28-08-2015, 04:03 PM
The Central Intelligence Agency is not responsible for the Jonestown atrocity, but they are accountable for it. Any government agency or, for that matter, any government, is a concept and only as good or as bad as the people it employs. This is particularly true of the CIA, which lacks the chain of command that typically structures most organizations. The CIA is compartmental which enables each department to function independently. Certainly not everyone employed by the agency knows that the CIA sponsored the Jonestown experiment, perhaps not even the agency's director is aware that Jim Jones was an operative. Not even the agency personnel working in Jonestown knew the full scope of the experiment that was conducted by what the CIA will eventually term a renegade faction.
Following World War II, the CIA began its operation from several office buildings scattered throughout the Washington, D.C. area. Though contrary to the agency's name, this decentralized structure was necessary to compartmentalize the various activities of the U.S. and former Nazi German agents. Eventually, Congress granted 46 of the 60 million dollars the agency requested to construct a headquarters building on a isolated government reserve across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. In its initial presentation to the House Appropriations Committee, the agency reported,
The new building will consist of block-type
wings, readily compartmented from one another,
so that specially restricted areas can be
established and special controls maintained in
each section.
The Langley, Virginia headquarters houses untold numbers of self-contained departments that operate independently behind unmarked doors. Through one of those doors passed the truth about Jonestown.
While presidents come and go (from Washington to Reagan, they average only five years in office) the true power of the executive branch of government is carried from administration to administration by the different departments of the CIA. The best assessment of the threat the CIA presently poses to the American people comes from the president who helped establish the agency. In 1963, Harry Truman wrote in a syndicated newspaper article,
For some time I have been disturbed by the way
the CIA has been diverted from its original
assignment. It has become an operational and at
times a policy-making arm of the government...I never
had any thought that when I set up the CIA that
it would be injected into peacetime cloak-and-
dagger operations. Some of the complications and
embarrassment that I think we have experienced
are in part attributable to the fact that this
quiet intelligence arm of the President has been
so removed from its intended role that it is
interpreted as a symbol of sinister and
mysterious foreign intrigue.
Even as early as 1963, Truman and many others recognized that the executive branch of government was no longer in control of the agency but no one questioned who was in control. Everyone assumed that the CIA had gone its separate way under its own power. No one could see that the Nazis who helped establish the agency had used the need to know security system to continue the Third Reich in the United States under the impenetrable cloak of national security.
The Nazis hiding in the CIA were relatively quiet for the first few years after World War II that it required to convince the American public that their true enemy was not fascism but communism. The success of the McCarthy Era propaganda campaign in the early 1950's marked a distinct change in U.S. intelligence. No longer satisfied with merely gathering information about world events, as was their chartered function, the CIA began to create events that shaped history.
With the formation of the National Security Agency in 1952, the CIA was relieved of most of the responsibility for gathering intelligence but even though it had outlived its original function, the agency continued to grow in personnel and budget. They were left with little more to do than play "what if" games; speculative contingency planning like, "Is there a pharmaceutical solution to the growing unrest among Blacks and Native Americans?" The experiment in Jonestown was conceived from just such speculation.
Jim Jones worked for the CIA but that does not exclude the distinct possibility that he only worked through the agency for his true employer, the Nazis. As a youngster he studied the Nazis, later he would employ Nazis in his Peoples Temple that was structured along fascist lines. When the FBI searched Jones' San Francisco office after the massacre they found that half the books in his personal library were about behavior modification and the other half were about Nazi Germany. The odyssey that ended in Jonestown, began some fifteen years earlier in Brazil when Jones received his life assignment, presumably but not necessarily, from his CIA employer. At precisely the same time that Jones moved to the Belo Horizonte suburb of San Antonio, Brazil, Josef Mengele, the infamous "Angel of Death" purchased a farm just south of him.
