20-06-2016, 11:17 PM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Ken Garretson Wrote:Lauren Johnson Wrote:Quote:I think all the talk and footage of 'crisis actors' is largely BS. I'm not sold that what I'm seeing on those videos is unexplainable in other ways.
I'm open to hearing how the same person, i.e. "Munoz" can turn up and be interviewed in four different crises across the country. How about listing some of those other ways. You can't say it's not the same person.
I appreciate you telling me what I can't say :-)
Let me ask this if I may. Do you find this video to be convincing?
Yup. Same person and unexplainable in other ways ASAIK. So, where is the BS?
With all due respect, if you believe those images are of the same woman, then what I have to say is just for others that may be reading.
For the most part, these images are not of the same person. The exception being the Boston (upper right of the compiled image of four individual pictures) and Watertown (lower left)--which is essentially the same place and event. They may or may not be the same person, we barely see the person on the lower left (Watertown) but the person on the upper right, 'Boston', is definitely not the Munoz pictured in the upper left.
Also, there is a presentation of a bio of Munoz, consistent with the image of the woman from Newton MA, which actually serves to corroborate that Munoz is a person living and working in that area!
The transportation secretary image is a total red herring, and the author of the page even admits that and links to videos where he debunked himself.
I know you said I couldn't say what I just said, so edit as needed. ;-) But seriously, thanks for the conversation.
There are very serious issues with Orlando that the corporate media misrepresent and ignore because they are not doing the job of a free press; they have been 'captured' by outside interests. But this focus on 'crisis actors' just weakens the greater arguments. I will add that I do believe there are attention seekers at times of crisis; people that lie about their stories for face time. The most famous such case was about a woman that lied about her 9/11 experience--I think there was a book or movie and she was exposed after many years. But this is very different than implying that there are actors coordinated with shooters/bombers. Anything is possible, but this 'Munoz' is not evidence of such.