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Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's
If you really want to connect some dots with respect to aliens and JFK:

Under JFK, the Office of Alien Property Custodian was vested in the Attorney General's office (Bobby). After the assassination (1966) LBJ divested the AG's office of these responsibilities and transferred them (via executive order 11281) to the Secretary of the Treasury (the Secret Service's boss).


Truly, the assets "managed" (or confiscated if you prefer) by this officer were enormous during wartime.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

James Tracy: "There is sometimes an undue amount of paranoia among some conspiracy researchers that can contribute to flawed observations and analysis."

Gary Cornwell (Dept. Chief Counsel HSCA): "A fact merely marks the point at which we have agreed to let investigation cease."

Alan Ford: "Just because you believe it, that doesn't make it so."

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Caddy on JFK: it's all about UFO's - by Drew Phipps - 03-07-2015, 07:28 PM

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