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Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie
Paul Rigby Wrote:
Helen Reyes Wrote:I think Blum's wrong. It wasn't Iran. It was CIA vs CIA.

I'm sympathetic - please expand.


I don't have any Sherlock Holmes' the-dog-didn't-bark deep insight or access to any classified information, but here goes.

The Libyan theory falls apart immediately. It's based on eye-witness testimony from a Maltese who gave conflicting accounts, and on the presence of some clothes supposedly from his shop supposedly found at the crash site. The Libyan timers from Switzerland was evidence inserted into the crime scene and even then wasn't conclusively demonstrated.

The Iranian theory hinges on unsourced intelligence purposely leaked to four journalists about a David Lovejoy contacting Iranian embassy Beirut about the presence of a team on flight 107 out of Frankfurt, plus unsourced intelligence that the Ayatollah had offered compensation to those avenging the shoot-down of the Iranian Airbus over the Persian Gulf by US forces. One journalist claimed to have heard the recording of the phone call, but that can and is faked a lot, witness the intercept of Libyan traffic on the Berlin disco planted by Israel. Why were these journalists provided this, and by whom?

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine General Command in Germany theory, part of the Iranian theory, is based on the presence of a Toshiba tape recorder, radio or boombox fitted with moulded Semtex. I have not seen any evidence there was any such thing on Lockerbie, although Scottish police would know better than I. What it looks like is an attempt to tell the German Federal Criminal Service what they wanted to hear, that the PFLP-GC ring they had partially busted up just prior to Lockerbie with such bombs found in their safe houses or depots, was connected.

Consider the scenario hinted at in Juval Aviv's Interfor report, that there was a team of investigators/agents sent to Beirut to look at how to free the hostages held there, that such a team stumbled onto a US intelligence operation about which they hadn't known previously, that horrified at what was going on they immediately departed for Washington to give report.

This team would not have been CIA. According to a note discovered in McKee's (whoever he was, if that was his name, but most likely DIA), they would have been three DIA people, FBI and Naval intelligence, by my guess. The note contained codenames.

There would be 5 of them. Two CIA agents would also be on the flight, chasing them back to Washington to keep a lid on it. There would be Jaffar, the courier carrying Lebanese heroin to Detroit.

Immediately after the crash, CIA did arrive on the scene and took control, selecting sectors were native searchers were not to tread. This would be with MI5 and/or Home Office support. What were they looking for?

1. the drugs
2. a large amount of money, possibly counterfeit US currency printed on plates left in the Shah's Iran, possibly including a large sum in traveller's cheques.
3. corpses of agents who wouldn't feature on the list of dead
4. papers on the pilot

Why were they looking for papers on the pilot? It makes sense if he had a written manifest to present in NY or Detroit and was part of the rogue deliveries.

This brings up something missing from the accounts I've seen. CIA, DEA and BKA (German criminal police) were apparently running drugs through Frankfurt-am-Main flughafen, but the drugs were coming from Nicosia, Cyprus, through the DEA and front companies there. Supposedly a switcheroo took place using baggage handlers for Pan Am. These people are usually described as Turkish, but the people loading Lockerbie 107 included a German with an Irish last name, a Brit or American and someone who seems to have a Kurdish name. The thing that's missing is how the drugs got from Nicosia to Frankfurt. The fact seems to be the CIA and/or DEA had front companies run by Lebanese in Rome, and the drugs probably went through to Rome in all manners, by ship, by air and via Athens. The other missing element is how the drugs got off-loaded in the US. The destinations would be NYC, Chicago, Detroit and LA. There had to be Customs agents included in the operation. If that's so, it's not hard to consider some pilots were also party.

Would a rogue element or group of CIA blow up 272 people, including 2 of their own, to protect the route?

Consider what was at stake for them in Nicosia and Frankfurt, and Beirut.

Nicosia wasn't just buying heroin from Lebanon, they were a major center for shipping PROMIS to points east. The PROMIS version with the NSA backdoor for intelligence collection.

Nicosia/Beirut was part of a two-way route for drugs. Ca. 1985 Pat Robertson, the televangelist from the 700 Club and major nexus in allying the Little People in America with extremist right-wing Zionism in America and Israel, set up MET, Middle East Television, with HQ in Beirut, in the middle of a civil war. Robertson's "network" provided logistics for delivering raw cocaine to Lebanese/Syrian interests who wanted to branch out into new drugs. In exchange they were sending weapons out for the Contras in Nicaragua. This was also the conduit for arms to Iran.

Frankfurt flughafen was part of an operation to intercept Eastern bloc shipments as well.

"Useful idiot" colonel Oliver North was part of the lower level of a team that was shipping drugs from Latin America and the Levant into the US and shipping weapons to allies and nominal enemies in Nicaragua, El Salvador, Iran and most likely Afghanistan. The rpofits were laundered through BCCI. This is what the Christic Institute called The Secret Team after the Iran/Contra scandal partially broke. The drug money was also laundered through American savings and loan banks, some of them facades created for that purpose.

