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Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE?
Harveyand Lee

Commissionmembers doubt their conclusions

After leavingoffice, the man who created the Warren Commission, President LyndonJohnson, expressed doubts about the Commission's conclusion for theremain der of his life. On one occasion he told Presidential aideMarvin Watson that he was convinced there was a plot in connectionwith the assassination and "felt the CIA had something to dowith the plot."[SUP]Nov 24-33[/SUP]

On January 27, 1964,less than 2 months after the Warren Commission was created, SenatorRichard Russell said, "They (the FBI) have tried the case andreached a verdict on every count." Three weeks later Russellwrote a two-page letter of resignation to Lyndon Johnson, which thePresident refused to accept.

In 1964 the New Yorktimes quoted Chief Justice Earl Warren who said, "Fulldisclosure was not possible for reasons of national security"(Warren's statement was originally made to Dallas Morning Newsreporter Clint Richmond at Love Field, the day Warren arrived inDallas to interview Jack Ruby).

On September 16,1964 Senator Richard Russell disagreed with the Commission'sconclusion of "no conspiracy" and wrote a dissentingstatement. He said the insufficiency of the evidence gathered againstOswald precluded the conclusive determination that Oswald and Oswaldalone, without the knowledge, encouragement or insistance of anyother person, planned and perpetrated the assassination. Russellinsisted that his statement be published in the 26 Volumes, and wasextremely annoyed to learn it was not included. In an interview withW SB-TV in February 1970, less than a year before his death, Russellcontinued to voice doubts about the Warren Report.

In January 1967,columnist Drew Pearson told Earl Warren about a conspiratorial leadinvolving CIA-Mafia assassination plots. Warren, instead of standingby the Commission's conclusions, referred the information to SecretService Director James J. Rowley. He then said, " ..... hethought this was serious enough ..... and that the Warren Commissionwas finished."

W.C. member HaleBoggs (D-L A), in a letter to JFK researcher Harold Weisberg, wrote,"We have not been told the truth about Oswald." By 1971Boggs was reportedly preparing to make a public statement that saidRichard Nixon was complicit in the assassination of PresidentKennedy. Thirty days before Nixon was re-elected esident Boggs andAlaska Senator Nick Begich vanished when their small planedisappeared in the Alaska wilderness during a routine flight fromAnchorage to Juneau. W.C. member John I. McCloy (former President ofthe International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) told theHSCA in 1978, "I no longer feel we had no credible evidence orreliable evidence in regard to a conspiracy ..... "

W.C. member SenatorJohn Sherman Cooper (R-KY ) never agreed with the "single bullettheory," upon which the Commission based it's conclusion of "noconspiracy," and expressed doubts to fellow members. The twoCommission members who remained committed to the conclusions of theWarren Report, not surprisingly, were former CIA Director AllenDulles, and Gerald Ford (R-MI), a man described by Newsweek the"CIA's best friend in Congress." It is little wonder thatthe Warren Report has failed to withstand the test of time, as eventhe majority of Commission members didn't believe it.

J.Edgar Hoover's investigation

After the WarrenCommission was formed, and evidence of "two Oswald's"continued to mount, Hoover had to control and limit the FBI'sinvestigation into Oswald's background. He began on the afternoon ofthe assassination, by issuing instrucyions for SA James Hosty not toattend any more of Oswald's interrogation sessions and not to conductany investigation into Oswalds background. T he following morning FBIagents were dispatched to Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth toobtain Oswald's school records, to the Pfisterer Dental Lab in NewOrleans to obtain Oswald's employment records, the Texas Departmentof Public Safety in Austin to obtain Oswald's drivers lcense file,and other locations to secure sensitive information which threatenedto expose the two Oswald's.

