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The Splintering Frame
Hello Keith, I've taken my share of psychedelics and then some. I've also used Robert Monroe's hemi-sync over the years, which has given me a first class ticket to the land in between being consciously awake and dreams (the land of death?), which David referred to earlier in this thread.

The links I've posted above dealing with Unitary Perception from Ruben Feldman-Gonzalez have also helped me seeing the frame, and providing a shift in perception. For me, this is like chipping away at a grand boulder. I want the dynamite that will splinter that boulder into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. I feel that dynamite is inside of me, in proper perception. Proper perception will (perhaps) unlock the tumblers from their place and have the boundaries of the frame cascading down much like the barriers of The World Trade Center on 9-11.

Quote:the JFK Assassination is pivotal to understanding both the 'system', the hidden system, and our place in it and to ourselves and the ocean of thought and being. IMHO. 911 could be another. Such momentous events in one's own lifetime, if fully understood, transform the self in ways far beyond the 'political', opening up a doorway to seeing what is going on NOW externally and has always been going on within us, internally.

Very well put, Peter.

It is my feeling something tremendous is purposely being hidden from us. The Sponsors of this murder and life on earth have done their best to keep us confused, tied up in knots and fighting with each other and within ourselves. The touching of total mind will tear down the walls of all of this. There is nothing they can do to stop the awakening mind. The Sponsors want to ensure we never get that far down the line. But, the process has begun. Ultimately, being will not be controlled as they may wish. To me, that is the justice for President Kennedy. He reached for the moon and stars. We will get there.
Stan, unitary perception

In the morning my lover comes to me and tells me of her dream
with no attempt to shovel the glimpse into the ditch of what each one means

Fool on the hill
versus the doorman from Op 40

Stan rightly observes strategy of tension

Passenger 57 faces a Red Brigadier who asserts
I believe in nothing

(we know him to be that stateless dormant cell of Prouty's Tale)

Meeting the sea on lysergic acid diethylalamide is a path
and while life and time are a razor's edge or a broad avenue
exclusive of the two percent evil operators
and the three percent pursuants of that Marley Harley ride for cosmic beer
the sheep will follow, to be sheared or slaughtered or sung to by the shepherd

We await the postcard with word whether the philosopher-poet was a man dreaming he was a butterfly
or a butterfly dreaming he was a man
and Charles would say, why either/or?

Why suffer over the inability to do that which you-are-there/you-are-John-Lennon/and-the-cast-and-crew "cannot"

At some point the teacup into the saucer into the sea

Peter observes

Those who seek to control others make 'frames' and try to prevent looking beyond them and controlling what can be seen and discerned within them.

Among the myriad examples, Zapruder

This is the bell jar
we tire of the vacuum

So high above the ants
but with far less "sense of purpose"

Give me the beat, boys

As Stan observes

There is nothing they can do to stop the awakening mind.

And as Peter points out, the last attempt to do so (9/11) presents as blowback

There are laws
Indeed there are laws, the US and most "civilized" nations call themselves "nations of laws" with no citizen or resident above the law.
Mother Goose plays the accordion too for this tune accompanying the Wurlitzer from Wisner/Dulles.:Hitler:

When Jerry Ford admitted he moved the back wound to comply better with the WC Fable, he faced no consequences for obstruction of justice.
Releasing classified materials is a felony.

When Nixon was allowed to retire to an estate of felonious gains on the ocean, he was pardoned "for the good of the nation".
When Bradley Manning opened the door to reality he is jailed.
When Ed Snowden broke the damn door down completely again justice was on the spot attempting to break the inviolate law by kidnapping him.
What law being served in that criminal attempt?

On and on, the Elite walk and the prisons are filled with the non-elite prisoners usually perpetrators of non-violent victimless crimes.
McCorporate Prison is 1984 plotware.

The frame enclosing the President Kennedy murder is the Corruption of Justice.

It must be eliminated completely. Shattered and dispersed to the wind as Our President intended to do with the C.I.A.

