It just can't. It can express the new, but in itself it is the past. Never a living thing. Always the shadow.

Yet this is where we live our lives. This is the place where suffering is born. This is our place of being. This cage is seldom even questioned. There is no way out using only the tool of thought. Thought keeps us spinning inside the circumference of the frame. Thought is the frame. The frame is thought.

That is the loop that is without end. The river of time. Our place of being. Total mind will never be touched with this tool because thought is dead and total mind is alive.

Along comes something truly revolutionary that states: "All of this is a dead end. All of it, wrong. True being, total being is completely different than where you live. There is a different life if you awaken. Total. Whole. Undivided."

That message is dropped/suggested to mind, and it begins to move in consciousness - which is what I believe to be currently taking place.

The opening in consciousness is no-thing. Not the concept of no-thing. But, the reality of it. We want to carry our personal psychology to other shore. It is impossible. The gateway to it is the destruction of self. The door is no-thing. That's a journey not many are willing to make. We may be very close to the point where our survival as a species depends on it. (Perhaps why the opening was created in the first place?)

The owners of the earth (dramatic license) are very much aware of this opening in consciousness and what it would be mean to mankind. Chaos is purposely created (the assassination of President Kennedy an example), thought pushed, manipulated and divided, layers of suffering created to anchor the frame and ensure its survival.

What happens to being without the frame? To put everything aside and ask that question may be most meaningful. I believe it to be a question the owners do not want asked. The answer could change all of this.

David Guyatt Wrote:
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:What is thought but the modified use of the past to confront the approaching now. It is limited in what it can do. And, it is forever linked to what has been. Loops. Finite loops without end. We are traveling in circles.

No matter how sharp thought is, no matter how expansive, it is anchored to what has been. Suffering anchors the frame into reality.

It is possible, I think, that Blavatsky came upon an opening in this loop and touched the total mind of man. Nazi Germany became aware of this discovery and moved to use it for their purposes. The framework of Germany was absorbed in the American corporate structure after the war, and the battle is on to control being.

Stan, I'd be interested if you could further explain what you mean when you say that Blavatsky and the Nazis also found an "opening in this loop", because I'm not sure what you mean when you say this? Are you referencing what has been called the Vril-ya force - also once called the aether by alchemists - by any chance? Or is it more simple than that, say the gateway into the collective unconscious?

Thanks Stan, for trying to take the time to answer my question.

It is often said that the psychology of the east and that of the west are different and don't actually meet. I was taught that Kipling's saying regarding this (the east is the east and the west is the west and never the twain shall meet) is to be adhered to, because of these psychological differences. The argument is that the east seeks perfection in oblivion - whereas the western mind seeks knowledge and understanding. Perhaps it's a case of the two hemispheres of the same world brain I shouldn't wonder?

To steal a quote from J M Barrie, the gateway to the collective unconscious is through that razor thin slither of space between sleeping and awake. And there are techniques and exercises that, if practised diligently and for long enough, will enable access to this Wonderland. In this case I've stolen my metaphor from Carroll, not Barrie because it is like going down the rabbit hole to reach Wonderland. Or if preferred we could use another metaphor from Star Wars and become Luke Starwalker entering the dark primordial forest in his hero's quest for himself through facing his own shadow.

Literature and art are strewn with these stories and references, I think, because this journey has been at the forefront of man's search for aions (poetically speaking anyway).

The odd thing about the exercises and techniques I mention, whether derived from the east or the west, is that they do appear to have the same distant lineage / heritage. And over the ages they have been wrapped in all sorts of religious mumbo-jumbo, eclipsed by jealous secrecy and, during very dark times discussed in devious and cunning detail (the middle ages alchemists) so the practitioner didn't get burned at the stake. They are also the first thing you are taught, and the very last thing you think worthy. Simplicity!
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:The argument is that the east seeks perfection in oblivion - whereas the western mind seeks knowledge and understanding.