Hoover received muchneeded assistance on limiting the investigation intom Oswald'sbackground when Allen Dulles was appointed to the Warren Commission.Dulles acted as the Warren Commission's contact with the CIA, andworked directly for his his close friend Jim Angleton and hisdeputy, Ray Rocca, from the Counterintelligence section. W hen theWarren Commission requested information from the CIA, it was Dulleswho reviewed and approved the few insignificant CIA documents thatwere finally shown to Commission members. And it was Dulles who metsecretly with Angleton to help prepare answers to questions that hethought the Commission might ask CIA Director John McCone and RichardHelms. [SUP]Nov24-34[/SUP]

As Director of theFBI, and the investigative arm of the Warren Commission, Hoover hadthe power to decide which documents and evidence were sent to theCommission. As William Sullivan told the HSCA, "If there weredocuments that possibly he didn't want to come to the light of thepublic, then those documents no longer exist, and the truth willnever be known." Sullivans comments explain the disappearance ofOswalds original school records, employment records, tax returns,records from Klein s Sporting Goods, the US Post Office, FBIinterviews of people whose statements placed Oswald in two locationsat the same time, the names of FBI informants who knew and associatedwith Harvey Oswald in New Orleans, etc. It also explains why the FBIfailed to provide a list of Oswalds childhood friends to the WarrenCommission, which prompted staff member John Hart Ely to write, "Onceagain let me urge that we should not have to rely upon Life MaWJzinefor such a list. The FBI should un dertake a systematic investigationand interview of Oswalds closest school friends. " [SUP]Nov24-35[/SUP]

NOTE: Ely apparently investigated Oswalds background toowell, which caused Albert
Jenner to write, "There are details in Mr. Ely s memorandawhich will require material
alteration and, in some instances, omission." [SUP]Nov 24-32[/SUP]

Sullivan also toldthe HSCA, "When an enormous organization like the FBI withtremendous power still can sit back and shuffle the deck of cards andpick up the card they want to show you it may be you're not going toget the entire picture as fully as you [SUP]Nov 24-36[/SUP]

This simply meansthat the FBI gave the Warren Commission onlythose records whichhelped to frame Oswald or show that he was capable of assassinatingthe President. Records which suggested there were two Oswalds(Stripling Junior High records, Pfisterer employment records in1957-58, FBI interviews of Marines who served with Harvey Oswald inMemphis or Taiwan, medical records, FBI reports of Lee Oswald in theUS from 1959-1962, etc., FBI reports of people who came in contactwith Lee Oswald in the weeks and days preceding the assassination,etc.), were suppressed or destroyed. would otherwise."

NOTE: In 1975 Warren Commission co-counsel Burt W. Griffinsaid, "All of the records
were in the hands of the two agencies (FBI and CIA) and, if theyso desired, any infor*
mation or files could have been destroyed or laundered prior tothe time the Commission
could get them. "45 In addition to manipulating physicalevidence, witness testimony, and FBI reports, the Bureau convincedthe Warren Commission to accept [SUP]Nov 24-37[/SUP]

This gave the FBIthe opportunity to alter original evidence, such as Oswalds schooltranscripts, the Minox camera, photographs in lieu of physicalevidence. 962Klein s Sporting Goods records, etc., and provide theCommission with photographs, while the original evidence disappeared.The FBI was also able to convince the Warren Commission to allow FBIagents and officials to review. and correct. Transcripts of theirtestimony before the Commission Nov 24-38 The "correcting"of James Cadigan s testimony resulted in concealing the fact thatOswalds possessions were secretly sent to the FBI on November 23,1963, without an inventory,and then returned to the Dallas Policeafter numerous items had been altered. modified. Substituted. oradded to the evidence. Sion.

Researchers havespeculated for years that the FBI covered up, distorted, andfabricated evidence and testimony of witnesses in an attempt to frameOswald and now we have the proof! With the abundance of fabricatedevidence 'that has surfaced, there is little doubt that such amassive cover-up could have occurred without the knowledge and activeparticipation of j. Edgar Hoover. In fact, Hoover was one of the fewpeople in the world who understood and grasped the significance of"Lee Harvey Oswald's"
participation in theassassination, and the involvement of his CIA sponsors.

