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George Osbourne, the prostitutes and the cocaine?
What ever became of all this? Seems very quiet...Any updates?

BBC plan film on Tory links of vice girl in George Osborne cocaine' pictures

Created 11:19 PM on 3rd September 2011

[Image: article-2033499-0D919A1A00000578-401_233x423.jpg]Hacking: The BBC was looking to probe further into Andy Coulson's role in phone hacking

The BBC has had talks with a self-confessed prostitute and drug user who was pictured posing with George Osborne in front of an alleged line of cocaine.A member of the flagship Panorama investigative team met Natalie Rowe, 47, with a view to making a film about her links with the Chancellor and former Downing Street spin doctor Andy Coulson.The meeting was part of a new BBC probe into claims about phone hacking on the News of the World when Mr Coulson was editor.
Ms Rowe, who is said to have specialised in sado-masochism, has had similar discussions with Australian TV station ABC and American magazine Vanity Fair.The BBC was investigating Mr Osborne's support for Mr Coulson's successful bid to become David Cameron's head of communications after he was forced to quit as News of the World editor over the phone-hacking scandal. Mr Coulson's paper published a strong denial by Mr Osborne of allegations that he had taken drugs with Ms Rowe.Subsequently, Mr Osborne was instrumental in persuading Mr Cameron to recruit Mr Coulson as his spin doctor.Ms Rowe is suing the News of the World after being told by police that her phone was hacked by the paper when claims were made of drug-taking by senior Conservatives. Mr Osborne has been told by police that his phone was also targeted by the News of the World as part of its investigation into his links with Ms Rowe.


Well-placed sources say Ms Rowe, who is represented by media lawyer Mark Lewis, is threatening to make explosive revelations about her former clients in the upper echelons of the Conservative Party.Mr Osborne was severely embarrassed in 2005 by the pub¬lication of a picture of him as a 22 year-old Oxford student, smoking a cigarette with his arm draped around Ms Rowe. According to some claims, cocaine and rolled-up papers, allegedly for snorting the drug, could be seen in the picture taken at a party.Mr Osborne confirmed he knew Ms Rowe, who ran an agency called Black Beauties supplying prostitutes to clients paying from £350 an hour.He said he came into contact with her through a friend who had a relationship with her and went on to become a drug addict.But he strenuously denied that he took cocaine with her, saying the allegations were defamatory and completely untrue'.A BBC spokesman said: Panorama is continuing to look into the phone-hacking story and we have been pursuing a number of lines of inquiry, of which this was one element. However, there are no immediate plans for a programme.'A spokesman for Ms Rowe said: She declines to comment.'

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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Oh this is interesting timing....What needs distracting?

Cops raid home of ex-vice madam about to tell all on wild parties involving George Osborne

13 Oct 2013 00:00Natalie Rowe was warned not to "open a can of worms" before publishing new claims about her relationship with the Chancellor

[Image: %C2%A3%C2%A3-Natalie-and-George-Osborne-2364978.jpg]Party: Natalie and Osborne when Chancellor was 22
Steve Bainbridge Photography

