13-09-2015, 08:17 PM
Ziad Fadel
12 September 2015
Ziad Fadel
12 September 2015
Quote:The diplomatic world is abuzz with talk about the audacity of Vladimir Putin's gambits in the Crimea, Ukraine and, now, Syria. Notwithstanding all the anti-Russian palaver in the Western Press, an institution which is becoming increasingly ignored and despised by people in the streets, the Russian moves are predictable and consistent with Russia's patently justified insistence on a world devoid of a unipolar monopoly like that of the United States. Since the beginning of the Syrian war, a war planned by the United States, Britain and France, as has been revealed by Wikileaks and the former French foreign minister, and funded mostly by the Saudi Arabian and Qatari kakocracies, and facilitated by the Turkish Neo-Ottoman megalomaniac, Recep Tayyip Erdoghan, Russia has stood firmly on the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of other countries, a posture historically snubbed by the U.S., France and the U.K. While Russia provided Syria with armaments, it did not do so in violation of any U.N.S.C. resolution nor was the provisioning of the Syrian Army free of charge. Those days when the Soviet Union unloaded vast quantities of weapons on allies are over. Today, Moscow expects payment for its products. And, today, Syria (which had zero debt in March 2011) has mortgaged the naval base at Tartous, accepted a line of credit with Moscow, and has depended on its closest ally, Iran, for further help. All this clever leveraging resulted in the Syrian government being able to withstand the war crimes committed by the American sociopaths in Washington. Syria is solid and its economy is improving despite the ravaging of its infrastructure by mostly foreign terrorists and some Syrian traitors whose fates are sealed in Syrian blood.
Russian advisers are a part of the relationship between Syria and its giant ally to the north. New weapons systems have to be absorbed without sending much-needed personnel to Russia for training on them. Russia simply sends the weapons by sea, mostly, along with the experts for training who are flown in usually to the Mazza Airbase outside Damascus. For a time, Russia also provided tactical advice to the Syrian high command based on Russia's own experience in fighting terrorism both in Afghanistan and Chechnya. That relationship was interrupted for a short time as the Syrian government experimented with Iranian general Qassem Solaymaani's new strategies which did not produce the results expected. Today, Russia is back. Why?
Most of this essay is based on actual evidence produced by our sources in Latakia. There is also room here for studied speculation as to the timing of the Russian intervention. I do not use the word "intervention" in a manner to suggest that the Russian army is taking over the battle from the Syrian Arab Army. Not by any means. Here, intervention means that Russia is going beyond merely diplomatic and armament support for the Syrian government. Russia, has embarked on a new plan designed to ramp up the costs to those countries embedded in institutionalized terrorism; i.e. the U.S., U.K. France, KSA, Qatar and Turkey.
All this is taking place with the clues abounding. King Salman of Saudi Arabia planned a much-trumpeted visit to Moscow in order to discuss how the Saudis could unhitch Russia from Dr. Assad. The king cancelled citing poor health. SyrPer has learned that the king of the pre-Iron Age kingdom cancelled because Sergei Lavrov told his counterpart in Riyaadh, Aadil Jubayr, a notorious American puppet, that Putin would not discuss anything having to do with Assad, but, that he was hoping oil prices would be on the agenda. Although, King Salmaan, was going to discuss prices, he wanted to condition cooperation in pricing with Russian abandonment of the Syrian president. (I have discussed in previous essays the Saudi and Turk obsession with Assad's ouster.)
Another clue to how President Putin is thinking occurred just 2 weeks ago when he dragged in the Turk ambassador to Moscow telling him to convey to Erdoghan a Russian "go to Hell". He told the ambassador, whose jaw reportedly sunk to floor level, that he was considering breaking diplomatic relations with Ankara if Erdoghan continued to support terrorists in Syria and Iraq. He concluded by calling Erdoghan a "Hitler". Turkey is now on notice that the Russian bear is not pleased with the actions of its president. Judging by election results, even the people of Turkey are now turning against Erdoghan and his Muslim Brotherhood political party.
Even General Gerasimov, Russia's very hard-lined and aggressive Chief of Staff, weighed in by issuing a warning to Erdoghan that there are missiles aimed right at his bedroom. The general would never have made such a statement unless he knew the Kremlin would not object. Sergei Lavrov, who is of Georgian and Armenian ethnic extraction, has understood the Ottoman mentality of Erdoghan, and has also been preparing the ground for the events which we are about to discuss.
