10-07-2015, 12:05 AM
Drew Phipps Wrote:Dawn Meredith Wrote:They clearly did not know the can of worms they were opening up. "Harvey" being in Russia during the NY encounters....Just speculation here but I think everyone was in such shock that day and anyone who had had personal contact - especially of a negative kind- with someone calling him self Lee Oswald would probably call someone in authority and report it.
Which fact should, if you're being rational about it, make you skeptical about Oswald sightings. Same as you might be about Elvis sightings, or Buddy Holly sightings, or Jerry Garcia sightings...
Why on earth would your highly placed, devious, and conniving architects of this double Oswald deception deliberately go out of their way to set up "Oswald sightings" in the USA, when it is clearly a matter of public knowledge that Oswald defected and was in Russia, thereby ruining the plausibility of whatever story "they" are attempting to mastermind?
It would be like Dick Cheney ordering Mohammed Atta to make collect calls from Paris on 9/12/01.
You must conclude then that either a) the Russia-era doubles-sighting witnesses are mistaken, or b) these reports pertain to another dude named Oswald, or c) the plotters themselves are bumbling idiots, and "they" have no idea that Oswald is in Russia, d) or the actors "they" hired to play the parts went dangerously astray from the script, or e) some combination of the above.
Drew I don't think at that point they had any idea that "Harvey" would be set up as the patsy in the JFK assassination. These were not "sightings", they were interactions with a man calling himself Lee Oswald. Big difference.