Josef Mengele was born to the wealthiest family in Gunzburg, Bavaria. He was raised a strict Roman Catholic, studied anthropology and eventually went to work for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. When Hitler declared that only anthropologists were qualified to separate Aryans from sub-humans, Mengele was appointed head of the genetic experiments at Auschwitz. In the death camp, Mengele preferred to experiment on young twins. He would use some new weapons or drug the SS was developing to kill one of the twins and then kill the other by some conventional means. Autopsies were then perfomed on both corpses for comparison. He also attempted to unlock the genetic secret that produces twins in an effort to double the output of the Lebensborn Program. Mengele was personally responsible for the death of 400,000 inmates at Auschwitz; four times the number killed by the combined nuclear explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Josef Mengele murdered more people than anyone else in history. After the war, Mengele was interred by the occupying Americans who transported him back to his native Bavaria where they released him under his own name. They knew who he was and let him go free. With characteristic Nazi arrogance, Mengele expected to continue his genetic experiments after the war but, despite obvious support from the Americans, he was not safe in Europe. In 1948, he travelled down the Rat Run to Genoa, Italy where, with the help of the Red Cross and the Vatican, he was issued a passport of the type intended to repatriate victims of the Nazis. Under the name Dr. Helmut Gregor, Mengele boarded a freighter for Buenos Aires, where President Juan Peron had welcomed thousands of Nazis fleeing persecution for their war crimes. The Mengele family had managed to retain the bulk of their fortune through the war and their financial support of Josef enabled him to continue his experiments in Argentina. He bought a pharmaceutical company and set to work analyzing the blood samples that he had brought with him from Auschwitz. In 1956, with a passport in his own name, Mengele traveled to Zurich, Switzerland where he visited his family and married his brother's widow. It would appear that he enjoyed a great deal of freedom for being one of the most wanted men in the world but this security was soon shattered when, after his return to South America, Israeli commandos kidnapped Adolf Eichmann in Argentina to stand trial in Israel. In 1959, Mengele fled to Paraguay where fellow Nazis helped him establish a false cover. For the next twenty-five years, most who hunted for Mengele believed he was hiding somewhere in Paraguay when actually he had moved to Nova Europa, Brazil in late 1960. His new wife left him in 1961 as his first wife had years earlier. In 1962, Mengele purchased a farm in Serra Negro, Brazil in partnership with a European couple who shared his fascist politics. At that same time, Jim Jones moved into a rented house in San Antonio, just a short distance north. Mengele was the foremost living authority on the Nazis' genetic experiments and Jim Jones would soon assume his title. The fact that the two men moved so close to each other during a pivotal point in both their lives suggests that they met. Jonestown could have been the "changing of the guard"; the Nouveau Nazi super-babies taking power from Himmler's SS. There may not be a Fourth Reich, only a continuation of the Third. It has been said that Jones traveled to Brazil after escaping Jonestown with the medical records. He may have delivered the results of the experiment to Mengele who had since moved to San Paulo. On February 7, 1979, just ten weeks after the Jonestown massacre, Mengele reportedly drowned in a swimming accident. His death was not revealed until 1985 when, in the midst of the greatest manhunt in history, Mengele's Nazi partners in Brazil announced that the Angel of Death was dead and buried. The body was exhumed but, after so many years in the dirt, the remains were not identifiable. Mengele's friends provided the authorities with samples of what they said was the dead man's handwriting and it was confirmed as the same as Mengeles' SS application on file since the early 1930s. That was the only identification made. Obviously, Mengele's business associates in Brazil would have copies of his handwriting but what is astonishing is that the world would believe that it was the handwriting of the dead man. The only people to claim to have proof that Mengele is dead are his family in Bavaria and his friends in Brazil.
It is time we realized the danger posed by Nazis who have infiltrated organizations in an effort to achieve world dominance. Their presence and influence is everywhere. In the early 1940's, a young Polish salesman, employed by I.G. Farben, sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. Fearing for his life after the war, he took refuge in the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in late 1946. In 1958 he was ordained Poland's youngest bishop. After the thirty day reign and assassination of his predecessor, he assumed the Papacy as Pope John Paul II. One of his first jobs in office was to canonize a Polish priest who was allegedly killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
It has recently been disclosed that Austrian President Kurt Waldheim, who was Secretary General of the United Nations from 1972 until 1982, was in fact a Nazi intelligence officer who helped identify and execute thousands of non- military personnel in German occupied countries during the war.
