25-07-2016, 11:36 AM
Paul Rigby Wrote:Paul Rigby Wrote:Paul Rigby Wrote:One interpretation of the puzzling nature of the attempted coup that can reconcile the inconsistencies is this - that the real target of its US sponsors was not Erdogan, but the Turkish military. In allowing Erodgan to survive, vengeance against the military, the historic guarantor of the nation's increasingly imperiled secularism, was guaranteed and is duly in train.
The cloaked objective of Washington's deep state, therefore, is the collapse of the Turkish nation-state, presumably in favour of a pseudo-Caliphate.
Extract from The Moon of Alabama's post, Wide Purges After Stage-Managed Coup Will Cripple Turkey:
Quote:The Turkish state is now crippled. The experience and knowledge of all those people purged now is irreplaceable. Any unexpected event, military or civil, will be met with confused and disordered responses. Despite Erdogan's current success hubris will take its toll and Erdogan's triumph will soon be followed by a deep fall.
But not before lots of Turkish military equipment, not to mention some of the US nukes in the country, have "fallen" into the hands of Daesh/ISIL etc - precisely as the CIA intended.
The Agency's Islamic Contras will then have strategic depth, direct access to the sea, and an armoury to die for.
In order for NATO (in effect, US) equipment to "disappear" & reach "Daesh," fires and sundry other "spontaneous" disasters need to occur at NATO bases in Turkey:
Huge fire breaks out near NATO base in Turkey
Quote:A massive fire has erupted near a NATO base in the Buca district of Izmir province in western Turkey. Authorities are investigating a possible act of sabotage, local media report.
The inferno started on Sunday evening on the border of the Sahintepe and Mevkiinde districts. The fire engulfed the grassy wooded area and is spreading closer to NATO's military base because of strong winds.
Expect more of the same in forthcoming weeks.
One of the strongest elements for the claim that Erdogan either engineered or prepared for the coup appears to reside in the existence of extensive purge lists predating the coup. I hasten to point out that the preparation of such lists is standard CIA planning & would make considerable sense if the Agency wanted to steer Erdogan against particular individuals, factions, & organisations. It would be of considerable interest to know who compiled these lists & when.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"
Joseph Fouche
Joseph Fouche