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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Quote:After the assassination of President Kennedy Steve L'eandes (the actor), wearing a nice suit and tie, saw his friend Al Fowler walking in the Village and approached him. Fowler's friend no longer had a southern accent, and was now openly using the name Stephen (Richard) Landesberg. Landesberg (the actor) offered Fowler $600 to fly to Montreal and bring back a small package, contents unknown. Fowler refused the offer.

The above is important because we are into CIA spook tactics with Fowler either being arrested for heroin importation or blown-up in a mid-air explosion. L'eandes is showing his true original status here and covert relationship to the CIA double Oswald.

The student Landesberg could have simply been a scapegoat for the actor in case he got caught.

CIA's Wikipedia obviously avoids his early period:


The quote is Armstrong's from the improved article. Armstrong is a very good researcher despite what some trolls allege.

This is from the post-assassination period where intel was now in its killing witnesses phase. So this shows the intel depth of the actor Landesberg because he is now very likely attempting to frame Fowler or even kill him. So you can pretty much plumb the depth of SR Landesberg and therefore interpolate his relationship to Oswald from this. If SR Landesberg is doing dirty post assassination ops like this he's deep-in and operational. He exists at the level of Armstrong's theory.

The student SH Landesberg knew too much too soon and had information he couldn't have had unless he was associated with the spook work he exposed. Doubters would have to explain how exactly a crazy student would know all this business otherwise? (The trolls will say "It isn't up to me to prove anything") SH Landesberg had no reason to know all this 8 hours after the assassination. The only way he could have known is if somebody told him or he experienced it himself.

It is silly to deny this because the combination of SH Landesberg knowing this stuff only 8 hours after the assassination, plus SR Landesberg admitting it was a mistake to ever get involved with Oswald, and the fact the admission that Perry was from El Paso, Texas came from an FBI interview with SH Landesberg, all creates an inescapable evidentiary conclusion. An undeniable convergence of evidence. Deniers are playing games because obviously Marine records will show SH Landesberg, SR Landesberg, Oswald, and Perry all in the Marines together. SH Landesberg had Florida hotel information only a person who knew SR Landesberg could have known. And there's only one Perry from El Paso who was stationed at Barstow who would match with all this, so the wishy-washy evasions being used to get around this defy the obvious. There's only one Earl Eugene Perry who could have been in the Marines in 1956 and ended up at the Barstow supply station in 1963.

Also, it would appear the Village Voice reporters had much more knowledge of Lee Harvey Oswald and red beard Landesberg than they let on to. Plus, the WMCA radio host Barry Gray specifically told FBI that L'eandes and Rizzuto were definitely different people. FBI ignored this and made them the same person. You can't deny, wish, wash, or weasel around that solid fact if you are genuinely seeking the truth. There's clear evidence of a cover-up here even though some are trying to keep your attention focused on minutia.


Messages In This Thread
Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE? - by Albert Doyle - 25-06-2015, 12:20 AM

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