There was once a woman with a dream, a dream to give underprivileged women a choice through inexpensive or free birth control. The woman was Margaret Sanger who, in the conceptual stages of her Planned Parenthood organization, consulted with several of Hitler's social architects who saw her plan as a viable means to curb the birthrate of U.S. Blacks, which was, and still is twice that of Whites.
Recently, the U.S. extradited Nazi war criminal Andriya Artukovic to stand trial in Yugoslavia where he was sentenced to death by firing squad for ordering the execution of over 231,000 residents of the Nazi puppet state of Croatia. For the last 36 years, Artukovic has lived an affluent lifestyle in Seal Beach, California , while the U.S. government made every excuse imaginable to prevent his extradition to Yugloslavia. They even declared him senile and legally blind but that did not stop the Yugloslavians' pursuit and finally he was turned over to his executioners. The release of this 86 year old, terminally ill Nazi was just a token effort by the U.S. government to disguise the truth that, even to this day, over 26 Nazis are living in the U.S. under the protection of Washington. These Nazis are only the ones who have been identified as war criminals and who have survived the forty-one years since the end of World War II.
Soon after the war, two Nazis hiding in the United States were facing extradition, trial and almost certain execution for their crimes against humanity when a brilliant young lawyer came to their defense. The lawyer instructed them to establish a business on paper only. He then arranged through his contacts in government for this phony company to be granted a military contract to supply some minor piece of hardware that was classified top secret. He then approached the courts with a defense that his Nazi clients should not be extradited because their company was necessary for national defense. The courts agreed and the Nazis were permitted to remain in the U.S. even though their shell of a company could not and did not fulfill the contract. The young lawyer went on to work with Senator McCarthy to compile a list of Hollywood performers suspected of being "communist sympathizers." Prominent on the Hollywood blacklist was the name of an actress whose family history would not seem to warrant her inclusion. Her mother had even worked as an undercover agent for the FBI. She was reportedly despondent over the prospect of never again being cast in one of her minor movie roles but actually she was about to embark on the most important theatrical performance of her life. Citing what she said was unfair treatment, she complained to the head of the Screen Actor's Guild who empathized with her problem and found that they had more than just a career in common. He and his ex-wife had worked as FBI informants who spied on their fellow actors. The two married only a few weeks after this first meeting. The young lawyer was Richard Nixon. The newlyweds were Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
Nazis have attempted to control every political, social, economic, and religious power structure in the world today. They have infiltrated every major organization from the Holy See to the United Nations, from Interpol to the atomic energy community, from Washington to Moscow. It is logical to assume that when the Nazis sold their spies in Russia to the CIA that they also sold their spies in the United States to the KGB.
The Nazis' influence over the U.S. federal government has not gone unnoticed. In early 1979, just a few months after the Jonestown massacre, President Carter established a commission on the Holocaust that among other duties, was to receive reports of any new attempts at genocide. Carter said, "Never again will the world stand silent or look the other way in the face of genocide." Carter was well aware of the modern-day Nazi threat but his concern might have stemmed from the embarrassment or responsibility he felt since the largest attempt at genocide since World War II occurred under his administration. In any event, the commission never investigated Jonestown. Toward the end of his term, Carter helped establish a judiciary agency to ferret out Nazi war criminals in the United States. Until 1983, the chief Nazi-hunter in the U.S. government was Allen Ryan but, by this third year of the Reagan administration, most attempts to identify Nazis in government and particularly in the CIA) were circumvented by President Reagan and Vice President Bush (a former director of the CIA). Reagan gave the agency sweeping new powers to spy on American citizens at home, operate domestic front companies and prosecute anyone who identified Agency personnel. He increased their budget and approved construction of a new wing on their headquarters. The recent growth of the CIA is indicative of a fascist, right wing wave that is presently rampant in the United States. For our democracy to survive into the 21st century, Americans need to understand that their lives and freedom are in danger from an enemy that most believe was defeated over forty years ago. We are now only fifty years into Himmler's plan to purify the race of man in the first one hundred twenty-five years of the Thousand Year Reich. It would seem that the plan is still on schedule. Fifty years ago, the Nazis had to manually identify homosexuals and drug addicts, transport them to the death camps that they had to build, pay for the guards, the cyanide and the disposal of the corpses, all under public scrutiny and the chance that eventually they would have to answer for their genocidal crimes. Today, the very inexpensive AIDS virus performs the same function without the risk that the architects of the epidemic will never be brought to justice.
