09-01-2016, 09:16 PM
Dawn Meredith Wrote:Dawn Meredith Wrote:[quote=Tracy Riddle]I discovered this guy a few years ago. Try Google Images and I think you'll find some big HD versions of his drawings.
I also discovered him quite a few years back. In connection with other suspicious "suicides" connected to Bush and other spooks.
Glad someone has written a book on him. There were three others, "suicides", but it's been too many years. I wrote it all down at the time. Really need to get a notebook just for this sort of thing.
Danny Casolaro was another of the four. A third had written an unauthorized bio on Bush 1 or W, I forget which, but he was also "suicided". (I'd recognize the name if I saw it but it's eluding me at the moment). I forget the forth and what his involvement was, just that there was a Bush family connection. (Maybe the guy found dead outside the office of Richard Mellon Scaife?)
ps I remembered: James Howard Hatfield, 43, wrote Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the making of an American President in 1999. (suicide).