17-07-2015, 05:21 PM
Quote:So here is the detailed Landes USMC medical record.: http://maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?...eId=1&tab=page
Thanks Tom... With so many WC Docs I appreciate being led to different ones with specific info buried under anonymous headings...
One of the things that most bother me about the USMC records is the conflict between "A[B]ircraft Control and Warning Operator"[/B] school (Radar operator) and the recommendation as well as preference of duty in his records as a "Aircraft Maintenance and Repair"...
With as poor hearing as he had, I fail to see how he gets into a Air Traffic Control. Felde tells us that his Oswald did not go to Biloxi but was in Florida thru July when they go to "Aviation Electronics School" in Memphis TN which as I understand it would be for Aircraft Maintenance nad Repair, not Air traffic controller...
Marines in the Avionics field install, remove, inspect, test, maintain and repair all aviation weapons and electrical systems. They also support communications, radar and navigation systems.
On the next page in that WCD with the Landes info WCD131, we are told yet another little white lie by the FBI who, when necessary, couldn't find their a$$ with two hands and a flashlight...
"The records fail to name any personnel assigned or attending above school with Oswald"
When in reality the records could not be more clear... and later on, Powers produces the orders for these six men at his testimony..
Mr. POWERS. I have the travel orders, and if you want them-----
Mr. JENNER. Fine. If you have anything from which you may refresh your recollection so that we can have the exact date, I appreciate it.
Mr. POWERS. This would be, 2 May 1957 is on the date of these orders.
Mr. POWERS. Yes.
"Effective 3 May 1957, the below listed marines are directed to report to the 3380th Technical Training Group, 3383d Student Squadron, Block 21, Building 17, Shipping and Receiving Section, Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss., for duty under instruction, USNAC&W Operators Course No. AB27037, Class 08057, for a period of about 6 weeks. Upon arrival thereat, they will report to the Commanding Officer for duty."
And then it lists six marines with Lee H. Oswald as one of these marines.
Mr. POWERS. (1Pfc. Edward J. Bandoni.) 551427. Pfc. James N. Brereton, 1644586; Pfc. Donald P. Camarata, 1632342.
Mr. JENNER. Excuse me. Would you check that number again as against mine? I had 1653230, am I in error?
Mr. POWERS. You're in error, sir. It's 1632342. The next name that appears is Lee H. Oswald, private, first class, 1653230. And the next name is my name, Powers, Daniel P., 1497089. And the next name that appears is Schrand, Martin E., private, first class, 1639694
Mr. POWERS. Up to--you could say that's true to a certain extent. We did attend school there. Then from Mississippi we were assigned orders to go overseas, and report to El Toro, Calif. Here, while we were at Mississippi, it was parallel. We attended the same classes, and in the same particular group as far as the initial starting of training and graduation, if you would like to call it that.
Mr. POWERS. And then once we got to California, they changed somewhat because some of the people reported in early to California and some of them reported later, so this getting into an overseas draft meant that some were leaving out of California earlier than others, of course, which would mean their assignments as far as orders, were different.
I would say that four of the names mentioned previously, Camarata, Oswald, Powers, and Schrand, went to the Far East; Bandoni and Brereton, I'm not sure where they went. I think they went to the east coast, as I recall
Mr. JENNER. Did he ever express any sympathy toward the Communist Party?
Mr. POWERS. None that I recall.
Mr. JENNER. Toward Communist principles?
Mr. POWERS. None that I recall.
Mr. JENNER. Or Marxist doctrines?
Mr. POWERS. None that I recall; no, sir.
HARVEY was said to be spouting off on Communism and Marxism a great deal of the time... This is NOT Harvey Mr. Powers here is talking about... but LEE and helps to illustrate the existence of these two separate men.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter