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Chris Matthews is an Idiot !
Chris Matthews is a corporate media tool who supports every official story out there. I remember when Oliver Stone's film NIXON came out, he went berserk about the "whole Bay of Pigs thing" references in the film. Poor Tweety's head would explode if he was forced to wake up from his fantasy world.
Today Mr. Matthews praised Hillary Clinton for saying, in her new book, that she regretted her Senate vote that lead to wars in Iraq & Afganistan. The Clintons & Chris Matthews are dispicable. During his pro HRC rant Chris Matthews played an interview she did with Meet the Press Tim Russert where she denied that her pro-Bush vote was a vote for war. Does Hillary think the American people are that stupid ? Matthews still thinks that Obama, who was put into the White House by the"military-industrial complex" mega-giant General Dynamics, owned by the Lester Crown family, of Chicago, does not have a rightists foreign policy. Hillary originally from Park Ridge, Illinois will, IMO, will also have the backing of the Crown family.
On Tuesdays program Mr. Matthews sided with the Israeli government and in effect justified the genocide now going on. He did so on the grounds that Israel persued the killers of the 3 teenagers killed while the Arabs aka "Moslems" cheered the murders. What a pice of blank.
Kenneth Kapel Wrote:Today Mr. Matthews praised Hillary Clinton for saying, in her new book, that she regretted her Senate vote that lead to wars in Iraq & Afganistan. The Clintons & Chris Matthews are dispicable. During his pro HRC rant Chris Matthews played an interview she did with Meet the Press Tim Russert where she denied that her pro-Bush vote was a vote for war. Does Hillary think the American people are that stupid ? Matthews still thinks that Obama, who was put into the White House by the"military-industrial complex" mega-giant General Dynamics, owned by the Lester Crown family, of Chicago, does not have a rightists foreign policy. Hillary originally from Park Ridge, Illinois will, IMO, will also have the backing of the Crown family.

The impression I have gained from a brief press foray over here in the UK by Hilary Clinton is that she's being prepared for the White House? Is this a realistic possibility even?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
I believe that the 2016 American Presidential race will be between Hilary Clinton & Jeb Bush ! A nightmare scenario indeed! Whoever gets in they will be surrounded by CRF members. Fascism is alive & well in the USA ! Bernie Sanders, the independent Senator from Vermont, could run as a third party candidate. Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat is likely to oppose Mrs. Clinton in the primaries. She is running on a populist agenda. If she runs I will vote for her in the primaries. In 1992 Jerry Brown was the last Demcrat standing against Bill Clinton in the primaries. I voted for Brown, not that I love him that much, but at least he was preaching "the old time religion", which was a revival of New Deal ideals, and I just had to vote against that DLC horror Bill Clinton. DLC stands for Demcratic Leadership Council whos goal was to make the national Democrats more "pro-business", which means to me a sell-out to Wall Street & mammon. Clinton chose as his Vice-Presidential nominee Senator Albert Gore(D-Tenn), another DCL founder. Well Clinton-Gore gave us NAFTA which sent millions of middle class industrial job overseas, and his wife is favored, accoring to the national polls, favored by 70% of Demcrats for the nomination, as of this time she has no announced opponent. What are the Democrats drinking ? Mr. Obama is a front man for what President Eisenhower called "the military industrial complex", via the General Dynamics Lester Crown family. Some JFK researchers see the late Henry Crown, father of Lester, as a key, money wise figure in the JFK murder. As early as 1946 Henry Crown was tagged, along with hotel baron Conrad Hilton( Henry Crown was the second largest stockholder in the Hilton Hotel chain) as the financial backers of the Chicago mob. Professor Peter Dale Scott has written volumes on the Crown family and the nation wide influence that "the Chicago outfit" has had on "American Deep Politics."
This is why I don't see Jeb Bush getting the GOP nomination, or even that he has an interest in running against HRC:

A few months back when potential GOP contenders only Jed had a private meeting with Republican moneybags Shekdon Adelson. New Jersery Governor Chris Christie and Wisconsin Governor Walker have scandal problems that will eventually kill their bids. Was Christie set like Richard Nixon was with the failed Watergate break in, and was the break in bungled on purpose? To my mind it was and ever since the Bush family has really taken off. Read Colodny, Baker, Hougan, & Scott.
Today he was still trying to figure out why Bush/Cheney lied to us about WMDs and Iraq, and why did they stay in Iraq even when it was clear there were no WMDs?? :Read:

Because you're a fantastic idiot, Chris!
Matthews tonight again portrayed himself as an opponent of the Iraq war even before it began. Before the war began and during it he was a great supporter of it, at least he was on his TV program. I gather his San Francisco newspaper column was anti-war, but his drooling over Bush's swaggering strut on the occasion of "The Mission Accomplished" Bush photo op Chris was very disguisting and in so far as his drooling he has done this over Bush (43), Erin Burnet, and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, he has done this on many occasions for the two ladies. IMHO Matthews is an ignorant shill for "American Exceptionalism" aka American Imperialism. His is amost as bad as Fox. In regard to "The Mission Accomplished" Mr. Mattews said trhat " the American people want a little swagger in their President", in 2000 he decided "that the American want someone that they could drink a bottle of beer with. How he divined this is anyone's guest. I can see him not liking Gore, I voted for Nader, but his love for Bush is beyond belief. Only a nitwit couldn't see that Bush was also a nitwit.
After doing a "patty cake" interview with former Israeli PM Shimon Peres, Chris Mathews ended his program saying, "I love that guy." There are no printable words that can describe the former Tip O' Neill aide.

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