07-07-2015, 05:35 PM
Jim Hargrove Wrote:Yeah, Albert, I can see the advantage to letting "Rizzuto" clue the FBI in on what he knew without intimidation during the 3 am broadcast (gotta have limited listeners even in the "city that never sleeps") but not sure I understand your point about the deniers' reaction to this.
Also, I've also wondered what the motivation was for Rizutto/SH Landes/SH Landesberg to go public with his information in the first place. Some sort of civic duty is the best I can come up with.
They clearly did not know the can of worms they were opening up. "Harvey" being in Russia during the NY encounters.
Just speculation here but I think everyone was in such shock that day and anyone who had had personal contact - especially of a negative kind- with someone calling him self Lee Oswald would probably call someone in authority and report it.