Ex-vice madam Natalie Rowe has had her home raided by police days before she will make new claims about her relationship with Chancellor George Osborne.
Up to 12 Drugs Squad officers armed with a battering ram burst into her London flat in a dawn swoop claiming they were acting on a tip-off from a member of the public.
But no drugs were found in the two-hour search during which Miss Rowe claims she was threatened with being handcuffed and had questions asked about her forthcoming autobiography.
The book is expected to make *embarrassing new claims about Mr Osborne, who was allegedly a regular guest at wild parties the dominatrix threw at her flat in the early 1990s.
Miss Rowe was raided just 48 hours after a national paper reported that her memoirs are due out later this month.
She has made an official complaint to police fearing she was targeted in a bid to smear her before the book hits the shelves.
She told the Sunday People: "I don't do drugs, I don't deal drugs, so why was the Drug Squad storming through my home like I was running a cartel?
"I'm not into conspiracy theories. I'd like to think the fact I've been unfairly targeted by the police has nothing to do with the fact my book is about to be published, which happens to be very embarrassing for the Chancellor.
"But it's certainly made me wonder.
"There are serious questions I want answers to WHY did one officer involved in the raid ask me whether I was about to publish my memoirs and WHY did a police inspector tell me I'd be opening a whole can of worms' if I complained?
"It beggars belief."
[Image: Natalie-Rowe-2365001.jpg]Bondage: Former call girl Natalie had many prestigious clients Miss Rowe became embroiled in scandal eight years ago when a picture surfaced of her at a 1994 party with a 22-year-old Osborne alongside what is alleged to be a line of cocaine.
She said the photo was taken at a party to celebrate her getting *pregnant by her super-rich boyfriend William Sinclair.
Miss Rowe added: "It was definitely cocaine on the table. I said to George jokingly, When you are Prime Minister one day, I will have all the dirty goods on you' and he laughed."
When the photo was published Mr Osborne confirmed he'd met Miss Rowe but said any suggestion he took cocaine was "defamatory and *completely untrue".
At the time of the party, Miss Rowe called herself Mistress Pain and ran an elite escort agency whose clients included toffs and Tory bigwigs.
She said Osborne and Sinclair once stumbled on the tools of her trade at her home.
She recalled in a previous interview: "They found the paddles and the whips, the chains and the handcuffs.
"But they found it quite amusing."
The October 2 police raid on her flat happened two days after it was first reported she was planning to publish and serialise her book.
Miss Rowe told how she was woken by a knock on the door at 6.30am and saw a man dressed as a postie when she checked the peep-hole.
She said: "I shouted through the door, Yes?' and he said, I have a delivery'.
"I asked who it was for. He *pretended to look at a box and even though it was plain with no name on it he said, It's for N Rowe'.
"I thought this was strange as that's not my real name. It's mainly only the press who use that name my real name is Shirley so I thought it was a journalist pretending to be a postman.
"I said, Leave outside on the floor and I'll collect it when you've gone.'
"He seemed very happy to leave it even though I hadn't signed for it, which is unlike a postman."
Overcome with suspicion, she looked through the peep-hole again and the man was still there.
Miss Rowe said: "I put the chain on the door, opened it and said, I don't know why you're still here, take the parcel, I don't want it.' I shut the door and looked through the peep-hole to suddenly see four dark figures racing towards my door.
"I thought, What the hell is this?' They started banging on my door Police, open up, Drugs Squad!'
"It was like a bad dream. I was dressed only in my knickers and a top and said, Can you hold on while I put a skirt on?'
"It was No open up now.' I had to open up there and then or they'd have smashed the door in.
"They had one of those battering-rams and a long stick with a hook on the end which I assume was to unlock the door from the inside or prise it open.
"There were between eight and 12 of them steaming into my home.
"I asked what was going on and they said, Drugs Squad. Got a warrant to search your house. Sit here,' pointing to a chair in the living-room.
"I asked if I could put my skirt on and one said, No you're not. If you don't sit down we'll handcuff you.' It was frightening.
"I said I'm f***ing putting my skirt on. I'm not standing here dressed like this in front of you lot. I haven't even been arrested'.
"I started shouting and eventually they let me put my skirt on, then locked me in the living-room while they searched the whole house.
"They went through all my drawers and bundles of important documents relating to my book.
"I asked whether I could call a *lawyer but they wouldn't let me make a call. I said, I'm entitled to witness what you guys are doing in case you plant something in my home.'
"But they wouldn't let me out. One said one of the reasons was because a suspect once grabbed a knife in the kitchen and attacked them.
"I thought it was ridiculous to think I was going to do that.
"I was worried because I had a lot of personal papers lying about. My manuscript was next to my bed so I said, I hope you aren't reading any of my stuff.'
"One replied, It's not like the old days we can't do that any more. If we did we'd get into trouble. It's not worth it.'
"He said, Why didn't you open the door straight away?'
"I said, Because I thought you were a journalist.'
"He said Why would a journalist be knocking at your door? I said, I'm writing a book.'
"He said, Are you writing your memoirs?' I asked, Where did you hear that?' But he didn't reply."
Police spent nearly two hours at the flat but found no drugs.
Miss Rowe went on: "I repeatedly asked why they'd felt the need to raid the house and why they hadn't used sniffer-dogs if they suspected drugs to be in the house.
"All they'd say is they had a tip-off from a member of the public and they couldn't use a dog due to Government cutbacks. I was also surprised they'd do such a thing without putting the house *under surveillance.
"Do they raid just anyone's house after tip-offs from any old member of the public?"
She also claimed two cops stopped a friend who was visiting her house five days later and asked him who he was and what he was doing there.
Miss Rowe said: "It's bordering on harassment."
She told how she rang Chelsea nick to lodge an official complaint with an inspector and was told: "You know you're going to open up a whole can of worms here?"
Miss Rowe added: "I said, I don't care how big the can of worms is.'"
She said the inspector called her one evening after that and said he needed to fill out a questionnaire.
She recalled: "The first question was about my ethnic background. I said, What's that got to do with it? Anyway, you know I'm black.'
"I couldn't believe the next question What is your sexual orientation?' Was he kidding?
"I said a questionnaire isn't what I want right now. I want answers to the questions I asked you, which is where did this complaint about me having drugs in my house stem from?
"He said, We'll get round to that later.' I said, Can't we deal with that now?' He said, No.'
"I'm now going to the Independent Police Complaints Commission."
Scotland Yard said: "Following information received, officers obtained a warrant to search an address under Section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. No drugs were found."
The Met say it's standard practice to ask complainants about sexual orientation so they can follow trends.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Sheesh. And I thought he was knee deep in figures and spread-sheets.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Magda Hassan Wrote:Oh this is interesting timing....What needs distracting?
Miss Rowe went on: "I repeatedly asked why they'd felt the need to raid the house and why they hadn't used sniffer-dogs if they suspected drugs to be in the house.
"All they'd say is they had a tip-off from a member of the public and they couldn't use a dog due to Government cutbacks.

Dog food that expensive in the UK? Sounds like dogs cost more to employ than human coppers? They had enough of them there just on some 'tip off' from a member of the 'public'. More like a member of MI5 or GCHQ.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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