Outside Indio, California Wackenhut had its secret base on the Indian reservation and was acquiring weapons including night vision scopes mounted on machine guns produced by Litton Industries. This is where they re-engineered PROMIS with the backdoor for surveillance. Danny Casolaro probably lost his life because he realized Lockerbie, Iran/Contra and Indio were intimately linked, and he knew the names of the players, some of them veterans from the Allende overthrow operation in Chile.

Was that enough to kill 272 people? Probably. But wait, there's more.

What the 5-man team dispatched to Beirut probably found was that the hostages were being kept at the behest of the Secret Team, the Shadow Government run by Bush under the guise of the Anti-Terrorism Task Force. One team is sent to release them, but discovers an earlier team already deployed to keep them hostage.

Why? For money, most likely. Just as the Indio operation double-billed for 800-dollar toilet seats every chance they got, so the Team in Lebanon/Cyprus or wherever would get a ransom or two and a continuing pretext for their continued operation, and associated outlays, and continuation of their clandestine routes and cargos.

October Surprise was about taking and keeping Americans hostage in Tehran, not about releasing them.

Thatcher, Bush and Reagan met in 1978 to plan the downfall of Carter and the Democrats who were doing terrible things to their secret agencies. Khomeini was supported to power by the US, by operatives working for the secret team or shadow government. They got him across borders, they staged riots, they placed media items with predicted results in the Iranian press. The initial deal was cut in North Africa, probably using Carter National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brezrinski as a "back channel" to convince the Islamic revolutionaries that the team was for real (Webster Tarpley thinks Zbig betrayed Carter here, I'm not sure), and including Bob Gates, who went on to become DCI and now DoD chief. The danger was that the theocracy was seeking to release the American embassy hostages despite the best-laid plans of the Secret Team and things had to be renegotiated with some of the reps of the power structures in Persia. That is what the Paris talks between Bush and whomever were, recorded by French surete. They needed a continuation of the "crisis" to really make sure Carter was screwed in elections. Ambassador Sullivan's (former DCI Richard Helms was previous US ambassador to Iran) trusted Iranian guard was the agent of making sure. The Iranian side probably included Mohammed Hussein Beheshti, Ibrahim Yazdi and, tangentially, the young Mousavi, the loser in the last presidential elections representing the disenfranchised upper class of upscale north Tehran, as Tarpley jokes.

A very good summary of how the Iranian hostage crisis was orchestrated by Fara Mansoor used to exist at a website archive that seems to have scrubbed it within the last few months, although an earlier piece that tells most of the tale is still hosted there,

What I'm also saying is the Iranians could have worked with their CIA/Secret Team allies to stop the investigating team from returning to Washington. In that light, the following contraindication is reconciled with my feeling the CIA did it to the CIA:

Quote:"If Lester Coleman's hopes are realized, the result of Pan Am's appeal may also persuade the octopus to leave him in peace at last, although, having gone to ground again in the face of Washington's vendetta, he now believes there is probably more to it than meets the eye. Since his story is now supported by no less an authority than Major Khalil Tunayb, a former chief of intelligence for the PFLP-GC, there would seem little point in continuing to harry him so relentlessly unless there were some wider reason.

"(During the winter of 1992-1993, Tunayb surfaced in the media to confirm that Khalid Nazir Jafaar had been affiliated with Muslim fundamentalists in Lebanon and Detroit who knew he was working in drug operations for the DEA and CIA. According to Tunayb, Jafaar was used by the PFLP-GC as an unwitting accomplice to get the bomb bag aboard Flight 103 and had been escorted from Beirut by two equally unwitting American agents. Significantly, Tunayb's story supports much of the intelligence data provided in Juval Aviv's original Interfor Report.)"

from Trail of the Octupus by Donald Goddard and Lester Coleman

PFLP-GC could've carried out instructions originating ultimately with Iranian allies in the Secret Team.

Former DIA agent Coleman doesn't seem to realize that some of the "journalists" he encountered in Cyprus were agents for the secret team. These include Michael Schafer aka Michael Franks aka David Lovejoy who arrived as part of Pat Robertson and Oliver North's operation in Beirut, probably hailing from North's Georgia state freaks gallery. Another was Ron Martz, allegedly the guy who wrongly fingered security guard Richard Jewell as the nail-bomber of the Atlanta Olympics. Maetz has a history of making false accusations and generally spreading disinformation. Lloyd Burchette, Jr., was another low-level North mercenary flunkie. Finally, Coleman failed to see Michael Hurley was not just a DEA agent assigned to Nicosia, Cyprus, he was part of a much larger operation, it seems, in charge of the PROMIS distro, counterfeit money, weapons and drugs procurement. Hurley seems to have been the one to finger Coleman as the leak early in the Lockerbie aftermath, probably to cover for one of his own people who spilled some of the beans. He was duly exiled to Puyallup, Washington as a DEA field agent after some time had passed and things had cooled off a little. Martz and Burchette went on to Afghanistan with Hurley's help.

