17-04-2016, 09:05 PM
Even without the CIA influence I suspect most textbook authors are reluctant to embrace anything contradicting the establishment stance on the JFK case. I'm sure they're also not writing much about RLK, MLK, the stolen presidential elections of 2000 and 2004 or 9/11 that would upset the PTB. They most likely fear professional ostracism and loss of future publishing opportunities. They're happy to point to Shenon, Posner and Bugliosi because it lets them off the hook. See, someone else already looked into this and said there was nothing to see. So claiming that they're waiting to "see the evidence" is intellectually dishonest. They've refused to consider any of the mountain of evidence refuting the lone nut theory that has emerged or have glibly dismissed it as lunatic ravings. They're no different than the media in this respect.