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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
David Josephs Wrote:
R.K. Locke Wrote:Here's to another 51 years of acrimony, vituperation and monomaniacal fixation on divisive, relatively inconsequential issues.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7014&stc=1]

And to comments like that one about one of the most important aspects of the cover-up

- the duality of a man working for the FBI/CIA/MIA/ONI being sent to Russia, marrying a KGB prostitute and bringing her to the USA, working both sides of the Cuban issue, virtually living within intelligence circles bent on disobeying presidential foreign policy, being incriminated for having been paid by Castro to carry out the assassination and then ultimately being framed for the assassination of a president -

and the reasons behind these important subjects being relegated to the status of "inconsequential" via unnecessarily multi-syllabic verbiage....

The ramifications of H&L's revelations are quite astonishing... that the US intelligence community was so hell-bent on acquiring Russian intel and thwarting anything remotely threatening under the guise of "communism" that they would emply tactics created and honed by generations of German, Russian, and SE Asian practice.

This pervasive "couldn't happen in the good ole US of A" attitude precludes intelligent people from traveling down obvious paths simply due to incredulity rather than let the evidnece and research take them where it leads.

Instead, let's ask the question,

"What benefit to the US intelligence community would handfuls of "assets" with histories not related to them and others creating a history using their identity?"

Reading books like Larry Hancock's Nexus, or
The Wilderness of Mirrors along with Bill Simpich's State Secret allows us to get a glimpse of the evil and depravity involved.

That this topic and the conclusion of the evidence available is pushed aside as either too complicated or too far-fetched is a cop out. In front of hundreds of people and mutiple still/motion picture cameras the EVIDENCE was able to "almost" completely remove the head shot from the front to JFK from history. "almost" completely remove the frontal throat shot, "almost" convince us of the Silly Bullet Theory... this was done right in front of our eyes by the manipulation of the Evidence...

yet hiding two men into one history is "too complicated" or "far-fetched" within the mountains of documents ??

"relatively inconsequential issues" ? is simply a back-handed way to demean the work and unless these rebuttals are proven, or at least attempted to be proven, they remain a disservice to the work which has brought us to this point


[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7015&stc=1]

Well put DJ. Arguing this to a naysayer is akin to arguing CT to a lone nutter. I don't understand why people are so resistant to the massive amount of evidence for H and L. It's long been clear to me that much of the FBI's job was running around destroying evidence of this little doubling program.
David Josephs Wrote:
R.K. Locke Wrote:Here's to another 51 years of acrimony, vituperation and monomaniacal fixation on divisive, relatively inconsequential issues.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7014&stc=1]

And to comments like that one about one of the most important aspects of the cover-up

- the duality of a man working for the FBI/CIA/MIA/ONI being sent to Russia, marrying a KGB prostitute and bringing her to the USA, working both sides of the Cuban issue, virtually living within intelligence circles bent on disobeying presidential foreign policy, being incriminated for having been paid by Castro to carry out the assassination and then ultimately being framed for the assassination of a president -

and the reasons behind these important subjects being relegated to the status of "inconsequential" via unnecessarily multi-syllabic verbiage....

The ramifications of H&L's revelations are quite astonishing... that the US intelligence community was so hell-bent on acquiring Russian intel and thwarting anything remotely threatening under the guise of "communism" that they would emply tactics created and honed by generations of German, Russian, and SE Asian practice.

This pervasive "couldn't happen in the good ole US of A" attitude precludes intelligent people from traveling down obvious paths simply due to incredulity rather than let the evidnece and research take them where it leads.

Instead, let's ask the question,

"What benefit to the US intelligence community would handfuls of "assets" with histories not related to them and others creating a history using their identity?"

Reading books like Larry Hancock's Nexus, or
The Wilderness of Mirrors along with Bill Simpich's State Secret allows us to get a glimpse of the evil and depravity involved.

That this topic and the conclusion of the evidence available is pushed aside as either too complicated or too far-fetched is a cop out. In front of hundreds of people and mutiple still/motion picture cameras the EVIDENCE was able to "almost" completely remove the head shot from the front to JFK from history. "almost" completely remove the frontal throat shot, "almost" convince us of the Silly Bullet Theory... this was done right in front of our eyes by the manipulation of the Evidence...

yet hiding two men into one history is "too complicated" or "far-fetched" within the mountains of documents ??

