11-07-2015, 04:10 AM
Jim Hargrove Wrote:...................
2. When WMCA's Barry Gray called the FBI at 1:30 AM on 11/23/63, he said he knew L'eandes (SR Landesberg, the future actor) and had interviewed him two years earlier. But Gray did not know Rizzuto (SH Landesberg, the student) when he first met him an hour and a half or so later.
. . . More to come. . .
You and long time respected forum member Doyle could go a long way in changing my impression that you are not committed to discussing the SH Landesberg issues in good faith, if either of you would stop ignoring my request that you support your posted claim (you've both claimed it) that Barry Gray met face to face with Rizzuto aka SH Landesberg. I posted this, (image below of FBI document linked from John Armstrong's collection) and neither of you will even meet me half way. It does not state that Barry Gray met Rizzuto aka SH Landesberg. Mr. Doyle proposed the following, before I provided even more evidence that his opinions were unsupported.
Albert Doyle Wrote:It takes real nerve to defend FBI in this case on this site. Scully, I think you have some facts mixed up. You better re-read the Armstrong link posted on page 45 of the EF thread.
I believe that link clearly describes SH Landesberg going to WMCA on the night of the assassination at around 3am. Gray had called FBI and they listened in. FBI then interviewed Rizzuto the next day.
SH Landesberg did not mislead FBI. FBI misled SH Landesberg. I mean you might as well defend the Warren Commission while you are at it.
You're not following or responding to stated context here Scully. FBI pulled a fast one when it resolved the problem by showing their photo of L'eandes at a rally to the agents who interviewed Rizzuto. Both agents identified the man as Rizzuto. From that point on they created the pretext they needed to avoid having to investigate the rest of the evidence and the true identity of L'eandes. I would guess they probably found SH Landesberg's Marine psychiatric record and threatened to use it against him if he didn't confess to being L'eandes. They probably said you'll only do a week at Bellevue if you cooperate and then we'll leave you alone. Having gone through this before SH Landesberg caved and cooperated (or FBI flat out lied). Because of this he was only given a week in Bellevue. Ralph Yates was a tough Texan who wouldn't back down from what he knew to be the truth, especially against Yankee government men. They murdered Yates in a mental institution. Every single FBI document you cite was created under that pretext of burying SH Landesberg and destroying his story. For you to cite those records as if they were credible is a real violation of Deep Political understanding and only takes the side of the violators against the victim. The reason you don't see any FBI document detailing Barry Gray telling FBI that L'eandes and Rizzuto were definitely different people is because the FBI was trying to conceal that. They had made their move and were going to try to show SH Landesberg was L'eandes at all costs. But the scrutiny of the evidence Armstrong did proved otherwise. It is hardly based on "slim assumption" as you so incorrectly put it. Examination of the totality of the evidence creates a vast preponderance of SR Landesberg being L'eandes. You probably don't realize your own text betrays you. c was never documented speaking in a southern accent. The You-Tube videos I linked above show SR Landesberg doing so and saying "I always loved a southern accent".
Somewhere out in America in a dusty television console drawer lay an old VHS tape with a recording of a talk show Steve Landesberg was on in the 1990's. On that tape Landesberg says "I wish I never got mixed up with Oswald". Why, Mr Scully, with all that you have argued, would Steve Landesberg say that?
I replied to the speculation above, Jim, by posting actual evidence. I asked Doyle twice after posting it, to amend his speculation or to provide proof supporting it. I received neither. He changed the subject, taking out his frustration at me, personally, in lieu of posting proof. Now, Jim, you've again posted his unsupported statement; that Barry Gray "met" or "met and talked" with Rizzuto aka SH Landesberg before the FBI agents first encountered and questioned him.
Where are the two of you getting this "stuff"? You're both posting it with no source countering my supported point that Barry Gray handed off caller Rizzuto aka SH Landesberg, continuing his radio broadcast, ignoring my request for proof to counter my well supported point, that Barry Gray did not meet Rizzuto aka SH Landesberg, and I'll add that Doyle's speculation that the FBI listened in, presumably to a broadcast exchange between Rizzuto aka SH Landesberg and Barry Gray BEFORE the FBI could interview the entity confidentially, is an absurd speculation.
You both seem empowered to be indifferent to misleading your readers. Where is such an attitude sourced from? It strikes me that what you are both doing, in this example at least, is shameless and it is an affront to my sensibilities. One last time, will either of you post anything to counter the documentary record that makes no mention of Barry Gray meeting Rizzuto aka SH Landesberg, while in fact, inferring that Gray, "with the assistance of Roger W. Turner," set up and steered Rizzuto aka SH Landesberg to an interview with
BUagents." Doyle's speculation and your repitition of it are poor substitutes for countering my actually visible documentation, Jim.
Tom Scully Wrote:Albert Doyle Wrote:It takes real nerve to defend FBI in this case on this site. Scully, I think you have some facts mixed up. You better re-read the Armstrong link posted on page 45 of the EF thread.
I believe that link clearly describes SH Landesberg going to WMCA on the night of the assassination at around 3am. Gray had called FBI and they listened in. FBI then interviewed Rizzuto the next day.
Quote:Respected, long time forum member Doyle, I am replying to your "Rizzuto the next day." reference here, for effect, and to make certain you do not overlook this! It takes even more nerve to dismiss the entire investigative record out of hand and replace it with unsupported speculation. I refer to the same documentary record John Armstrong cites and provides a collection of. I asked you to provide some proof, since there is none so far describing Barry Gray meeting Rizzuto face to face. Gray was not investigated on suspicion of misleading the FBI by not informing BU agents that Gray had knowledge that Rizzuto did not resemble L'eandes, but SH Landesberg was investigated and arrested. You twist your inability to support that Barry Gray saw Rizzuto in person, you ignore that Gray was not even investigated but SH Landesberg was, and then you present your suspicions as if they were my shortcoming or flaw....and you declare that I have a lot of nerve! Do you actually expect that your tactics are improving "this site"?
This is page (2) from this location. Does the web address ring a bell? What it tells us confirms it is a mistake for you to contest what I pointed out in my last post. Rizzuto called the Barry Gray show late, Gray enlisted the aid of the station's PR guy, Roger W. Turner, who steered Rizzuto immediately to meet with NYC BU agents for interview. GRAY NEVER MET FACE TO FACE with Rizzuto before FBI agents questioned Rizzuto.:
Can we move on to the Ralph Yates thread, now?
SH Landesberg did not mislead FBI. FBI misled SH Landesberg. I mean you might as well defend the Warren Commission while you are at it.
You're not following or responding to stated context here Scully. FBI pulled a fast one when it resolved the problem by showing their photo of L'eandes at a rally to the agents who interviewed Rizzuto. Both agents identified the man as Rizzuto. From that point on they created the pretext they needed to avoid having to investigate the rest of the evidence and the true identity of L'eandes. I would guess they probably found SH Landesberg's Marine psychiatric record and threatened to use it against him if he didn't confess to being L'eandes. They probably said you'll only do a week at Bellevue if you cooperate and then we'll leave you alone..........
Somewhere out in America in a dusty television console drawer lay and old VHS tape with a recording of a talk show Steve Landesberg was on in the 1990's. On that tape Landesberg says "I wish I never got mixed up with Oswald". Why, Mr Scully, with all that you have argued, would Steve Landesberg say that?
(I replied inside the Doyle quote box.)