A concerted effort must be made to remove these fascists from the federal government and particularly from the CIA. The Nazis must not be permitted to continue their genocide in the United States. There is no justification for ignoring or condoning their influence in our society.
The Himmlers, Mengeles, Laytons, and Joneses of this world have planned a "war" very different from the nuclear demise that most envision but nonetheless devastating. Just as the Crystal Night began the first Holocaust and the second World War, so too the White Night began the second holocaust and your future. It is very important. Millions of lives are in the balance.
My only regret is in allowing too much valuable time to pass before completing this project. I bear some of the responsibility for the long delay because I selfishly put my own survival ahead of society's. For this, I apologize but many factors in my tardiness were out of my control. Aside from the monumental task of extracting and compiling the data, there was the ongoing problem of summarizing a story that had not yet reached its conclusion. Too often, Just when I thought a particular aspect was complete, some new development would alter the ending and send me back to the outline and rough draft stage. Just staying current with the violent deaths of the characters and witnesses after the massacre was extremely time-consuming. I soon came to the realization that the White Night was not the end of the story but the beginning of an open-ended history that will remain topical for many years to come. I decided to conclude this primer to the conspiracy in December of 1987, not because the story is finished, but because I wanted to make my findings a matter of record before what I predict will be the cataclysmic events of November 9, 1986; the Golden Jubilee of the Crystal Night. I encourage others to continue this work and welcome any and all comments and information.
The Central Intelligence Agency is not responsible for the Jonestown atrocity, but they are accountable for it. Any government agency or, for that matter, any government, is a concept and only as good or as bad as the people it employs. This is particularly true of the CIA, which lacks the chain of command that typically structures most organizations. The CIA is compartmental which enables each department to function independently. Certainly not everyone employed by the agency knows that the CIA sponsored the Jonestown experiment, perhaps not even the agency's director is aware that Jim Jones was an operative. Not even the agency personnel working in Jonestown knew the full scope of the experiment that was conducted by what the CIA will eventually term a renegade faction.
Following World War II, the CIA began its operation from several office buildings scattered throughout the Washington, D.C. area. Though contrary to the agency's name, this decentralized structure was necessary to compartmentalize the various activities of the U.S. and former Nazi German agents. Eventually, Congress granted 46 of the 60 million dollars the agency requested to construct a headquarters building on a isolated government reserve across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. In its initial presentation to the House Appropriations Committee, the agency reported,
The new building will consist of block-type
wings, readily compartmented from one another,
so that specially restricted areas can be
established and special controls maintained in
each section.
The Langley, Virginia headquarters houses untold numbers of self-contained departments that operate independently behind unmarked doors. Through one of those doors passed the truth about Jonestown.
While presidents come and go (from Washington to Reagan, they average only five years in office) the true power of the executive branch of government is carried from administration to administration by the different departments of the CIA. The best assessment of the threat the CIA presently poses to the American people comes from the president who helped establish the agency. In 1963, Harry Truman wrote in a syndicated newspaper article,
For some time I have been disturbed by the way
the CIA has been diverted from its original
assignment. It has become an operational and at
times a policy-making arm of the government...I never
had any thought that when I set up the CIA that
it would be injected into peacetime cloak-and-
dagger operations. Some of the complications and
embarrassment that I think we have experienced
are in part attributable to the fact that this
quiet intelligence arm of the President has been
so removed from its intended role that it is
interpreted as a symbol of sinister and
mysterious foreign intrigue.
