09-08-2015, 03:36 AM
Drew Phipps Wrote:Your original supposition was that Yates had only a day to learn about the curtain rod/bag story before reporting it to the FBI. I am not maintaining that Yates is lying, I'm saying there was a few more days than that.
My original supposition still holds. Wade might have been, but in actuality was not because Yates told the truth, the spring of Yates lie.
Decades of research would have pointed to a leak of "Frazier's 2 feet statement" on the 22nd or 23rd, had there been such a leak, because the publication in the media of such would have been found and noted. But such a leak was never published and never found. Thus, Wade's inaccurate mention of the 24th is the only logical source of a spring to Yates' alleged lie.
Since Wade's mention is obviously inaccurate and does not comport with Yates' statement on the 26th, it is deduced that Yate's was telling the truth.
And then there are the Albert Doyle's contentions as verification.
The FBI has had, and had then at the time, a proven record of deliberate falsification of fact in order to destroy witnesses who were inconvenient to the party line propounded by Hoover and commanded by Hoover by direct order. The FBI's vilification of Yates is only one case in point. Douglass & Doyle & many others have exposed the FBI as such.
The FBI duped the willing WC and the American people and many researchers who have an agenda or are gullible.