"relatively inconsequential issues" ? is simply a back-handed way to demean the work and unless these rebuttals are proven, or at least attempted to be proven, they remain a disservice to the work which has brought us to this point


[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7015&stc=1]

I have no firm position on the H&L thesis as I haven't read the book and I don't intend to. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't make any difference at all to either the case for conspiracy (which is proven), or the broader implications of the assassination (which have little to do with the life story of the patsy.) I am simply tired of hearing about it.

I would also like to qualify my "here's to another 51 years" comment. The truth is that we don't have anything like that amount of time left. Extrapolating forward from current trends I would give it no more than 15-20 years before most of us are in the fucking gulag; no doubt having a splendid time arguing about whether it's possible for someone's bollocks to increase in size as they get older.
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
BTW, is that from March of the Penguins?
The neanderthal club comment was aimed at Parker and not Lifton whom I think is a gentleman deserving respect.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:BTW, is that from March of the Penguins?

From the NYC side trip they took... :Confusedhock::

Dontcha just wanna do that every once in a while to these yahoos?

As for Mr. Locke... We've been hearing about the gulags for the masses since Plato, while you're waiting for the barbed wire to go up the gulag of the mind, spirit and behavior has already been put in place. No need for the fences, the control is already here... we can write this stuff here but you wont be hearing it quoted on the evening news or in the NY Times.

Curious Mr. Locke, if a subject is not of interest nor even in the opinion category for you due to your exposure and knowledge of the subject... why bother making comments that reduces the work of others to insignificance?

I mean I've felt your level of helplessness and do so most every day... A change in awareness and consciousness to these issues will not be successful until the history books taught to school children are changed...
Just as the Nazi's knew it would be the NEXT generation of children, born and bred to understand one thing, who would enjoy the spoils of a conqueored world and perpetuate it... the only chance we have as a people and nation is to recognize these evils, the need for the rewriting/reexamining of history, and the fighting of the mass ignorance on a generational scale.

Yet since this next generation is more interested in their facebook status and kitty videos (by design) I fail to see how anything anyone does will remove these invisible chains restraining our humanity.

So instead we write, we share, we publish, argue and one by one we hopefully raise awareness ... so that 1 becomes 2 becomes 4 becomes 8 becomes 16.... like the old story about the rice reward promised by a king..

1 grain doubled each day for every square on a chess board and to keep each square's take... the king agreed thinking what a foolish wager, and lost.

4.3 billion grains of rice later and the idea of 1 person telling another who also tells 2 others who now tell 4 others and the entire world can be made aware...

All good things in all good time RK...

Take care.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter

The JFK case is so big in its scope and wide in its literature, that no one can master all of its elements.

Weisberg said that decades ago. Its even more true now with the explosion of the files at NARA.

In addition to the volumes of official investigations, there are well over a thousand books and pamphlets on this case.

Therefore, in this wide expanse, there will be some people who just are not interested in all the things you are.

Some people don't give a lick about the Z film alteration issue, or say Jim Garrison, or Oswald in Russia, or the autopsy (btw, John A is one of those).

OK fine. And they have the right to say that arguments like these don't do much for us.

Maybe, he is right , maybe he is not. To each his own.

Neither you or I would go onto a thread we were not interested in just to post how inconsequential the topic being discussed was....

just sayin'
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right.....
R. Hunter
David Josephs Wrote:Jim...

Neither you or I would go onto a thread we were not interested in just to post how inconsequential the topic being discussed was....

just sayin'

I'm posting about it because the subject has been dominating the discussion across several forums for a while now and it gets incredibly tedious seeing the same stuff rehashed over and over again.

I think you understand my argument well enough so I think I'll just leave it there. I don't really have anything more to add on this issue anyway. Take care.
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,
I got what you said and meant. I have long been saddened by the divisiveness of the research community. As it is we are small in number compared to the world population and it seems as if you can't get 20 people in a room without an argument. Healthy discussion and disagreement is fine, but when ego and anger take over it's self defeating.


Dawn Meredith Wrote:I got what you said and meant. I have long been saddened by the divisiveness of the research community. As it is we are small in number compared to the world population and it seems as if you can't get 20 people in a room without an argument. Healthy discussion and disagreement is fine, but when ego and anger take over it's self defeating.



Well said, Dawn.
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
― Leo Tolstoy,

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