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MI6 enters the Labour leadership debate with vintage "Red Smear" piece in the Torygraph
After listening to Nick Ferrari's (C5 News) & Carole Malone's (Sky press preview) vicarious asseninity (with 'praise be' hands) on the badness of king Cromwell Corbyn's recent existence ("Three days of disaster" - out of three...), I was soothed by this consistently ribald column in the i-paper, t'other day:  
Jeremy Corbyn won't stop until everyone in Britain is offended
[size=12]Mark Steel[/SIZE] Thursday 17 September 2015

As he's been leader for five days now, the press are calming down a bit. By tomorrow headlines will only say things like, "Cor-Bin Laden will force pets to be Muslim", followed by an interview with 89-year-old Vera, who says: "It's not fair because my hamster's scared of burqas. That's the last time I'll vote Labour."
The Telegraph will be even more measured, reporting: "Corbyn plans to introduce women-only gravity. Men will be left to float through space, making it harder to arrive on time for work, costing Britain £40bn."
This could go alongside the genuine report in The Times on Monday, that Jeremy Corbyn's neighbours "often see him riding a Chairman Mao-style bicycle". A less thorough reporter might only mention that he rides a bicycle. Luckily this one knew the country where lots of bicycles are ridden is China, which was once ruled by Chairman Mao, which means Corbyn is planning to force us all to work in rice fields and eat dogs.
One problem with this excitement is that it's hard to increase the hysteria when they've gone so wild in the first week, but they'll rise to the challenge. By November, we'll be told he's forced Mary Berry to eat an Arctic roll full of blackbird sick as revenge for selling her book about scones via corporate tax-avoiders Amazon.
Then Panorama will reveal Corbyn appeared at a conference with Satan, who he described as an "old pal"; the evidence is a dream their informant had after falling asleep in a cowshed after drinking a bottle and a half of Sambuca.
You could tell how chaotic his leadership would be from the start, when he gave some important jobs in his party to people he agrees with. This provoked outrage. If he was being inclusive, instead of appointing John McDonnell as shadow chancellor, he'd have given the job to Jeremy Clarkson.
The other complaint about his Shadow Cabinet was the low number of women appointed, only 16 out of 31 rather than the half he promised.
The Sun complained of an "equality blunder", and you can understand their frustration as they've always been uncompromising with their feminist demands, devoting every day's Page 3 to poems by Mexican women's rights campaigners, no matter how strong the protests to stop.
He didn't even give a job to Yvette Cooper, on the grounds that she'd said she wouldn't take it. But if he really cared about women's equality, he'd have said "you'll do whatever job I bloody well give you, love", and the problem would be solved.
But none of us can have guessed the unspeakable horror to come next, when he didn't sing the national anthem at a Battle of Britain memorial, ruining the efforts of everyone who fought in the Second World War. Commentators told us: "Those pilots did more than anyone to stop Hitler, and now Jeremy Corbyn has literally opened the cockpit of every Spitfire and smeared dog mess on the seats."
It's no wonder people called phone-in shows to make comments such as "I've taught myself to snore the national anthem, so I don't insult the pilots during my sleep."
It's understandable for people to see it as an insult when someone didn't sing "God Save the Queen" at the memorial, because the Queen played a major part in the battle, as a wing commander who shot down five enemy aircraft over Folkestone.
Even so, it's hard to see how the national anthem is the song that most directly commemorates the RAF, so one suggestion to avoid a similar incident in future is to sing a different song at each memorial. Next year it could be "The Omen" by The Prodigy. Anyone not joining in by screaming "The writing's on the wall" in St Paul's cathedral will be arrested for treason.
Once again it was The Sun that seemed most furious about this lack of respect for dead servicemen. But if Corbyn gets his way it won't even be possible to insult the armed forces, because, according to The Sun, he'll "abolish the army".
It didn't make clear how he'd do that, especially when he appears at Prime Ministers' Questions seeming mild and reasonable, reading out questions sent in from around the country. Most people seem to feel this was a healthy change, though it may be even better if he puts all the questions in a bucket and draws them out at random.
This would strengthen our democracy further. "Prime Minister, Tina from Exeter asks, who would win in a fight between Godzilla and a giant tarantula?" At first, Cameron would insist the mutant spider had no chance against a seasoned monster with wide experience of destruction, and his front bench would yell "hear hear hear" as usual. But eventually a calmer atmosphere would prevail, and Parliament would become a forum for reasonable debate. That's when Corbyn will strike to abolish the army.
He'll introduce a similar system, so instead of weapons, our soldiers will march to the front line of a battle, and call out to the enemy: "Alan from Doncaster has asked what are you going to do about all the fires in the city you've just demolished." Then in 50 years' time, when there's a memorial for all our troops that are captured, he won't even sing at it.
That's how much of a danger he is.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

Messages In This Thread
MI6 enters the Labour leadership debate with vintage "Red Smear" piece in the Torygraph - by Michael Barwell - 19-09-2015, 03:49 PM

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