08-07-2015, 05:22 PM
Drew Phipps Wrote:So, a "cutting edge" intelligence operation means deliberately endangering the life of an in-country agent in order to accomplish some sort of collateral deception at home, for which it would be entirely irrelevant which name a different agent used? I think not. That's more like a "Laurel and Hardy" intelligence operation.
Picking out a flaw in a conspiracy theory is not a field of work limited to disinformation agents of the CIA. As I'm sure you are aware, since you all routinely criticize selected conspiracy theories yourselves.
Drew... you appear to me to be looking at 1960 with a 2015 POV...
No cellphones, internet, faxes... only what the Mass Media, owned primarily by the Mil Ind Cong Complex, told you.
With 1960 eyeballs these connections would not be made outside those in the know...
Unless you yourself have planned and/or participated in one of these "cutting edge intel operations" how would you know what is in the mind of CIA planners? Even if you WERE ever involved, each operation has its own set of safeguards and controls so that you may still not be in the know.
What we see of these operations is barely associated with what the operation was designed to accomplish...
The CIA was not in the "obvious" business Drew... And to me, it is just as much a possibility that KGB assets in the US MICC had a hand in creating these situations... we really have no idea who was working for who, as Philby so readily proved.
Imagine for a second that a KGB asset within the CIA suggests using eastern european immigrants to create network of spies who may have ins into the Russian world... That HARVEY was and always would be a KGB asset placed into a CIA program to infiltrate from the inside after many years...
These were the KGB's tactics that they used to spy on the rest of the world... long term infiltration and placement programs into the "free" world....
All I'm getting at is we simply do not know who was doning what for whom... based on the evidence left behind.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter