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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Jim Hargrove Wrote:Another guess, but my bet is that most of this stuff is on a need-to-know basis, and I can't think of much need for him to know.

Well, Landesberg, being a fellow deep operator with a double, pre-assassination this might just be mundane anti-leftist psy-ops. As far as a need to know it might be difficult for intel to keep the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was a famous Marine defector from Landesberg. So being in the program they might have let him in on it just in case he accidentally found out and threatened the plan. The question should be why would Landesberg, who by the 1990's would have to know Oswald was in the Soviet Union at the time, refer to the double as Oswald?

Jim Hargrove Wrote:It's just a guess, but my bet is the Village Voice editors by 12/5/63 knew the basics of the unfolding biography of Classic Oswald, or at least knew the dates when he was abroad. Hearing all those "snowballing" stories of Oswald in NYC, they must have assumed they actually dated from after June 13, '62, after Harvey came back to the U.S. Otherwise, they'd have to assume Two Oswalds, eh?

Which is why a doubles program is effective because it works against the natural instincts of the mind.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE? - by Albert Doyle - 27-06-2015, 10:42 PM

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