21-11-2015, 05:47 AM
These guys are talking about my backyard. I lived in Wenatchee. I have studied the history of the ice age floods. They are well understood and have been thoroughly documented. They were caused by a periodic blocking of the Clark Fork River by the ice sheet. Every few decades the ice dam is washed out and the entire Glacial Lake Missoula drains out in two or three days across northern Idaho, western and central Washington state and out the Columbia River Gorge. Some boulders were deposited in the Willamette Valley in Oregon as the ice bergs melted. Apparently, later science has proven a small Glacial Lake Columbia which was formed by the ice sheet in north central Washington, which also periodically flooded.
The theories were first proposed by Harlen Bretz in 1923 to ridicule by his geology peers, who were committed to the idea that catastrophes only happened in the Bible. It took several decades for his theories to be considered proved. Now, research continues as his ideas are expanded and refined.
Yes, these were cataclysmic events, but they were limited to Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. It was not one cataclysm caused by comets hitting the earth. These guys are lying.
The floods are called the Missoula Floods or the Bretz Floods. Here is a website about this fascinating story: http://www.iafi.org/floods.html
The theories were first proposed by Harlen Bretz in 1923 to ridicule by his geology peers, who were committed to the idea that catastrophes only happened in the Bible. It took several decades for his theories to be considered proved. Now, research continues as his ideas are expanded and refined.
Yes, these were cataclysmic events, but they were limited to Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. It was not one cataclysm caused by comets hitting the earth. These guys are lying.
The floods are called the Missoula Floods or the Bretz Floods. Here is a website about this fascinating story: http://www.iafi.org/floods.html
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"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl