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INTO THE NIGHTMARE website updated

My website for my book INTO THE NIGHTMARE: MY SEARCH
OFFICER J. D. TIPPIT has been updated to include recent
videos, articles, interviews, reviews, and news.

Joseph McBride
Joseph McBride Wrote:

My website for my book INTO THE NIGHTMARE: MY SEARCH
OFFICER J. D. TIPPIT has been updated to include recent
videos, articles, interviews, reviews, and news.

Joseph McBride

Hey Joe, where have you been? (Or should I say "where are you going with that gun in your hand?" Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Dawn Meredith Wrote:
Joseph McBride Wrote:

My website for my book INTO THE NIGHTMARE: MY SEARCH
OFFICER J. D. TIPPIT has been updated to include recent
videos, articles, interviews, reviews, and news.

Joseph McBride

Hey Joe, where have you been? (Or should I say "where are you going with that gun in your hand?" Sorry, couldn't resist.)


Hi, Dawn,

Good to hear from you. As the updated website shows, I continue to be interviewed
about the case and to do articles on it. I am also working on other books. I just
returned from Berlin doing research on the great German American director Ernst Lubitsch.
I'm been working for several years on a book involving him and was the curator of the
Lubitsch retrospective at the Locarno (Switzerland) film festival and the Cinémathèque
Française in 2010. I've also been interviewed recently for several upcoming
documentaries on Orson Welles, whose centenary is next year. I've written three
books on Welles and acted for him for six years in THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WIND.
I even did a long video interview on his OTHELLO while I was in Berlin for the
upcoming French DVD set of that film. And I also just did the audio commentary
for John Ford's film MY DARLING CLEMENTINE for the Criterion edition, which will be out this fall.

It's been a busy and creative time. I am
glad interest continues to be high in INTO THE NIGHTMARE after a year in publication, which is gratifying.


I just saw Lubitsch's 'Trouble In Paradise' 1932. Lubitsch said it was his favorite of all his films.
Albert Doyle Wrote:I just saw Lubitsch's 'Trouble In Paradise' 1932. Lubitsch said it was his favorite of all his films.

That's the first Lubitsch film I saw, and I thought, "This must be the guy's masterpiece."
Now that I've seen all fifty of his extant works (including some fragments), I still
believe it is. It's a great way to introduce people to Lubitsch. It's the best romantic
comedy. He did much to create that genre as well as the musical genre. Orson Welles
called him "a giant." Lubitsch is somewhat obscure today, at least in America, and
I want to help bring him back to what he once was, a household name. TO BE OR NOT
TO BE is an amazingly audacious and courageous political film that many people
today do know and revere. I recommend it and TROUBLE IN PARADISE and THE SHOP
AROUND THE CORNER and NINOTCHKA as a mini Lubitsch festival for anyone wanting
to explore his work.

I was trying to think of a link between Lubitsch and JFK, and all I immediately
came up with is that Robert Stack is the handsome young aviator who is having
an affair with Carole Lombard in TO BE OR NOT TO BE. Stack and JFK used
to go out on the town in Hollywood together, and Stack later commented,
perhaps facetiously, that JFK should have stayed in Hollywood because
he was such an accomplished ladies' man.

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