Waco, Ruby Ridge, 911 and on and on. Fables don't live past the first wave of examination.
This is not 1963 and the American People have learned in the last 50 years just how aborted Justice has become.

This kind of Injustice has got to end for the sake of the Republic.
2008 Wall Street Corruption produced the Great Recession of this decade, but were the criminal fraudsters arrested?
No they were bailed out with our money - as usual.
No one punished or fired just like the 911 BShit.

I have to ask what good are laws if no one is hired to see them enforced.
The laws are not enforced unless you are of the disenfranchised 99%.

And aside (sort of) I was reading Lavenda's "Ratlines" but then I got into his Sinister Forces Manson book, which led me into Albarelli's "A Terrible Mistake".
I am coming back to the fascists "Grey Wolf" and another about the rise of the Friekorps precursors to the NSDAP (Nazi party).

Very glad to see DPF back.
Thanks to the mods and techies that restored this mind sharing place.
I hope the law catches up to the criminals that wanted to stop free speech and free thought.
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but to weigh and consider.
Stan Wilbourne Wrote:Hello Keith, I've taken my share of psychedelics and then some. I've also used Robert Monroe's hemi-sync over the years, which has given me a first class ticket to the land in between being consciously awake and dreams (the land of death?), which David referred to earlier in this thread.

The links I've posted above dealing with Unitary Perception from Ruben Feldman-Gonzalez have also helped me seeing the frame, and providing a shift in perception. For me, this is like chipping away at a grand boulder. I want the dynamite that will splinter that boulder into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds. I feel that dynamite is inside of me, in proper perception. Proper perception will (perhaps) unlock the tumblers from their place and have the boundaries of the frame cascading down much like the barriers of The World Trade Center on 9-11.

Quote:the JFK Assassination is pivotal to understanding both the 'system', the hidden system, and our place in it and to ourselves and the ocean of thought and being. IMHO. 911 could be another. Such momentous events in one's own lifetime, if fully understood, transform the self in ways far beyond the 'political', opening up a doorway to seeing what is going on NOW externally and has always been going on within us, internally.

Very well put, Peter.

It is my feeling something tremendous is purposely being hidden from us. The Sponsors of this murder and life on earth have done their best to keep us confused, tied up in knots and fighting with each other and within ourselves. The touching of total mind will tear down the walls of all of this. There is nothing they can do to stop the awakening mind. The Sponsors want to ensure we never get that far down the line. But, the process has begun. Ultimately, being will not be controlled as they may wish. To me, that is the justice for President Kennedy. He reached for the moon and stars. We will get there.

Quote:It is my feeling something tremendous is purposely being hidden from us.
Quite the understatement; quite the Truth! 'They' have conspired [!] since the the beginning of 'civilization' [sic] to hide from the 'others' [most of humanity]: who is really in power; how that power is played out and controlled; the real reasons bad things happen to good people; that freedom and rights are innate and not granted by those in power, if one only doesn't relinquish them; that this manipulation has been centuries in the making and refinement - and is ongoing, with technology always allowing even greater levels of control and propaganda; that what is said to be true history is mostly knowing lies, written and taught to deceive in order to control and engender powerlessness; that it is to be forever a top-down system of power, money, control, information, disinformation, life itself; that despite the lip-service rhetoric no democratic structures exist or are ever intended to exist; that they really fear the hidden power of the Plebs, and thus must confuse and control them, to guide them away from self-actualization and self-truth seeking [both internal/eternal truths] and everyday/political truths].

