14-09-2009, 05:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 14-09-2009, 05:49 AM by Bernice Moore.)
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Monday, August 10, 2009 4:11 AM
A [size=12]a major amount of work done by the ARRB's Doug Horne, who was Chief Analyst for Military Records" on the staff of the ARRB; and played a major role in handling numerous matters pertaining to the medical evidence and the Zapruder film.the fact that the record was loaded with material, in the medical area—in the form of depositions and staff memos—that was supportive of Best Evidence. And lest there be any question about Doug Horne's conclusions about Best Evidence, here is what he has publicly posted:.....
QUOTE FROM DOUG HORNE (as posted on Education Forum):
David Lifton's thesis in his 1981 book "Best Evidence" has been validated by the work of the ARRB staff. Our unsworn interviews and depositions of Dallas (Parkland Hospital) medical personnel and Bethesda autopsy participants confirm that the President's body arrived at Bethesda Naval Hospital in a markedly different condition than it was in when seen at Parkland for life-saving treatment. My conclusion is that wounds were indeed altered and bullets were indeed removed prior to the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital. This procedure altered the autopsy conclusions and presented a false picture of how the shooting took place. In most essential details, David Lifton "got it right" in his 1981 bestseller. (He has modified his views since his book was published on the "when" and "where," and I concur with his changes, which he will publish at a later date.)
- John F. Kennedy <IMG style="VISIBILITY: hidden" height=20 width=20 border=0>
The following is based on: Lifton, David. ( 1980, 1988). Best Evidence. New York: Carrol & Graf Publishers. All numbers in parentheses refer to pages in his book. ... www.geocities.com/stellafilius/autopsy.htm - 45k - Cached ALSO IF I CAN UPLOAD IT DOUG HORNES INFO IN WORD IT WOULD NOT ATTACH.....:vollkommenauf:FROM A COUPLE OF YEARS BACK..WE AWAIT HIS NEW DOCUMENTED RESEARCH BOOK DUE OUT THIS FALL......
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Monday, August 10, 2009 4:11 AM
A [size=12]a major amount of work done by the ARRB's Doug Horne, who was Chief Analyst for Military Records" on the staff of the ARRB; and played a major role in handling numerous matters pertaining to the medical evidence and the Zapruder film.the fact that the record was loaded with material, in the medical area—in the form of depositions and staff memos—that was supportive of Best Evidence. And lest there be any question about Doug Horne's conclusions about Best Evidence, here is what he has publicly posted:.....
QUOTE FROM DOUG HORNE (as posted on Education Forum):
David Lifton's thesis in his 1981 book "Best Evidence" has been validated by the work of the ARRB staff. Our unsworn interviews and depositions of Dallas (Parkland Hospital) medical personnel and Bethesda autopsy participants confirm that the President's body arrived at Bethesda Naval Hospital in a markedly different condition than it was in when seen at Parkland for life-saving treatment. My conclusion is that wounds were indeed altered and bullets were indeed removed prior to the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital. This procedure altered the autopsy conclusions and presented a false picture of how the shooting took place. In most essential details, David Lifton "got it right" in his 1981 bestseller. (He has modified his views since his book was published on the "when" and "where," and I concur with his changes, which he will publish at a later date.)