Even as early as 1963, Truman and many others recognized that the executive branch of government was no longer in control of the agency but no one questioned who was in control. Everyone assumed that the CIA had gone its separate way under its own power. No one could see that the Nazis who helped establish the agency had used the need to know security system to continue the Third Reich in the United States under the impenetrable cloak of national security.
The Nazis hiding in the CIA were relatively quiet for the first few years after World War II that it required to convince the American public that their true enemy was not fascism but communism. The success of the McCarthy Era propaganda campaign in the early 1950's marked a distinct change in U.S. intelligence. No longer satisfied with merely gathering information about world events, as was their chartered function, the CIA began to create events that shaped history.
With the formation of the National Security Agency in 1952, the CIA was relieved of most of the responsibility for gathering intelligence but even though it had outlived its original function, the agency continued to grow in personnel and budget. They were left with little more to do than play "what if" games; speculative contingency planning like, "Is there a pharmaceutical solution to the growing unrest among Blacks and Native Americans?" The experiment in Jonestown was conceived from just such speculation.
Jim Jones worked for the CIA but that does not exclude the distinct possibility that he only worked through the agency for his true employer, the Nazis. As a youngster he studied the Nazis, later he would employ Nazis in his Peoples Temple that was structured along fascist lines. When the FBI searched Jones' San Francisco office after the massacre they found that half the books in his personal library were about behavior modification and the other half were about Nazi Germany. The odyssey that ended in Jonestown, began some fifteen years earlier in Brazil when Jones received his life assignment, presumably but not necessarily, from his CIA employer. At precisely the same time that Jones moved to the Belo Horizonte suburb of San Antonio, Brazil, Josef Mengele, the infamous "Angel of Death" purchased a farm just south of him.
Josef Mengele was born to the wealthiest family in Gunzburg, Bavaria. He was raised a strict Roman Catholic, studied anthropology and eventually went to work for the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. When Hitler declared that only anthropologists were qualified to separate Aryans from sub-humans, Mengele was appointed head of the genetic experiments at Auschwitz. In the death camp, Mengele preferred to experiment on young twins. He would use some new weapons or drug the SS was developing to kill one of the twins and then kill the other by some conventional means. Autopsies were then perfomed on both corpses for comparison. He also attempted to unlock the genetic secret that produces twins in an effort to double the output of the Lebensborn Program. Mengele was personally responsible for the death of 400,000 inmates at Auschwitz; four times the number killed by the combined nuclear explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Josef Mengele murdered more people than anyone else in history. After the war, Mengele was interred by the occupying Americans who transported him back to his native Bavaria where they released him under his own name. They knew who he was and let him go free. With characteristic Nazi arrogance, Mengele expected to continue his genetic experiments after the war but, despite obvious support from the Americans, he was not safe in Europe. In 1948, he travelled down the Rat Run to Genoa, Italy where, with the help of the Red Cross and the Vatican, he was issued a passport of the type intended to repatriate victims of the Nazis. Under the name Dr. Helmut Gregor, Mengele boarded a freighter for Buenos Aires, where President Juan Peron had welcomed thousands of Nazis fleeing persecution for their war crimes. The Mengele family had managed to retain the bulk of their fortune through the war and their financial support of Josef enabled him to continue his experiments in Argentina. He bought a pharmaceutical company and set to work analyzing the blood samples that he had brought with him from Auschwitz. In 1956, with a passport in his own name, Mengele traveled to Zurich, Switzerland where he visited his family and married his brother's widow. It would appear that he enjoyed a great deal of freedom for being one of the most wanted men in the world but this security was soon shattered when, after his return to South America, Israeli commandos kidnapped Adolf Eichmann in Argentina to stand trial in Israel. In 1959, Mengele fled to Paraguay where fellow Nazis helped him establish a false cover. For the next twenty-five years, most who hunted for Mengele believed he was hiding somewhere in Paraguay when actually he had moved to Nova Europa, Brazil in late 1960. His new wife left him in 1961 as his first wife had years earlier. In 1962, Mengele purchased a farm in Serra Negro, Brazil in partnership with a European couple who shared his fascist politics. At that same time, Jim Jones moved into a rented house in San Antonio, just a short distance north. Mengele was the foremost living authority on the Nazis' genetic experiments and Jim Jones would soon assume his title. The fact that