While a minority view on JFK, I'm aware, I believe JFK had two 'marks' against him for which he was murdered on the public stage. Most agree on the first, that being his turn away from their control and toward democracy, Peace, Justice, something approximating the lip-service and Potemkin Constitution and Laws, etc. The second was that he, as many others of the time, was beginning that personal inner exploration, that 'they' know can all-too-often lead to freedom from control - all too dangerous for a President, dangerous as well for the Plebs. While not the only partner of his in this kind of self-exploration, I believe M.P. Meyers was very pivotal and they regularly smoked grass and more than a few times took hallucinogens and imagined a world different than it was....or we are taught to believe it is.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:While a minority view on JFK, I'm aware, I believe JFK had two 'marks' against him for which he was murdered on the public stage. Most agree on the first, that being his turn away from their control and toward democracy, Peace, Justice, something approximating the lip-service and Potemkin Constitution and Laws, etc. The second was that he, as many others of the time, was beginning that personal inner exploration, that 'they' know can all-too-often lead to freedom from control - all too dangerous for a President, dangerous as well for the Plebs.

Once again we find ourselves in the same minority -- although I would replace the word "beginning" with "continuing."
The problem with gazing too deeply into the frame is that its tragedy, injustice, and manipulation bleeds out, that we each would see our better selves presented to the outside world, but most are despite their better natures dependent on the frame. The constant support by critics and railing by researchers becomes a self created mantra in which this item of hate becomes the center of existence for some. The frame gives them a way to distinguish all injustice and remind them of the imposed restraints of society and thought. However the frame can only influence us if we allow it. Many theories are wrong, on both sides, many speculate on the immense size of the frame, but its massive and endless power is fed by such legendary attributions. We each peer from multifaceted viewpoints, some try expose the entire construct, some gaze into the many holes and cracks time and truth have worn into its surface. It has grown to something more than its many parts, more than its subject or composition, however in our short time upon this planet we sometimes must act as insects, each destroying a bit of the deception. Finally when the actions of those gone and those to come are combined it may create a moment of clarity that shall illuminate our species.
I take as a major step into truth, the paradigm shift that often accompanies the Deep Political Knowledge sought, gained and assimilated. Maybe the alternative is denial of "knowing that which we know NOW" for some imagined reason. A reason like blind 'national security' or whatever rationalization fits your mind's desire to escape uncomfortable history and the knowledge of same. Filthy Lucre is another rationalization for some like Mr. Dunkle and the Confuseum.

The frame (or paradigm) we choose. Influenced by many things and ideas of self concept, but in the end we choose for ourselves the defining frame of mind and a paradigm we define.

Tribalism is one such reactive paradigm to assimilating the knowledge of Deep Political Truth, a malcontented and angry and reactive tribalism can serve no purpose. The Empire stole the role of reactive blind tribalism for their public paradigm plaguing us today. The "Ozzie Dunnit....Ozzie Dunnit" mantra of LIES is the shield for that tribalism's frame in the John Kennedy Murder Op. In-Justice is the hand maiden of that tribal paradigm of the Secret Team as Fletcher Prouty named the Enemy.

The hand maiden of In-Justice must control the public evidence, the manufactured evidence and the In-Justice jester to the court of excrement for public consumption would be the MSM to control the presentation of the manufactured "case" to the then gullible people.

The Enemy provides the paradigm if that is good enough for you. Given the last century of history much doubt has grown about the USGovt.'s and indeed all goverment's paradigms.

Redefining your own paradigm from one made for you is part of the shift. It is a freeing choice to do so, provided one does NOT manufacture an equally false frame for the one being replaced.

In 1963 it was so much easier to dupe the public in America. We believed in the government and in our public servants. All of that went out the window in the SEAsia Games. The conventional American paradigm was killed in it's bed by Nixonian "law and order" operating as Gestapo revealed in 'watergate'. The paradigm shifted away from the fables for war.

The paradigm shift can be healthy or not.
If one chooses a paradigm based in truth and not the temporary comfort of self-deception or subverted ethics for $$$$$$$$$$$. I know you read here Mr. Gary.
A reality truth based remade paradigm is a great gift one must give one's self. Others can help and that is where free speech and real freedom as opposed to the illusion of liberty becomes important. The cooperative coalition of the knowing can illuminate but the choice is yours alone.

