10-09-2015, 05:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2015, 08:49 PM by Joseph McBride.)
Jim Hargrove Wrote:Joseph McBride Wrote:A little off-track, but not really. The CIA organ the
Washington Post reveals (as always, buried in the
story) why Carly Fiorina, a failed CEO who is
ostensibly not a politician, can even remotely be considered
a presidential candidate and why she might well wind up
on the GOP ticket as the VP candidate (shades of Poppy
Bush in his early CIA days):
"Fiorina has one credential the other outsiders in the race can't match: foreign policy experience. She has a top level security clearance and served as a member and then chair of the CIA's External Advisory Board from 2007 to 2009 an eventful period during which the United States launched the surge in Iraq, Russia invaded Georgia and Israel launched a secret airstrike destroying Syria's nuclear program."
-- Washington Post
Thank you, Joseph! This comes as an enormous surprise to both me and JA. My opinion of Ms. Fiorina never got much higher than the ground, but no one on earth hates the Agency more than my friend JA, His opinion of Ms. Fiorina has just plummeted beyond imagination, and he asked me to personally thank you for the info.
I am glad to provide this valuable info for you and John. It is the kind of
background we need to know to understand why certain figures (however
unlikely seeming) are chosen to rise in the system. We recall how Poppy Bush kept getting
elevated to high posts with seemingly minimal experience and how he was
considered as a VP candidate as far back as 1968. It wasn't publicly known then
that he was CIA. Eugene Meyer, the Post's publisher and father of future
publisher Katharine Graham, helped finance Poppy's entry into the
oil business with his Zapata company. With its long connections to the CIA, the Post, if you know how to read it (as
a Russian friend of Gore Vidal said of Pravda), is a good conduit
for this kind of intel. There's a saying that if you want to know what the most
important story of the day is, look at page 22 of the Washington Post. if Jeb! (that candidate with no last name) gets
the nomination (which seems unlikely at the moment, but you never know),
it would not be surprising for Fiorina to join him on the ticket. I used to see one of Fiorina's
two yachts moored up here in northern California. It was expensive but still looked rather tacky. Barbara
Boxer made a point of Fiorina being a two-yacht owner. Fiorina lost badly to Boxer. But for a CIA insider
candidate, being a loser of a major election and a notoriously failed CEO are not career-killers.