Your thoughts, please, on a variation that jumps to mind: The eastern mind seeks perfection in oblivion -- whereas the western mind seeks oblivion in perfection.

David Guyatt Wrote:And over the ages they have been wrapped in all sorts of religious mumbo-jumbo[.] [emphasis added]

Or, to use a deep politics term of art, cover stories.

Marvelous exchange, by the way.
I suppose what all this comes down to, for me, is the personal responsibility I feel I have to free myself from this cage/pattern/track of existence where I have been dipped. In turn, I have passed it on (with great gusto) to my children. And on and on, the grand frame spins.

I have begun to question whether there is really anything personal in life at all. Or, is that merely the invention of thought, fooling itself into thinking there is a division in consciousness? I want out, to remove myself from the stream of time and to shatter the frame. The paradox of it all: the very desire keeps this consciousness bound to the borders of the frame. And, on the great river flows...

I fully admit I could be wrong about the all of this involving President Kennedy. But, these years have me wondering if this crime has more meaning than I previously thought possible. Thank you very much, Mr. Drago.

Phil, only someone with the special gifts you possess could introduce Neal Cassady and his hammer into this thread. Dinner at the "No-thing Cafe" was most delightful. We'll always have Dallas. And, thank you so much for the link on "Right Action." I always feel like you "get" what I am attempting to express. It's a little more difficult the other way around. True.

[Image: Stan_s_Cafe_No_Thing.jpg]

For anyone who has the patience to wade through the content, for anyone to has the interest in shattering the frame for themselves, I wanted to post these links:

Stan Wilbourne Wrote:I suppose what all this comes down to, for me, is the personal responsibility I feel I have to free myself from this cage/pattern/track of existence where I have been dipped. In turn, I have passed it on (with great gusto) to my children. And on and on, the grand frame spins.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The Frame can be splintered!

If only but for a moment in time...

Or timelessness really....


Back in the day,I would have said,"So you want to splinter the frame"?

Go to the ocean,take a hit of GOOD LSD,and then sit on a rock for the next 8 hours.

Contemplate on these mysteries.

You just might get a glimpse.

But,only a glimpse.............

In the end.


They could not escape the frame.....and they suffered just like the rest of us.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Heavy thread......but, please, don't stop.....
Stan, I don't know which 'angles' and 'dark corners' of the JFK Assassination you've explored. I'll assume many. When I started to become aware of his relationship with Mary P. Meyers and their philosophical and experimental journeys together, I started to think along aspects you might be referring to above. That was for him. For us, who remain behind his death [and the slower one of our Country and Polity], and are aware of the awesome and deeply evil forces that conjured it all up, and keep it all hidden in plain sight still, one can get into the philosophical Terra incognito you are venturing. Personally, I favor the existential philosophy of Satre...that there is no absolute meaning to life or anything...only what one chooses [!] to assign to it - or vice versa. I have chosen to assign great significance to certain things and values. Others I assign a lesser or no value to. These decisions are, I hope, not arbitrary, but based on a lifetime's research, hard knocks, readings in many fields and reflection....and yes, psychedelics too...which only reinforced previously formed ideas. Especially for Americans, the JFK Assassination is pivotal to understanding both the 'system', the hidden system, and our place in it and to ourselves and the ocean of thought and being. IMHO. 911 could be another. Such momentous events in one's own lifetime, if fully understood, transform the self in ways far beyond the 'political', opening up a doorway to seeing what is going on NOW externally and has always been going on within us, internally. Those who seek to control others make 'frames' and try to prevent looking beyond them and controlling what can be seen and discerned within them. Our ideas, our hopes and other emotions, our lives and our experiences/perceptions, perhaps even ourselves are, in ways, too non-finite, and cannot be captured in a 'frame', certainly not one of 3 or even 4 dimensions. As to a 'shattered' time....but it does have resonance....lots of resonance....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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