I we Decker Exhibit5323.
2 WC Exhibit 2013;FBI interview ofVernon Glossup, 11/24/63.
3 WC testimony ofForrest V. Sorrels, 13 H 62.
4 WC Frazier Exhibit5086; FBI interview ofW.B. Frazier by SA George W.H. Carlsonm12/6/63.
5 WC Exhibit 2002;letter from William B. Frazier to Jesse Curry, 12/6/63.
6 WC Smart Exhibit5021.
7 we Exhibit 2002.
8 WC Smith Exhibit5317; FBI interview of John A. Smith by SA Robley D. Madland,12/4/63.
9 WC Exhibit 2002;letter from C.C. Wallace to Jesse Curry, 12/18/63.
1 0 WC Report p.629, Memorandum from Inspector Kelley to Chief, Secret Service,11129/63.
II Ibid.
12 WC Exhibit 2003p. 138C; WC Report, p. 609.
13 WC Report, p.635, Memorandum of interview by Harry Holmes, 12/17/63.
14 WC Report, p.630.
15 Ibid. at 609.
16 WC Exhibit 2003p. 138C; WC Report, p. 609.
17 WC Report, p.634, Memorandum of interview by Harry Holmes, 12/17/63.
18 WC testimony ofHarry Holmes, 7 H 299.
19 WC testimony ofJim Leavelle, 7 H 267-268.
20 NationalArchives, USPS 169-10001-10143, Headquarters Files 157807-CC, USPSmemo H.B. Montague to SI&I, 12/2/63.
21 WC Report, p.633, Memorandum of interview by Harry Holmes, 12/17/63.
22 WC testimony ofJim Leavelle, 7 H 269.
23 Summers, p. 98.
24 WC Report, p.630, Memorandum from Inspector Kelley to Chief, US Secret Service,11/29/63 ..
25 NationalArchives, HSCA 180-10103-10379, Numbered Files 013438, HSCA interviewof George Butler, 5/11/78.
26 NationalArchives, HSCA 180-10089-10078, Numbered Files 001056, Notes ofRonald Dugger, by Andrew Purdy, 3/28/77.
27 Sneed, p. 488.
28 WC Wilcox Exhibit3016.
29 CE 2003, p. 327.
30 WC DanielsExhibit 5325.
31 Seth Kantor, p.56.
32 AR 157.
33 AR 158.
34 WC BieberdorfExhibit 5123.
35 WC Document 735,pp. 410-411. FBI interview of Dr. Earl Rose by SA Arthur Carter andManning Clements, 2/25/64.
36 WC Document 1066,p. 388, FBI interview of Dr. Earl Rose by SA Robert Gemberling,5/20/64.
37 "TheExhumation and Identification of Lee Harvey Oswald", Journal ofForensic Science, January 1984.
38 WC testimony ofForrest Sorrels, 13 H 70.
39 WC memorandumfrom Leon Hubert and Burt Griffin to J. Lee Rankin, 5114/64, pp. 3-4.
40 WC Report, p.345.
41 HSCA, Volume 5,p. 325.
42 AP story-9:22 pm,6/27/98, by Angela Charlton quoting Feklisov on Russian Television.
43 Wall StreetJournal, 10118/93, A16.
44 LBJ-transcriptsof telephone conversation at 16:55, 11129/63.
45 HoustonChronicle, 9/

Chief Justice Earl Warren: "Full disclosure was not possible for reasons of national security." – 1964
CIA accountant James B. Wilcott: Oswald received "a full-time salary for agent work for doing CIA operational work." – 1978
HSCA counsel Robert Tanenbaum: “Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI.” – 1996

Messages In This Thread
Anyone want to discuss HARVEY & LEE? - by Jim Hargrove - 29-07-2015, 04:37 AM

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