10-07-2015, 10:24 PM
Jim Hargrove Wrote:HI, David. John is convinced that Alexander D. and Allen R. Felde were the same guy. He wrote that the evidence showed "both" were recruited from the Milwaukee, WI area in the same month of the same year. At any rate, A Felde was with Harvey stationed near Memphis, TN as Lee was bound for Japan and his duty at Atsugi.
Easy to see why neither the WC nor the HSCA interviewed A. Felde. JA says he tracked down Allen R. Felde years later, and by then he had changed his Social Security Number and denying he knew Oswald. The aftermath of this case seems to never end.
I realize that is what he THINKS, but there is not proof for such and I am assisting him to rethink that position.
I thought I had read that "Alexander D" changed his name to "Allen R" since there was not ALLEN R with Oswald at any time according to the Unit Diaries.
Are you aware of any evidence which shows they are the same person? There is no "both" in the USMC diaries, only Alexander D Felde.
The FBI report out of Milwaukee says that an anonymous caller contacted the Journal and stated that ALLEN R. FELDE knew Oswald in the Marines. The FBI went to St. Louis - USMC Records center, and claimed the only FELDE was Robert Allen.
Is this the FBI hiding Alexander D. FELDE from us? There is not a single mention of Alexander D in any of the FBI reports... very strange
Am I remembering wrong - wasn't a cassette tape of the SS dictabelt recording found in a library in Wisconsin?
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter