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Something to Think About
Pretty bizarre that someone in uniform, wearing insignia and a badge, a person easily recognizable as someone of authority, in a gleaming white helmet no less, could have gone virtually unnoticed save for the FBI's selection of Mrs. Sanders. The roar of his motorcycle upon the curb alone warranted attention, his dismount from the same warranted attention, his frantic pace, tearing off at break neck speed towards the TSBD warranted attention, yet we are led to believe he and Casper the Friendly ghost share the same bloodline, disappearing and appearing at will.

Officialdom once again decides what happened as oppose to what really happened. What if Officer Baker's movements simply caught the real culprits off guard, leaving them little choice but to weave his sudden, unpredictable actions into a revamped scene of events? Did Oswald, unbeknownst to his handler(s) step out front at the last second much to their horror instead of watching from a pre-designated position as instructed?, further complicating the matter...leading to revamped affidavits, a hand held already opened Coke, sitting at a table, then changed to standing, etc., etc :Confusedhock:: ...unlike the truth, these lying treasonous cowards need constant do overs like a lie needs another lie...

Messages In This Thread
Something to Think About - by Bob Prudhomme - 16-12-2015, 05:35 PM
Something to Think About - by Drew Phipps - 16-12-2015, 07:57 PM
Something to Think About - by Bob Prudhomme - 16-12-2015, 08:04 PM
Something to Think About - by Drew Phipps - 16-12-2015, 08:09 PM
Something to Think About - by Bob Prudhomme - 16-12-2015, 11:12 PM
Something to Think About - by Alan Ford - 04-01-2016, 11:21 PM
Something to Think About - by Albert Doyle - 04-01-2016, 11:29 PM
Something to Think About - by Alan Ford - 05-01-2016, 02:33 AM
Something to Think About - by Drew Phipps - 05-01-2016, 02:18 PM
Something to Think About - by Alan Ford - 05-01-2016, 07:46 PM

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