As the Grateful Dead said the path is yours alone, and also not alone. That too is a paradigm shift from the snail mail paper clipping days of Ms. Mae and Ms. Maggie et. al.
But that is still another part of the tale of the persistence of the American People's paradigm.
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:While a minority view on JFK, I'm aware, I believe JFK had two 'marks' against him for which he was murdered on the public stage. Most agree on the first, that being his turn away from their control and toward democracy, Peace, Justice, something approximating the lip-service and Potemkin Constitution and Laws, etc. The second was that he, as many others of the time, was beginning that personal inner exploration, that 'they' know can all-too-often lead to freedom from control - all too dangerous for a President, dangerous as well for the Plebs. While not the only partner of his in this kind of self-exploration, I believe M.P. Meyers was very pivotal and they regularly smoked grass and more than a few times took hallucinogens and imagined a world different than it was....or we are taught to believe it is.

The implications are inclusive of other events known. I say this near demands consideration. An intersection of the two 'marks' is more than just interesting. The self exploration may have triggered the reactionary warpigs faction across the river and those they play hands for. All immediately dangerous to the jerks and also dangerous in the long view.
Thanks Peter,
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but to weigh and consider.

Relative Einstein.

Irrelevant time.

Absent ego; observer/observed disappear.

Ruben Feldman Gonzalez explains how the Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen experiment dropped the Bohm.

We may be the electrons.

Peter and Charles suggest JFK was on the threshhold of a dream.

Keith places a portal by the sea with LSD as a key, while David presents openings to Wonderland.

S4 sleep as the prerequisite for growth and restoration.

We surely lack the blissful counterstroke in a hyped up, hip hop, hepcat culture; the go-go-go would fade into the you-have-reached-your-destination.

Stan, you expressed a hunger and thirst for the state which Gonzalez suggests may be had with several months of work.

Peter describes a world where the power conceals the state; C. Savastano warns against too deep an excursion; Jim posits he begins with a step into truth.

Jim considers that this power set the paradigm but offers the hope of the Grateful Dead dictum, the path is yours alone.

My new epicycle concerns JFK in his inaugural address advising on earth God's work must truly be our own--he includes us; he would say, and we are all mortal.

Yet the scornful dark shadow of Dulles' sneering snort, "that little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god"

That doesn't compute, Captain.

JFK was a leader, but lacked the narcissism or solipsism we might see in the current POTUS or for that matter, the long line of monarchs and demagogs, gesturing imperially, e.g., Hitler, Mussolini, and in a different aspect, Stalin and Mao.

Of course, Dulles, as my favorite placeholder for Those Who Serve the Unnamed and Unknowable Cabal, presumed the mantle of global control.

If the Gladio Strategy of Tension is controlling us, we are always in the Body of Fear, Mind of Paranoia; we cannot hear and see, feel and smell and taste in irrelevant time, absent thought.

So, indeed we are prisoners of their device.

To the extent we allow.

Again, the Matrix film series presents a world of 95% sheep, three percent wolves, and two percent seeking enlightenment.

Gonzalez says the concept must not be treated as ridiculous.

Would it be constructive to deem the meditations, the drugs, the disciplines as lessons in acquiring unconscious skill.

The old brain, the three hundred million year old brain and the new, the seventy million year old brain in harmony.

One might consider that this enlightenment would cloud the warning signs of reality, imperil survival.

But--Gonzalez says 30' a day to plan.

This holokinesis is useful. We don't lose fidelity or dimension.

For matters of the foe of peace and freedom, those very real forces now planning the next false flag casus belli,

it is useful to view their machinations in the hologram Peter seeks to apply the data of Ryan, a constellation of O'Ryan

Surely Douglass' Unspeakable the best holographic representation yet of that event.

Time well spent, Stan. You said it would be "wading" yet Gonzalez mingles with other enlightened persons and Einstein and Krishnamurti say,

"we know that"

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Thus writ Phil:
"One might consider that this enlightenment would cloud the warning signs of reality, imperil survival."

True in 1962 and now. Samey Same. To me.
Nuff Said fer here n now.
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