09-07-2015, 10:33 PM
Albert Doyle Wrote:There's a basic flaw in the denier's attack on Armstrong's Landesberg evidence.
They are saying Steven Harris Landesberg was an unstable stuttering schizophrenic when trying to destroy his credibility. But what they don't want you to notice is that Al Fowler said L'eandes was a likable person with a friendly personality and that he liked him. If you look at the You-Tube videos of SR Landesberg indeed we see exactly that, a personable, humorous, likable guy who used his personal charm to establish fame and an acting career. The person we see in those You-Tube videos fits Fowler's description to a T. - Not to mention the southern accent.
Now we look at SH Landesberg whom those same H&L attackers are claiming was so weird and unstable that he was forced into psychiatric care not once but twice. Is this the same person who charmed Al Fowler and was a regular at the Circle Bar? Is this the same person who was so social as to give Rizzuto a long list of friends to confirm who he was? Is the unstable hoaxing nut SH Landesberg a guy who Michael Dunn would have roomed with?
The deniers have stretched their lies too far and the unstable stuttering psychotic SH Landesberg doesn't quite reach far enough to line up with the smooth and confident, socially-connected L'eandes.
By Tony Ortega
Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Clip Job: an excerpt every day from the Voice archives.
December 12, 1963, Vol. IX, No. 8
FBI Discovers 3 are 1
..The distance from Wiggins, Mississippi, to Greenwich Village proved to be only a subway ride on the E train. Stephen H. Landesberg of Forest Hills, Queens, was picked up on December 5 following a search that began on the morning after President Kennedy's assassination. He was charged with giving false information to the FBI in the investigation of the Lee Harvey Oswald case. Landesberg was sent to Bellevue Hospital for 10 days of psychiatric examinations.
Landesberg, 23, turned out to be the same man who on other occasions had called himself Stephen L' eandes, native of Wiggins (population 1400) in Mississippi's Delta country. L' eandes was the young man the FBI originally thought it was looking for.
The intensive search for L' eandes, which absorbed a large part of the local office of the FBI for the period of a week, was touched off by a series of telephone calls placed by James F. Rizzuto on the assassination night. Rizzuto claimed that Oswald, following his return from the Soviet Union, had spent some time in New York City working with L' eandes, a right-wing activist, whose pro-segregation activities won him considerable attention in Greenwich Village in 1961 and 1962. Rizzuto claimed that he had been in the same Marine outfit as Oswald and L' eandes and knew them both slightly.
"James F. Rizzuto," the FBI now informs us, is another alias for Landesberg-L' eandes.
...A random photograph taken at [a] Village meeting was apparently what finally linked the various names in the case together. The photograph enabled the FBI to identify L' eandes as the man who had the previous Saturday morning called himself "Rizzuto." The trail led to Forest Hills and Landesberg.
It turned out that Landesberg had actually been in the Marine Corps, but had been discharged after eight months. His service conduct was officially described as "bizarre" and "unusual."
Landesberg has been charged with violation of a federal statute that makes it a felony to knowingly give false information to the FBI. If found guilty, he faces a five-year jail term and a $100,000 fine.....
On 29 November, the FBI communicated that Rizzuto was a sock puppet.:
http://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docI...lPageId=31 (bottom paragraph)
Care to clarify your analysis in your post?