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Follow the Yellow Curb Marker
The web version of this article is available at the following link.

The Warren Commission published Zapruder frames Z-171 through Z-334. These official frames exclude Z-352 through Z-357 which are the subjects of this study. So the following evidence of alteration may not be present on the unpublished frames held by the authorities. In this case our copy of the Zapruder film would be the malicious work of a prankster. Alternatively the presence of this evidence of alteration on officially held frames of Z-352 through Z-357 would stand with the published frames containing evidence of alteration.

Frame Z-357 shows the right edge of the yellow curb marker separating two portions along the roadway.

The boundary of the marker on the topside of the curb is perpendicular to the roadway. Three frames earlier, Z-354 shows that the right edge of this marker has a sharp boundary that is far from perpendicular to the roadway.

Likewise the right edge of the marker on Z-353 also fails to be perpendicular to the roadway.

However, in this case the same rightmost end of the marker is nearer the camera. This behavior is opposite of Z-354 where this end of the marker is farther from the camera. The topside of the curb on frames Z-353 and especially Z-354 appear thicker than the topside of the curb on other frames of this sequence. However, the darkened strip between the topside of the curb and the green grass has unchanging thinness. These observations disallow motion blurs as causing selective thickening of the topside of the curb on frames Z-353 and Z-354.

Frames Z-353, Z-354 and Z-355 show off-white bands across Altgens' ankles. On Z-353 the bands slope downward from our left to right.

The bands on Z-354 slope upward upon viewing from our left to right.

Z-355 shows the bands with nearly horizontal slopes.

When viewed at the norm frequency of 18 frame per second the rapidly wiggling bands would be comical if it were not so sad.

Unlike these graphics which display a sequence of time-frozen pictures, Zapruder's camera recorded all motion during each individual 27-millisecond exposure. Hence true frames of Z-353, Z-354 and Z-355 would show significant blurring caused by half of the interframe motion of the bands. The absence of this physically necessary blurring further discredits Z-353, Z-354 and Z-355.

Excellent work, Herb.
Mr. HILL. The right rear portion of his head was missing. It was lying in the rear seat of the car. His brain was exposed. There was blood and bits of brain all over the entire rear portion of the car. Mrs. Kennedy was completely covered with blood. There was so much blood you could not tell if there had been any other wound or not, except for the one large gaping wound in the right rear portion of the head.

Warren Commission testimony of Secret Service Agent Clinton J. Hill, 1964
I recall reading, a few(?) years back, about the painted spot(s) on the south curb on Elm St west of Houston St, but I do not remember where the story went. There "needs to be a reason" for the yellow painted area of that curb.


It appears as though the limousine's driver side rear door window is partially raised approximately 5" to 7", as the motorcade passes the yellow painted strip on the south curb of Elm St. That, at least to me, quite possibly alters the appearance of the yellow strip. And, when looking at films and/or photos of the limousine's driver side during the motorcade, the partially raised rear door window can be seen, rising above the door area. Also, depending on the freshness of the paint on the yellow strip, possibly the appearance is as well affected by bright sunlight, along with some reflection from the driver's side of the well polished JFK limousine.
When viewing the Z film, I have to wonder about the limousine position relative to the short yellow strip on the south curb, as the wounding of JFK and JBC occurs. That, added to TheUmbrellaMan's signals along with DarkComplectedMan's high in the air raised hand/fist at about the same time is certainly cause for concern.
I do not at this time recall a reason for the yellow painted strip on that curb, but I am curious.


LR Trotter Wrote:I recall reading, a few(?) years back, about the painted spot(s) on the south curb on Elm St west of Houston St, but I do not remember where the story went. There "needs to be a reason" for the yellow painted area of that curb.

I suspect something could be found in Jack White Dealey Plaza photo work studies. Not sure of the "story" angle, but if it was about DP, then Jack was in the neighborhood. I think his work is archived someplace in Texas... here, I found this:
David Healy Wrote:
LR Trotter Wrote:I recall reading, a few(?) years back, about the painted spot(s) on the south curb on Elm St west of Houston St, but I do not remember where the story went. There "needs to be a reason" for the yellow painted area of that curb
I suspect something could be found in Jack White Dealey Plaza photo work studies. Not sure of the "story" angle, but if it was about DP, then Jack was in the neighborhood. I think his work is archived someplace in Texas... here, I found this:
Thanks. When checking I found a photograph of the south curb and saw three yellow painted strips seemingly spaced evenly apart. Maybe placed there for innocent reasons, but it appears they could have been used for another purpose. In any event, just maybe someone has information as to the need for the separate areas of curb to be painted yellow.



LR Trotter Wrote:
David Healy Wrote:
LR Trotter Wrote:I recall reading, a few(?) years back, about the painted spot(s) on the south curb on Elm St west of Houston St, but I do not remember where the story went. There "needs to be a reason" for the yellow painted area of that curb
I suspect something could be found in Jack White Dealey Plaza photo work studies. Not sure of the "story" angle, but if it was about DP, then Jack was in the neighborhood. I think his work is archived someplace in Texas... here, I found this:
Thanks. When checking I found a photograph of the south curb and saw three yellow painted strips seemingly spaced evenly apart. Maybe placed there for innocent reasons, but it appears they could have been used for another purpose. In any event, just maybe someone has information as to the need for the separate areas of curb to be painted yellow.


This seems like a very interesting line of inquiry. I'll bet Jack White noticed this - but sadly is no longer with us to ask about. I wonder if he ever wrote about this and it would be in his papers collection at Baylor? Someone should write the Dallas Dept of Public Works [or whoever handled road work there then] and ask them. I have often seen continuous yellow curb in towns in the USA, but don't recall ever seeing before short segments at regular or irregular intervals. Usually they are seen on streets where their might be parking [not the case here!] to denote where parking is NOT allowed, or similar. Often they are red; sometimes yellow-orange. The anomalies pointed out thus far of the curb painted areas is very interesting - whatever their purpose was and when they were put certainly would be interesting to know these two factors.
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