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Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Caddy was close personal friends with ultra CIA insider and agent E. Howard Hunt
Hunt the professional liar fiction writer and confabulist. Birds of a feather?

Lauren Johnson Wrote:They were willing to remove a sitting President to maintain their UFO Technology Secrecy!


Jim DiEugenio Wrote:BTW, all one needs to know about Caddy's current diversion is this.

As anyone who has read my last book, Reclaiming Parkland knows, Chase Brandon looms large in it, especially in Part 3.

Brandon was a veteran of the CIA Clandestine Services for over 20 years. In 1996, Chase Brandon became the director of the CIA's Entertianmnet Liaison Office.

That is, his new job was to improve the CIA's image on TV and in the movies. To say he succeeded does not begin to describe the job he did there from 1996 to 2007 when he stepped down. Suffice it to say that at the time he left, CIA attorney John Rizzo noted that the Agency now had a very active network of people in Hollywood helping "in whatever way they can to give back." (RP p. 344) In fact, after he left his successor stayed on the job for less than 18 months. He wasn't needed anymore after Chase Brandon retired.

But did Chase Brandon retire? Well, he now wrote a book about Roswell and insisted that it really happened and we were visited by aliens.

Brandon's book got blurbed by Huffpo and now History Channel plays up the secret history of America's encounters with UFO's and outer space creatures.

And here comes Caddy to reinforce it all by saying JFK was killed because of this. Not Vietnam or Cuba or detente with USSR or his Middle East or Africa policies.

You have to laugh to keep from crying.


Jim DiEugenio Wrote:

And here comes Caddy.

If anyone doubts that the JFK case is high up on the CIA's disinfo schedule, even today, this should dispel that notion.

Yes. Quite so.

Jim DiEugenio Wrote:This is unbelievable. But really not that surprising.

And it shows how Spartacus EF has been compromised.

Seamus Coogan is justly praised for his precise and powerful exposure of the nonsense that John Hankey spewed in his terrible documentary. (Hankey doesn't want anyone to read this, so he says that I wrote it. Another deception on his part.)

But later, Seamus wrote what I think is an even better essay. It was on this exact topic.

Yes good work on his MJ12 work.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - by Magda Hassan - 02-07-2015, 04:03 AM

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