the two men moved so close to each other during a pivotal point in both their lives suggests that they met. Jonestown could have been the "changing of the guard"; the Nouveau Nazi super-babies taking power from Himmler's SS. There may not be a Fourth Reich, only a continuation of the Third. It has been said that Jones traveled to Brazil after escaping Jonestown with the medical records. He may have delivered the results of the experiment to Mengele who had since moved to San Paulo. On February 7, 1979, just ten weeks after the Jonestown massacre, Mengele reportedly drowned in a swimming accident. His death was not revealed until 1985 when, in the midst of the greatest manhunt in history, Mengele's Nazi partners in Brazil announced that the Angel of Death was dead and buried. The body was exhumed but, after so many years in the dirt, the remains were not identifiable. Mengele's friends provided the authorities with samples of what they said was the dead man's handwriting and it was confirmed as the same as Mengeles' SS application on file since the early 1930s. That was the only identification made. Obviously, Mengele's business associates in Brazil would have copies of his handwriting but what is astonishing is that the world would believe that it was the handwriting of the dead man. The only people to claim to have proof that Mengele is dead are his family in Bavaria and his friends in Brazil.
It is time we realized the danger posed by Nazis who have infiltrated organizations in an effort to achieve world dominance. Their presence and influence is everywhere. In the early 1940's, a young Polish salesman, employed by I.G. Farben, sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. Fearing for his life after the war, he took refuge in the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in late 1946. In 1958 he was ordained Poland's youngest bishop. After the thirty day reign and assassination of his predecessor, he assumed the Papacy as Pope John Paul II. One of his first jobs in office was to canonize a Polish priest who was allegedly killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp.
It has recently been disclosed that Austrian President Kurt Waldheim, who was Secretary General of the United Nations from 1972 until 1982, was in fact a Nazi intelligence officer who helped identify and execute thousands of non- military personnel in German occupied countries during the war.
There was once a woman with a dream, a dream to give underprivileged women a choice through inexpensive or free birth control. The woman was Margaret Sanger who, in the conceptual stages of her Planned Parenthood organization, consulted with several of Hitler's social architects who saw her plan as a viable means to curb the birthrate of U.S. Blacks, which was, and still is twice that of Whites.
Recently, the U.S. extradited Nazi war criminal Andriya Artukovic to stand trial in Yugoslavia where he was sentenced to death by firing squad for ordering the execution of over 231,000 residents of the Nazi puppet state of Croatia. For the last 36 years, Artukovic has lived an affluent lifestyle in Seal Beach, California , while the U.S. government made every excuse imaginable to prevent his extradition to Yugloslavia. They even declared him senile and legally blind but that did not stop the Yugloslavians' pursuit and finally he was turned over to his executioners. The release of this 86 year old, terminally ill Nazi was just a token effort by the U.S. government to disguise the truth that, even to this day, over 26 Nazis are living in the U.S. under the protection of Washington. These Nazis are only the ones who have been identified as war criminals and who have survived the forty-one years since the end of World War II.
Soon after the war, two Nazis hiding in the United States were facing extradition, trial and almost certain execution for their crimes against humanity when a brilliant young lawyer came to their defense. The lawyer instructed them to establish a business on paper only. He then arranged through his contacts in government for this phony company to be granted a military contract to supply some minor piece of hardware that was classified top secret. He then approached the courts with a defense that his Nazi clients should not be extradited because their company was necessary for national defense. The courts agreed and the Nazis were permitted to remain in the U.S. even though their shell of a company could not and did not fulfill the contract. The young lawyer went on to work with Senator McCarthy to compile a list of Hollywood performers suspected of being "communist sympathizers." Prominent on the Hollywood blacklist was the name of an actress whose family history would not seem to warrant her inclusion. Her mother had even worked as an undercover agent for the FBI. She was reportedly despondent over the prospect of never again being cast in one of her minor movie roles but actually she was about to embark on the most important theatrical performance of her life. Citing what she said was unfair treatment, she complained to the head of the Screen Actor's Guild who empathized with her problem and found that they had more than just a career in common. He and his ex-wife had worked as FBI informants who spied on their fellow actors. The two married only a few weeks after this first meeting. The young lawyer was Richard Nixon. The newlyweds were Ronald and Nancy Reagan.