Given what was going on at the nether-end of the Iran/Contra pipelie--Contra defectors being bombed at press conferences--I don't think they had a lot of compunction about blowing up flight 107. It fits the zeitgeist, the general picture for those years, and prefigures the use of Islamic militant types in false-flag operations later on US soil.

I probably left a lot out and made a lot of mistakes. Please correct any errors. With what I think I know, I find the argument Bush didn't want to alienate Iran in the run-up to the Gulf War and so moved the blame to Libya unbelievable.

please compare


Quote:"On 3 August 1991, not long after the family had moved into the refugee compound on the outskirts of Trollhattan, Coleman took a telephone call from Danny Casolaro, an American freelance journalist in Washington, who had tracked him down after reading his affidavit in the Inslaw case.

"He was working on a complex story about the octopus, Casolaro explained, linking the theft and unauthorized sale of PROMIS software to foreign governments with the BCCI scandal, the Iran/Contra affair and other questionable activities, including the so-called 'October Surprise'. Could Coleman perhaps help him with any of this? Did he know of anyone who might have further information?

"Though disturbed that Casolaro should have traced him so easily, Coleman saw the chance of a trade-off. He had been trying to find James McCloskey, the quickie divorce lawyer who had recruited him into the DIA and who might again be prepared to speak up for him, but his amiable guru had apparently abandoned his practice and moved away from Timonium, Maryland, without leaving a forwarding address. When Coleman explained this to his caller, touching on McCloskey's links with the BCCI and the intelligence community, Casolaro thanked him for the tip and promised in return to let Coleman know as soon as he ran McCloskey to earth.

"Nine days later, Ernest Fitzgerald, Coleman's friend at the Pentagon, called to say that Danny Casolaro had been found dead in a blood-boltered hotel bathroom in Martinsburg, West Virginia, both arms slashed open 12 times with a DIY knife blade. His briefcase was missing, and among other suspicious circumstances, the Martinsburg police, declaring Casolaro a suicide, had allowed the body to be embalmed before his family was even notified of his death. A firm of contract cleaners had also been called in to scour the room from top to bottom, so that any meaningful forensic investigation was impossible.

"According to relatives and friends, Casolaro had gone to West Virginia, despite recent death threats, to see somebody he had met there who, he thought, could supply the missing links in the story he was working on. Everybody who knew Casolaro, including the Hamiltons and their counsel, Elliot Richardson, were convinced he had been murdered to shut him up.

"Coleman was chilled by the news. If the person Casolaro had gone to see was McCloskey, then Coleman had sent Casolaro to his death. And if Casolaro had been killed because of what he knew, then Coleman's own chances of survival, if he fell into the same hands, looked slim. Thankful that he and Mary-Claude had decided to get out when they did, he prevailed on Fitzgerald to make further inquiries, although he found it hard to believe that the McCloskey he remembered could be involved in the murder.

"The result was even more unsettling. The likelihood that Casolaro had gone to meet McCloskey increased when investigators established that, after leaving Timonium, McCloskey had bought a horse farm at Shepardstown, about fifteen minutes down the road from where Casolaro was murdered. As against that, McCloskey had not been seen in the area for two years, although there was a working telephone number listed in his name.

"When Coleman dialed that number from Sweden, he got through to the Shenandoah Women's Center in Martinsburg, which claimed never to have heard of McCloskey. Efforts to trace him were then redoubled, but without result, and, as far as Coleman knows, McCloskey is still missing to this day.

"On 16 October 1991, Coleman telephoned Elliot Richardson to pass on the results of these inquiries, but, as Richardson was out of the country, he spoke instead to William Hamilton, president of Inslaw, Inc., in Washington, D.C.

"His revelations came as no great surprise. Hamilton himself had received 'threats of bodily harm from former US and Israeli covert intelligence operatives' embarrassed by his efforts to unmask the government's theft of Inslaw's software."


Messages In This Thread
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Paul Rigby - 02-09-2009, 09:24 PM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Myra Bronstein - 05-09-2009, 11:22 AM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Myra Bronstein - 05-09-2009, 11:24 AM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Helen Reyes - 05-09-2009, 09:46 PM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Myra Bronstein - 06-09-2009, 12:09 AM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Paul Rigby - 06-09-2009, 10:09 AM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Paul Rigby - 06-09-2009, 03:06 PM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Paul Rigby - 06-09-2009, 03:50 PM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Ed Jewett - 08-09-2011, 02:22 AM
Libya and Pan Am flight Lockerbie - by Ed Jewett - 08-09-2011, 03:56 AM

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