03-03-2016, 07:27 PM
Love that scene from Network. I remember my parents coming home after seeing it and telling me I could never watch TV again...
Like all things - that too shall pass
Here's something I just found that may help shed some light on the current state of affairs.
Most people don't know about "Colonel" House and his long-lasting effects on the US as the chief advisor to the NJ Gov who became president - Woodrow Wilson.
I've not read it yet, although I see from the intro about House, they don't even bother discussing his Fed Res Act involvement.
The book is supposed to allow a glimpse inside the situation as it was in the early 1900's and pit one doctrine against another...
I am hoping that by sheer hubris his book betrays the activities of the time...
In 1912, House published anonymously a novel called P[B]hilip
Dru: Administrator[/B], in which the title character, Dru, leads the democratic
western U.S. in a civil war against the plutocratic East, becoming the
dictator of America. Dru as dictator imposes a series of reforms which resemble
the Bull Moose platform of 1912 and then vanishes.
The beginning of the book:
[size=12][size=12]I[B]n the year 1920, the student and the statesman saw manyindications[/B]
that the social, financial and industrial troubles that hadvexed the United
States of America for so long a time were about to culminatein civil
Wealth had grown so strong, that the few were about tostrangle the
many, and among the great masses of the people, there wassullen and
rebellious discontent.
The laborer in the cities, the producer on the farm, themerchant, the
professional man and all save organized capital and itssatellites, saw a
gloomy and hopeless future.
From None Dare:
This act (the Federal Reserve Act)
establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth...
When the President signs this act, the invisible government by the money power,
proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized...
The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation..."
Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
December, 1913
House had set down his political ideas in his book called Philip Dru: Administrator in 1912. In this book House laid out a thinly fictionalized plan for conquest of America by establishing "Socialism as dreamed by Kari Marx." He described a "conspiracy"-the word is his which succeeds in electing a U.S. President by means of "deception regarding his real opinions and intentions." Among other things, House wrote that the conspiracy was to insinuate "itself into the primaries, in order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in accord with theirs." Elections were to become mere charades conducted for the bedazzlement of the bourgeoisie. The idea was to use both the Democrat and Republican parties as instruments to promote World Government.
Like all things - that too shall pass
Here's something I just found that may help shed some light on the current state of affairs.
Most people don't know about "Colonel" House and his long-lasting effects on the US as the chief advisor to the NJ Gov who became president - Woodrow Wilson.
I've not read it yet, although I see from the intro about House, they don't even bother discussing his Fed Res Act involvement.
The book is supposed to allow a glimpse inside the situation as it was in the early 1900's and pit one doctrine against another...
I am hoping that by sheer hubris his book betrays the activities of the time...
In 1912, House published anonymously a novel called P[B]hilip
Dru: Administrator[/B], in which the title character, Dru, leads the democratic
western U.S. in a civil war against the plutocratic East, becoming the
dictator of America. Dru as dictator imposes a series of reforms which resemble
the Bull Moose platform of 1912 and then vanishes.
The beginning of the book:
[size=12][size=12]I[B]n the year 1920, the student and the statesman saw manyindications[/B]
that the social, financial and industrial troubles that hadvexed the United
States of America for so long a time were about to culminatein civil
Wealth had grown so strong, that the few were about tostrangle the
many, and among the great masses of the people, there wassullen and
rebellious discontent.
The laborer in the cities, the producer on the farm, themerchant, the
professional man and all save organized capital and itssatellites, saw a
gloomy and hopeless future.
From None Dare:
This act (the Federal Reserve Act)
establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth...
When the President signs this act, the invisible government by the money power,
proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized...
The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation..."
Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
December, 1913
House had set down his political ideas in his book called Philip Dru: Administrator in 1912. In this book House laid out a thinly fictionalized plan for conquest of America by establishing "Socialism as dreamed by Kari Marx." He described a "conspiracy"-the word is his which succeeds in electing a U.S. President by means of "deception regarding his real opinions and intentions." Among other things, House wrote that the conspiracy was to insinuate "itself into the primaries, in order that no candidate might be nominated whose views were not in accord with theirs." Elections were to become mere charades conducted for the bedazzlement of the bourgeoisie. The idea was to use both the Democrat and Republican parties as instruments to promote World Government.
Once in a while you get shown the light
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter
in the strangest of places if you look at it right..... R. Hunter