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Trolls and proxy posts against Harvey and Lee.
David Guyatt Wrote:
Vanessa Loney Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Vanessa Loney Wrote:David

You'll note that comment was a couple of months ago and I did offer to post some research others had done because they were banned from DP.

I saw that as a free speech issue and offered to post it for them.

Obviously I was not expecting anyone to believe it was my research and was expecting to be banned as a result. I'm a free speech extremist and cannot abide people being locked out of forums for expressing objectionable views.

I never did post that information. The comments I've made on here are based on reading that research and coming to my own conclusions.

Obviously it's up to you if you ban me, c'est la vie.

It's not a free speech issue. It doesn't even come close.

Offering to post on behalf of members who have been specifically banned from this forum is completely out of order.

And having read your posts here I conclude you have a very specific DPF agenda focused on certain members - rather than an underlying subject based interest - and therefore find your explanation hard to believe.

Hounding members is not acceptable practise.

As always on DPF, the founders vote on important decisions. My vote has already been cast.

Il n'y a pas de fumee sans feu.


Well, that is certainly one vote that I don't expect to win. So I thank you for your time but as this is my last post here I'll say this.

Perhaps DP should reconsider allowing entire threads that attack other forums and individuals and then don't allow them the opportunity to respond without characterising them as trolls etc because it really doesn't speak well for your attitude towards fair debate and free speech.

If anyone wants to come on to EF to discuss any of these issues with me then I would welcome that and you won't be personally attacked I assure you.

But what I actually expect you all to do is ban me and then stick the boots in.

As for my supposed agenda, I have stated a number of times what I came on here for - a debate between JA and GP and to defend the attacks made on EF, ROKC and myself.

Selamat tinggal dan terima kasih.

I notice that you ignored the fact in your above justification that amongst your motives here was also to persistently hound Albert Doyle.

Anyway, I, for one, won't stick the boot in. Life's too short for such nonsense.


David - if Mr Doyle had addressed the issue when it was first raised (or even addressed it at all) I wouldn't have repeated my question. And I would have thought that having a member on here under a false name was against DP rules.

Messages In This Thread
Trolls and proxy posts against Harvey and Lee. - by Vanessa Loney - 21-06-2015, 01:49 PM

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