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The Southland Center Revisitied

Marie Fonzi mentioned this guy at the AARC seminar.

He then wrote me a letter.

This is his video and his story
The best way for him to get shot would have been to send a description to the police.

He should have come out with the JFK Act.
Not sure whether to buy this, it would have been more helpful if the girl would come forward as well.
And even then......

edit: Jim did his letter to you divulge any other info?
Interesting... but you do always have to wonder about these remembrances coming out more than half a century after the fact. Wynne Johnson makes a fairly good case for the delay, though.

Veciana originally estimated the date of the encounter as "late August or early September." Several researchers believe it was Sept. 1. The September 7 date is new to me.

Regardless of which date is correct, why do so few researchers point out that the "Lee Harvey Oswald" of the Warren Commission lived in New Orleans when this meeting allegedly took place in Dallas? For a young guy with little money and no drivers license to make this 1,000 mile plus round trip would have been an enormous undertaking.

If the observation is at all accurate, I think Phillips was meeting with American-born Lee Oswald, who WAS in Dallas at the time. Perhaps they were discussing LEE's actions framing Harvey for the hit.

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996
Shame because there are high tech lie detector MRI scans that can see which parts of the brain light up in response to certain memories. I believe him. If you have good skills you can recognize the haughty disclaimers of a straight-shooter trying to live up to the significance of what he was a part of.

This is fascinating because it would mean that Johnson was actually influential in the happenings and helped affect them. This gives a whole new perspective since Phillips, Veciana, and Oswald had intended to meet in the coffee shop for a talk.

You would have to think this meeting focused on Cuban/FPCC affairs since Veciana allegedly continued on with the meeting. Who knows what would have been covered if Oswald hadn't bolted after being ID'ed.

Oswald's exit was clearly motivated by a need to protect CIA agent David Atlee Phillips, which only goes to show the relationship CIA operative Lee Harvey Oswald had with him.

Johnson is fascinating because he puts to context Phillips' confession to his brother that he was there in Dallas. What he is talking about is the meeting with Oswald and not being in Dallas during the assassination.

It's likely Girl X did recognize Oswald's voice. Her answer to Oswald that "We saw you outside" was probably asserted exactly because she recognized Oswald's voice from the radio. The reason Girl X's mother was so adamant about staying quiet is exactly because she probably went home and told her mother this communist defector whom she heard on the radio was with some dangerous-looking government men. That Oswald had said "He recognized me" to these other men and therefore there was a problem. The woman saying she doesn't remember in later life after the unusual death rate amongst witnesses is also common. That woman is a coward.

This is more than enough. This stuff does no good sequestered on internet sites. It's time to take it and move against the government with it and not wait for their answer. The American public was played by phony committees in the 70's and its right for credible check and balance rule of law democracy was subverted and usurped by government killers. Time to bring them to justice and make them heel to democracy.

No, there was no other important info in his letter to me.

I am going to try and get him on Len's show with Marie Fonzi.

To me its all very fascinating. And he deserves a fair hearing.
It doesn't really matter if Girl X recognized Oswald's voice since she recognized Oswald's face after the assassination. She then told her mother about this encounter with dangerous government men and their concern over being recognized and her mother reacted accordingly.

If he's bluffing it's a heck of a hoax. I've seen other versions at hotels where once Oswald saw Veciana he quickly left.

Remember, Veciana confirmed the place and encounter with Girl X.
No it is not enough, since she cannot remember it, so you only have one source. And the JFK community has been duped way too many times already, the next thing we know we have another imposter claiming a flock of loyal, pseudo religious, followers only messing up the overall goal. JVB is a shining example.

If Veciana recognises her and confirms it I would give the story more credence, as right now one person has no recollection and the other remembers an encounter of some sort, that is without a proper identification.
The fact she does not remember the encounter, of such a magnitude does not help the 'case' at all. She, allegedly, told her mom who took precautionary action and there is no recollection of that from her?

Polygraph for the gentleman and the lady and Veciana ought to sit down together and discuss, until then there is not much to believe.

Albert: please state and link to the following, as I am curious about this info.
''I've seen other versions at hotels where once Oswald saw Veciana he quickly left.''

Thank you.
Bart Kamp Wrote:Albert: please state and link to the following, as I am curious about this info.
''I've seen other versions at hotels where once Oswald saw Veciana he quickly left.''

Thank you.

Edit: Found it!

I don't endorse this source since he appears to be loose and free with his descriptions. Apparently the source is Douglass quoting Fonzi. If you're sharp you'll notice there is a loose relationship between Oswald breaking off at the beginning of the meeting and what Johnson describes. Both events involve Oswald leaving at the beginning. This version could just be a casual interpretation translated to a third party. If you look at it it does conform to Oswald talking to Phillips quickly after being ID'ed by Johnson and leaving. The lack of mention of Johnson in this version could be due to Veciana not detailing his encounter and the teller simply assuming. Look under entry 11:

Girl X saying she doesn't remember doesn't really mean much. I'm involved in other serious research and I've spoken to persons that I know certain things 100% about who then tell me they either didn't say that or don't remember. Hate to be misogynous but this is more common in women.

Right now I'd put my chips on Johnson. His over formalizing his material with disclaimers and legal presentation verbiage is the sign of someone who is trying to impress the seriousness of something he considers real. Veciana saying he remembers talking to a girl for 40 seconds greatly increases the possibility of realness to a near confirming level.

At this point Johnson should out Girl X. He has a moral responsibility and the protection of the JFK Act.

This part was already known to me, it's the first outing.
Which led to the video confession.
I was under the impression you had something else, hence me asking.

If the lady does not want to come out, for obvious reasons, then she should be left alone.

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