And remember how Russia supposedly delivered a wing of MiG 31B "Foxhounds" to Syria. In truth, and we have been telling our readers for years, Syria has had the MiGs since at least 2007, but, were prohibited from using them except in a "theater war" with the Zionist Ghetto State. The MiG 31Bs were stored in underground, fortified hangars at different airbases in order to avoid any mass destruction. They were not permitted to fly, although Syria violated its agreement once when the Zionists struck the Jamraayaa complex on May 5, 2013 claiming they were hitting weapons systems destined for Hizbollah. Syria struck back by flying one MiG 31B from a base in Tartous Province over the Mediterranean to fire missiles at the Zionist nuclear site in Dimona.
Russia has also announced new naval drills off the coast of Syria to start this Tuesday. It is another sign of growing Russian impatience with American, British and French temporizing and hypocrisy in the war against terror.
In order to transfer large numbers of troops to Syria along with new technology, Russia needs to fly over various countries on specific routes. I have already responded to one reader who bewailed the Bulgarian government's rejection of such fly-overs. The Bulgarians insisted on the duty to inspect the airplanes. Russia told the Bulgarians "nyet" and has secured other routes. Bulgaria is playing with fire as it tries to placate the Americans whose irrational behavior implies a genuine paranoia about how the events they are conducting in Syria are playing out. Greece has okayed the over-flights, however, the route appears out of the question, now. But the best option, is that of the Caspian Sea over the nations of Iran and Iraq, neither of which has any objection to Russia using their airspace. That problem is solved completely. (Russia's best option would be over Turkey, but, the absurdity of that should be obvious to all.)
We can confirm the following facts on the ground: Russian ships are docking at both ports of Tartous and Latakia. Russia is expanding an airbase to the east of Latakia on flat ground. This airbase is protected by a huge constellation of air defense installations which include the S-300 and Pantsir systems. The runways being extended by the Russian and Syrian engineers appear designed to handle larger supply aircraft like the Antonov 124. In addition to this, a reported regiment of Speznaz troops are presently in the town of Slinfeh, (my wife's home town where we have no paucity of sources) along with military analysts. One relative told me everyone is learning some Russian and that, since their arrival, tourism has increased due to the stability and security attendant to the Russian's arrival.
The presence of Speznaz anti-insurgency forces from Russia disclosed a sad reality which occurred a few days ago. I was told by a source, Ali, that a highly trained sniper near the town of Al-Rubay'ah had held down Syrian troops for 4 weeks preventing them from advancing. The Speznaz commander learned of this problem and dispatched commandos trained to liquidate snipers like him. The Russians killed the sniper within two hours causing some consternation among Syrian field commanders. As it turned out, a renegade officer in the SAA, was discovered and arrested. He was deliberately preventing our troops from assaulting the sniper's position. His communications with Alqaeda in Hatay, in Turk-Occupied Syria, revealed the whole story. He will be executed for treason.
Look carefully at the map provided. Scroll about to see why Slinfeh was selected. It certainly was not just because of its incredible beauty. It sits at the highest level of the mountain range under the shadow of one of Syria's most powerful communications beacons. It is right at the summit, which if crossed, takes you down a magnificent route with the entire Waadi Al-Ghaab presented like a crazyquilt blanket. You can see everything as you wind your way down from the cool heights to the windy and hot valley below. Jisr Al-Shughoor lies just below Hallooz and Ghassaaniyya, the quaint Christian villages violated by the stinking wretches from Tunisia and Libya who brought their virulent strain of syphilis with them. Russia appears to be interested in any area which borders Turkey. We might want to watch how this focus on Erdoghan evolves.
Both Turkey and the Zionist Entity appear to be investing more in the conflict. This comes at a time when Cameron and Abbot have made the decision to intensify their roles despite the misgivings of millions of their citizens. This ratcheting up of the so-called war against ISIS has been interpreted in Moscow as a poorly disguised campaign to destroy Syria fully and finally, to turn it into Libya. Sergei Lavrov said exactly that yesterday when he told the world Syria would not become another Libya a reminder of the seething anger in both Moscow and Beijing over the ruse played on them at the UNSC which led to the annihilation of the Libyan state and the senseless murder of its leader by an illiterate Libyan teenager and all this to supposedly protect civilians. Now we have the same ISIS created by the West giving the West the excuse it needs to go in and finish off the government in Damascus. I am afraid the pariah regimes in Washington and London are in for a big surprise.
This is what I know so far about the Russian presence in Syria. I know there are more advisers flying into Damascus for what is an assertion of Russia's absolute insistence on protecting its allies. With Iran now out of the embargo status which kept it from flexing its muscles fully, Moscow knows it has the kind of depth and support it needs to help the Syrian people to rid themselves of this plague once and for all.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
Joseph Fouche