Nazis have attempted to control every political, social, economic, and religious power structure in the world today. They have infiltrated every major organization from the Holy See to the United Nations, from Interpol to the atomic energy community, from Washington to Moscow. It is logical to assume that when the Nazis sold their spies in Russia to the CIA that they also sold their spies in the United States to the KGB.
The Nazis' influence over the U.S. federal government has not gone unnoticed. In early 1979, just a few months after the Jonestown massacre, President Carter established a commission on the Holocaust that among other duties, was to receive reports of any new attempts at genocide. Carter said, "Never again will the world stand silent or look the other way in the face of genocide." Carter was well aware of the modern-day Nazi threat but his concern might have stemmed from the embarrassment or responsibility he felt since the largest attempt at genocide since World War II occurred under his administration. In any event, the commission never investigated Jonestown. Toward the end of his term, Carter helped establish a judiciary agency to ferret out Nazi war criminals in the United States. Until 1983, the chief Nazi-hunter in the U.S. government was Allen Ryan but, by this third year of the Reagan administration, most attempts to identify Nazis in government and particularly in the CIA) were circumvented by President Reagan and Vice President Bush (a former director of the CIA). Reagan gave the agency sweeping new powers to spy on American citizens at home, operate domestic front companies and prosecute anyone who identified Agency personnel. He increased their budget and approved construction of a new wing on their headquarters. The recent growth of the CIA is indicative of a fascist, right wing wave that is presently rampant in the United States. For our democracy to survive into the 21st century, Americans need to understand that their lives and freedom are in danger from an enemy that most believe was defeated over forty years ago. We are now only fifty years into Himmler's plan to purify the race of man in the first one hundred twenty-five years of the Thousand Year Reich. It would seem that the plan is still on schedule. Fifty years ago, the Nazis had to manually identify homosexuals and drug addicts, transport them to the death camps that they had to build, pay for the guards, the cyanide and the disposal of the corpses, all under public scrutiny and the chance that eventually they would have to answer for their genocidal crimes. Today, the very inexpensive AIDS virus performs the same function without the risk that the architects of the epidemic will never be brought to justice.
A concerted effort must be made to remove these fascists from the federal government and particularly from the CIA. The Nazis must not be permitted to continue their genocide in the United States. There is no justification for ignoring or condoning their influence in our society.
The Himmlers, Mengeles, Laytons, and Joneses of this world have planned a "war" very different from the nuclear demise that most envision but nonetheless devastating. Just as the Crystal Night began the first Holocaust and the second World War, so too the White Night began the second holocaust and your future. It is very important. Millions of lives are in the balance.
My only regret is in allowing too much valuable time to pass before completing this project. I bear some of the responsibility for the long delay because I selfishly put my own survival ahead of society's. For this, I apologize but many factors in my tardiness were out of my control. Aside from the monumental task of extracting and compiling the data, there was the ongoing problem of summarizing a story that had not yet reached its conclusion. Too often, Just when I thought a particular aspect was complete, some new development would alter the ending and send me back to the outline and rough draft stage. Just staying current with the violent deaths of the characters and witnesses after the massacre was extremely time-consuming. I soon came to the realization that the White Night was not the end of the story but the beginning of an open-ended history that will remain topical for many years to come. I decided to conclude this primer to the conspiracy in December of 1987, not because the story is finished, but because I wanted to make my findings a matter of record before what I predict will be the cataclysmic events of November 9, 1986; the Golden Jubilee of the Crystal Night. I encourage others to continue this work and welcome any and all comments and information.