13-10-2015, 03:43 AM
and he best we can get from careerist MSM hacks like Shenon are allusions to the limited hangout of a "benign" cover up of the Castro/KGB did it theory.
Never mind that one could have disproved those theories and known that the CIA was up to something a lot more sinister than a "benign cover up" as early as the early morning hours of 11/23/63 when Hoover informed LBJ that the Mexico City surveillance tapes and photos supplied by the CIA did not match Oswald's appearance or voice.
Now, more than 52 years down the road with the Lopez report (not mentioned at all in the article) and the numerous books/articles/etc. detailing Oswald's relationship with intel agencies available the establishment media is still desperately clinging to the Castro/KGB did it theory.
Never mind that one could have disproved those theories and known that the CIA was up to something a lot more sinister than a "benign cover up" as early as the early morning hours of 11/23/63 when Hoover informed LBJ that the Mexico City surveillance tapes and photos supplied by the CIA did not match Oswald's appearance or voice.
Now, more than 52 years down the road with the Lopez report (not mentioned at all in the article) and the numerous books/articles/etc. detailing Oswald's relationship with intel agencies available the establishment media is still desperately clinging to the Castro/KGB did it theory.