18-07-2016, 12:00 AM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Abby Martin is great.
If I didn't already have a full dance card for the November 8 Lefty Purity Ball (Iesha Evans for Prez, Diamond Reynolds for Veep) I'd think about voting for Abby!
She largely avoided the Dominionist critique of the Clintons (emails! Monica! Benghazi!).
She also avoided the subject over which there is a "no fly zone."
Bill Clinton aided and abetted the George Bush smuggling operation out of Mena Airport, looks like.
I think Hillary's saber-rattling may be more politics than policy.
The removal of chemical weapons from Syria and nuke capacity from Iran curtails a major part of the War Party agenda.
Abby Martin rightly sez: "We have to fight them both."
Yes, we have to fight the Globalist Oligarchy of which Hillary Clinton is a card-carrying member, and we have to fight the Dominionist Oligarchy and its threat to impose theocracy.
When there is a Republican in the White House the progressive wing of the Democratic Party has no influence.
Barack Obama came into office a corporate centerist and yet some fine progressive policies came to fruition bottom-up -- gay rights, net neutrality, rollback of NSA/DEA violations of the 4th amendment.
The progressive wing of the Dem party raised more money for Bernie than the Globalist raised for La Hillary.
Trump beat the Globalists for momentary control of the Republican Party.
He's gone all in on Dominionism by picking Pence.
I say we have to make sure Dominionism is defeated first, then we can go after the Globalists by taking to the streets and the phones after Inauguaration Day 2017.